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Gno for Visual Studio Code

Welcome! 👋🏻
The VS Code Gno extension provides language support for the Gnolang and enhance your Gnolang development experience.


  • Install Go 1.21 or newer if you haven't already.

  • Install Gno and Gnokey.

  • Install Gnopls (See:

  • Install gofumpt

    go install
  • Install go-outline

    go install
  • Add Go bin to PATH

    e.g (For MacOS)

    • Open zsh shell configuration file
    nano ~/.zshrc
    • Add line given below
    export PATH="${PATH}:${GOPATH}/bin"
  • Update GNOROOT(path to gno repository clone) in the extension settings.

Feature highlights

  • [Syntax highlighting] - Syntax highlighting for Gno files
  • [Formatting] - Automatically apply gofumpt formatting on save
  • [Transpile] - Transpile uses gno. gno needs to be installed for this feature to work.
  • [Test] - Test *_test.gno and *_filetest.gno files. Uses gno and gno needs to be installed for this feature to work.
  • [Snippets] - Templates that make it easier to enter repeating code patterns, such as loops or conditional-statements.
  • [Code Lens] - Enables CodeLens for *_test.gno and *_filetest.gno files.
  • [Diagnostics] - Build and lint errors shown as you type or on save. Needs language server(gnopls) to be enabled.
  • [Mod Init] - Create gno.mod file.
  • [Publish Package] - Publish Gno package/realm to the chain. gnokey needs to be installed for this feature to work.
  • [Clean Generated Files] - Cleans generated Go(*.gno.gen.go) files.


We welcome your contributions and thank you for working to improve the Gnolang development experience in VS Code.
