Releases: henrivain/TesseractOcrMaui
Releases · henrivain/TesseractOcrMaui
Tesseract ocr Maui v1.2.0
Changes in TesseractOcrMaui v1.2.0
New Ocr Iterators give user better control:
- Access text layout information
- Easier access over text blocks like Line and Word
From issue #41 implement iterators to achieve better structure analysis from recognized text.
For more information
For more information about added iterators see added iterators
Tesseract ocr Maui v1.1.6
New in Tesseract ocr Maui v1.1.6
- Fixes character encoding problems with non ASCII characters #38
- Makes errors clearer by adding more explanatory exceptions
Tesseract ocr Maui v1.1.5
New in Tesseract Ocr Maui v1.1.5
- Fixes to ios (issue #32)
TesseractOcrMaui Gets Support For iOS
- Nuget package now supports iOS platform
- Closes issue #11
- All platforms now run Tesseract 5.3.3 or newer
New Runtimes
Platform | Architechture |
iOS emulator | x86_64 |
iOS emulator | Arm64 |
iOS physical device | Arm64 |
New contributor @sivanmg
Big thanks to Ivan Mendoza
for contributions towards iOS support!
Without help there wouldn't be iOS support for this package.
Tesseract Ocr Maui v1.1.0
TesseractOcrMaui Gets Support For iOS
- Nuget package now supports iOS platform
- Closes issue #11
- All platforms now run Tesseract 5.3.3 or newer
New Runtimes
Platform | Architechture |
iOS emulator | x86_64 |
iOS emulator | Arm64 |
iOS physical device | Arm64 |
New contributor @sivanmg
Big thanks to Ivan Mendoza
for contributions towards iOS support!
Without help there wouldn't be iOS support for this package.
Tesseract ocr Maui v1.0.9
Add engine mode configuration to ITesseract
- Set which engine tesseract should use by providing
- Closes issue #22
interface ITessearct
/// <summary>
/// Engine mode Tesseract should use, for example lstm or tesseract
/// </summary>
EngineMode EngineMode { get; set; }
Updated Windows and Android libraries to use tesseract 5.3.3
Tesseract ocr Maui v1.0.8
Add engine configuration property (issue #16) to ITesseract
Example of configuration
ITesseract tesseract = GetTesseract(); // This represents some way of getting ITesseract object, for example DI
tesseract.EngineConfiguration = (engine) =>
// Engine uses DefaultSegmentationMode, if no other is passed as method parameter.
// If ITesseract is injected to page, this is only way of setting PageSegmentationMode.
// PageSegmentationMode defines how ocr tries to look for text, for example singe character or single word.
// By default uses PageSegmentationMode.Auto.
engine.DefaultSegmentationMode = TesseractOcrMaui.Enums.PageSegmentationMode.Auto;
engine.SetCharacterWhitelist("abcdefgh"); // These characters ocr is looking for
engine.SetCharacterBlacklist("abc"); // These characters ocr is not looking for
// Now ocr should be only finding characters 'defgh'
- Bug fixes
- Issue #17 limitation is better represented when jpeg image is loaded as byte[] in Android physical device
Tesseract ocr Maui v1.0.7
Add new API methods to process images as
- byte array
- Leptonica Pix image
Fix traineddata files always to be downloaded, even if they where already ready
Bug fixes
Tesseract ocr Maui v1.0.6
- Fix dlls not loading in Windows
- Change Tesseract.cs Api so that it can throw DllNotFoundException if dll are not loaded correctly
- Docs updated in code
Tesseract ocr Maui v1.0.4
- Support many languages passed as string where languages are separated with plus (+) symbol
- New Tesseract.cs constuctor to make working without dependecy injection easier
Tesseract ocr Maui v1.0.3
- Bindings for Tesseract
- Dependency injection support
- Windows support
- Android support
- Easy to use high-level ITesseract Api
Supported platforms
Platform | Architechture |
Windows | x86_64 |
Android | x86_64 |
Android | x86 |
Android | Arm64-v8a |
Android | Arm-v7a |