Tesseract ocr Maui v1.0.8
Add engine configuration property (issue #16) to ITesseract
Example of configuration
ITesseract tesseract = GetTesseract(); // This represents some way of getting ITesseract object, for example DI
tesseract.EngineConfiguration = (engine) =>
// Engine uses DefaultSegmentationMode, if no other is passed as method parameter.
// If ITesseract is injected to page, this is only way of setting PageSegmentationMode.
// PageSegmentationMode defines how ocr tries to look for text, for example singe character or single word.
// By default uses PageSegmentationMode.Auto.
engine.DefaultSegmentationMode = TesseractOcrMaui.Enums.PageSegmentationMode.Auto;
engine.SetCharacterWhitelist("abcdefgh"); // These characters ocr is looking for
engine.SetCharacterBlacklist("abc"); // These characters ocr is not looking for
// Now ocr should be only finding characters 'defgh'
- Bug fixes
- Issue #17 limitation is better represented when jpeg image is loaded as byte[] in Android physical device