Releases: hslayers/hslayers-ng
Releases · hslayers/hslayers-ng
15.0.0-next.1 (2024-12-16)
Bug Fixes
- config: Query config - hitTolerance should not be compulsory (0dd21d6)
- filters: Pass global comparison into removeFilter instead of local (9848afa)
- styler: Emit change from hs-filter (05fb303)
- query: Dimensions of ol-popup configurable via SCSS variables (03380b8)
- query: Indicate loading of feature info inside query panel (0904a2d)
Full Changelog: 15.0.0-next.0...15.0.0-next.1
15.0.0-next.0 (2024-12-05)
Bug Fixes
- add-data: After upload, load WMS as a single not as a a group (038fdbd)
- add-data: When no layer are defined for ArcGIS service use whole extent (f66b198)
- add-data: WMS sublayer extent parsing (b732d41)
- arcgis: Preserved layer status in case of concurrent layer loads from the same url (b5d1a11)
- compositions: Composition filter should always return array (a054f8c)
- compositions: Do not switch to LM automatically when loading WMTS or ArcGIS from composition (13ad665)
- compositions: Honour layer visibility defined in composition for ArcGIS. WMTS and WFS sources (13afc39)
- compositions: Parse layer opacity from composition (43c7461)
- config: Prioritize sidebarClosed over defaultPanel setting (23404fe)
- css: No bootstrap css generation (a34af31)
- draw: tmpDrawing layer not created properly (afcb316)
- filters: Comparison filter has got to update on filter change (4bcfaa4)
- filters: Few logic bugs (c0a699f)
- filters: If no filter is active, add-filter-button should not have any tab active (214062c)
- filters: Parse previously created filters (1754c51)
- IDW: Prevent infinite loop of text size adjustments (a6aa993)
- language: Delete dangling comma from JSON (74af8d8)
- layer-editor: WFS Filter shortcut should not be available in case wfs-filter panel is disabled (92e74bd)
- layerEditor: layerDimensionDefinitionChanges race conditions at init (129409f)
- layermanager: Gallery dialog import, template typo (0e47994)
- layermanager: It should not be possible to set folder for base layers (27e9e20)
- layermanager: Layer order (6c0db8e)
- layermanager: Open layerEditor via url param only in case mainpanel is Layermanager (4ca4988)
- layermanager: Reset layer editor state on layer type change (501e772)
- layermanager: Show sublayers if there are 2 or more options (83c7741)
- layermanager: takeUntilDestroyed as last operator (b13880b)
- layermanager: Update gallery editor layer title on change (05363fb)
- legend: For vector layers use legend title in SVG (4d2a41f)
- map-swipe: Swipe properties of layers not updating with layerManagerUpdates when mapSwipe panel is active (c3ed643), closes #5332
- map: EPSG:4087 definition (35c4290)
- overlay: Use correct injector (bdc65f9)
- query: Properly remove features from query (91beb2b)
- Replace logical OR with nullish coalescing when setting opacity (41b4030)
- save-map: Store sublayers in sublayers prop (eb8af73)
- sensors: Dialog positioning and width (920c570)
- share: Do not duplicate locationPath in url when deployed on non root path (8b994da)
- styler: Do not recreate rule obj on filter remove (d0a040e)
- styler: Pass currentLayer into filters component (dd5464e)
- test-app: Reintroduce custom pop-up widget (76479fc)
- wfs-filter: Add wildcard symbols to LIKE filter to match any value that contains a specific substring (c82aefc)
- wfs-filter: Correct initial value (0baf02d)
- wfs-filter: Don't query DescribeFeatureType multiple time for the same layer (a072db7)
- wfs-filter: Layer filter condition (eb09ee5)
- wfs-filter: Update layer when last filter is deleted (09b97e7)
- wfs-source: Provide injector to the non angular decorated wfs class (25c53ab)
- wms-t: Display proper date in YYYYMMDD format (212dd21)
- Add workflow for focused tests (cdef91f)
- common: Clipboard text component (e29bc8f)
- config: Allow configuration of query hitTolerance (e7e7768)
- config: defaultPanel conf param (596fe38)
- Create a wfs-filter component (b5aa8b4)
- filters: Allow filtering by presence or non presence of attribute value (c65be60)
- filters: Attribute selector component (4c26d62)
- filters: Minimal condition bounds for filter (149638d)
- gallery-editor: Create dialog component to render editor in there (8f01e8d)
- layer-editor: Open wfs filter from layer-editor with current layer selected (c02f20a)
- layout: Make sidebar height in mobile view configurable (ce6a647)
- layput: Register swipe gesture closing bottom panels on non hover devices (c5004d6)
- query: Dynamic info panel (5b5ec2d)
- styler: Configurable number of color map categories ([9b39785](9b39785f70af274a7ce484a1ca398...
14.1.0 (2024-07-29)
First minor release in the v14 series comes with several improvements and important bug fixes.
Bug Fixes
- add-data: WMS layer extent parsing (ba201a1)
- compositions: Composition current base map visibility (e2f0696)
- layermanager: Layer editor not visible with mainpanel other than LM (1a25042)
- layermanager: Close gallery mini menu on base visibility toggle (44499a8)
- layermanager: Do not update folders on removal of all layers. (045fbbe)
- layermanager: Safer clean folders catch block (dcf45c8)
- perf: Base64 encoded SVG icons (0ae4537)
- styler: File style load (e98b28b)
- styler: Load style from QML file for layman layer (084ce66)
- styler: Parse QML styles loaded via URL (2e07f3c)
- compositions: Store and parse ignoreExtent control in/from composition - for WMS layers (6b030ac)
- config: Add new Senslog config param - timeFormatConfigPath (e46e04d)
- layermanager: Add copy button to URL (6a58830)
- layermanager: Layer type switcher widget (fbaffe1)
- utils: Extent buffer (0f44b5c)
Full Changelog: 14.0.1...14.1.0
14.0.0 (2024-06-18)
After an unprecedented number of pre-releases there is finally an official version 14 of hslayers-ng. It comes once again with a big structural change as we move from single entrypoint to multiple secondary entrypoints. See below.
- Introducing secondary entry points, for better dead-code elimination. Individual logical components and services are now exported individually instead of one uniform export. This change shall significantly reduce the amount of data necessary to transfer at first load of any hslayers application, thus improving startup time and overall performance. However it requires a developer to change all imports from hslayers-ng library. E.g. what was before
import {HsEventBusService} from 'hslayers-ng';
import {HsEventBusService} from 'hslayers-ng/services/event-bus';
or analogously
import {HsConfig} from 'hslayers-ng';
import {HsConfig} from 'hslayers-ng/config';
- panelsEnabled options renamed
- query component (info panel) renamed to "query", info component (compositionLoadingProgress) renamed to "info" and configuration moved from panels to components
- cesium: Changed config parametres in hslayersCesiumConfig (see an updated wiki page for current values).
- Removed: terrain_provider, createWorldTerrainOptions, newTerrainProviderOptions,
- Renamed: terrain_providers to terrainLayers with extended structure,
- Added: cesiumGeocoder, cesiumFullscreenButton, cesiumBaseLayerPicker.
- The core service has been renamed to hslayers service.
- hslayers module is no longer exported via main entry point hslayers-ng, use hslayers-ng/core instead
- src folder has been renamed to core, update your imports accordingly
- Changed CSS and ASSETS location, update your import paths
Bug Fixes
- build: Dedupe package-lock (b1f1d1a)
- Modification and removal of features in uneditable layer (1ba816a)
- sensors: aggregations- minimum (020b180)
- styler: Set max dimensions for custom icon in select dialog (feb7753)
- test-app: Unify file names (f7ecdd0)
- trip-planner: Define structure of mapClicked event (76541fa)
- trip-planner: Fix panel header (917d3bc)
- access-rights: Do not make unnecessary get users requests (eaed003)
- access-rights: Do not override roles (1ed1461)
- cesium-test-app: 2.5D geojson url source path (05e8a01)
- cesium: Align style of cesium buttons (5c199a5)
- cesium: Set active property of visible terrain layer at init (2cff0c7)
- query: Add the highest priority to the function arg instead of the config value when creating new selector (a91862d)
- query: Set new selector (325fcbe)
- query: Trigger selector after subscription is ready (f83e37b)
- test-app: Assign panelWidth via ngOnInit() (308369f)
- test: Change location of access-rights test files based on new lib structure (7c9ba08)
- apps: Set publicPath automatically (17c3474)
- cesium-app: add missing imports (48415c9)
- cesium-app: globFunctions lookup (eef3c46)
- sidebar: Show sidebar labels if no mainpanel is selected (bdff168)
- Add missing standalone directive import (52458bf)
- add-data: Add-to-map should be hidden when trying to load raster without login (9604451)
- add-data: Both TiledWMS and ImageWMS should be available for WMS layers (09ca83e)
- add-data: Clustering of catalogue WFS layers (29d161b)
- add-data: Don't allow loading of features into internal layers (b9e9aa6)
- add-data: Doubled 'Uploading layer' label when loading shp (780ec18)
- cesium: Add missing Injectable, add GUI essentials (abb710f)
- cesium: Do not duplicate listeners on cesium toggle (6e76387)
- cesium: Make OSM layer visible from zoom=1 (483e3cb), closes #4750
- cesium: Reflect terrainLayers rename (f853201)
- cesium: Set layer visibility on Cesium init (d48ea9f), closes #4048
- cesium: Sync also layers with KML source (4ee9c2b)
- Close tag in add-data - merge mistake (73d5201)
- Construct basemap name from array (45827d5)
- Correctly identify hs-layout element during ngOnInit (2f35873)
- Dialog container component (9454232)
- Disable 'Save current map' button when Save map panel is not enabled (20de4a7)
- Do not reset layerLoadingProgress.pending to 0 (bcb73f6)
- Don't react to current layer deselection (e807321)
- Import layer table into modules (0f5b7ea)
- layer-editor: Wrong position of layer-editor after styler is closed (7110b1e)
- layermanager: Basemap in panel loading progress (6a14b36)
- layerManager: Layer list item alignment (0194d65)
- map-swipe: Resolve layerManagerUpdates in batch once map-swipe is enabled (9163f91), closes #4768
- Minisidebar visibility (7eca3dd)
- Panel header tab change not reflected when done programmatically (b3969e2)
- Panel-header viewChild value race condition (252b306)
- prebuild (2ee1249)
- Preserve composition layer order - in terms of z-index ([f402e90](
14.0.0-next.5 (2024-06-18)
Actual upgrade to Angular 18
Bug Fixes
- build: Dedupe package-lock (b1f1d1a)
Full Changelog: 14.0.0-next.4...14.0.0-next.5
14.0.0-next.4 (2024-06-12)
Bug Fixes
- Modification and removal of features in uneditable layer (1ba816a)
- sensors: aggregations- minimum (020b180)
- styler: Set max dimensions for custom icon in select dialog (feb7753)
- test-app: Unify file names (f7ecdd0)
- trip-planner: Define structure of mapClicked event (76541fa)
- trip-planner: Fix panel header (917d3bc)
- legend: Allow to display custom icons in legend (607fd47)
- legend: Expose legendCategories property on source (03e862d)
- sensors: Add chart loading indicator (448420e)
- sensors: Unit and sensors filtering via config (810612d)
- trip-planner: Allow to select different route profile (3963e7f)
- trip-planner: Enhance error messages (85e9fe5)
Performance Improvements
- sensors: Debounce vega embed executions (102eaa2)
- sensors: Reduce data volume sent to vega embed (1ef9955)
Full Changelog: 14.0.0-next.3...14.0.0-next.4
14.0.0-next.3 (2024-05-13)
Bug Fixes
- access-rights: Do not make unnecessary get users requests (eaed003)
- access-rights: Do not override roles (1ed1461)
- cesium-test-app: 2.5D geojson url source path (05e8a01)
- cesium: Align style of cesium buttons (5c199a5)
- cesium: Set active property of visible terrain layer at init (2cff0c7)
- query: Add the highest priority to the function arg instead of the config value when creating new selector (a91862d)
- query: Set new selector (325fcbe)
- query: Trigger selector after subscription is ready (f83e37b)
- test-app: Assign panelWidth via ngOnInit() (308369f)
- test: Change location of access-rights test files based on new lib structure (7c9ba08)
Code Refactoring
- Move css and assets out of the src folder (9f38f37)
- refactor!: Rename core service to hslayers service (9dd58fa)
- refactor!: Expose hslayers library via secondary entry points only (1bac393)
- refactor!: Rename src to core and move core service out of the services (c67b0f8)
- access-rights: Allow access rights to be reset to the initial value (377c977)
- access-rights: Per role tab (83d0ed5)
- cesium: Disable terrains in LM when 2D view active (a99f8d2)
- config: Add style property to query config allowing to set default style for selected features (b4e9049)
- layer-editor: Add warning about missing base widget execution of ngOnInit lifecycle method (9d42b0b)
- layer-manager: Folder widget & folders reactivity (ba8faff)
- The core service has been renamed to hslayers service.
- hslayers module is no longer exported via main entry point hslayers-ng, use hslayers-ng/core instead
- src folder has been renamed to core, update your imports accordingly
- Changed CSS and ASSETS location, update your import paths
Full Changelog: 13.2.1...14.0.0-next.3
14.0.0-next.1 (2024-04-11)
Bug Fixes
- apps: Set publicPath automatically (17c3474)
- cesium-app: add missing imports (48415c9)
- cesium-app: globFunctions lookup (eef3c46)
- sidebar: Show sidebar labels if no mainpanel is selected (bdff168)
Full Changelog: 14.0.0-next.0...14.0.0-next.1
14.0.0-next.0 (2024-03-25)
- Introducing secondary entry points, for better dead-code elimination. Individual logical components and services are now exported individually instead of one uniform export. This change shall significantly reduce the amount of data necessary to transfer at first load of any hslayers application, thus improving startup time and overall performance. However it requires a developer to change all imports from hslayers-ng library. E.g. what was before
import {HsEventBusService} from 'hslayers-ng';
import {HsEventBusService} from 'hslayers-ng/services/event-bus';
or analogously
import {HsConfig} from 'hslayers-ng';
import {HsConfig} from 'hslayers-ng/config';
- panelsEnabled options renamed
- query component (info panel) renamed to "query", info component (compositionLoadingProgress) renamed to "info" and configuration moved from panels to components
Bug Fixes
- Add missing standalone directive import (52458bf)
- add-data: Add-to-map should be hidden when trying to load raster without login (9604451)
- add-data: Both TiledWMS and ImageWMS should be available for WMS layers (09ca83e)
- add-data: Clustering of catalogue WFS layers (29d161b)
- add-data: Don't allow loading of features into internal layers (b9e9aa6)
- add-data: Doubled 'Uploading layer' label when loading shp (780ec18)
- cesium: Add missing Injectable, add GUI essentials (abb710f)
- cesium: Do not duplicate listeners on cesium toggle (6e76387)
- cesium: Make OSM layer visible from zoom=1 (483e3cb), closes #4750
- cesium: Reflect terrainLayers rename (f853201)
- cesium: Set layer visibility on Cesium init (d48ea9f), closes #4048
- cesium: Sync also layers with KML source (4ee9c2b)
- Close tag in add-data - merge mistake (73d5201)
- Construct basemap name from array (45827d5)
- Correctly identify hs-layout element during ngOnInit (2f35873)
- Dialog container component (9454232)
- Disable 'Save current map' button when Save map panel is not enabled (20de4a7)
- Do not reset layerLoadingProgress.pending to 0 (bcb73f6)
- Don't react to current layer deselection (e807321)
- Import layer table into modules (0f5b7ea)
- layer-editor: Wrong position of layer-editor after styler is closed (7110b1e)
- layermanager: Basemap in panel loading progress (6a14b36)
- layerManager: Layer list item alignment (0194d65)
- map-swipe: Resolve layerManagerUpdates in batch once map-swipe is enabled (9163f91), closes #4768
- Minisidebar visibility (7eca3dd)
- Panel header tab change not reflected when done programmatically (b3969e2)
- Panel-header viewChild value race condition (252b306)
- prebuild (2ee1249)
- Preserve composition layer order - in terms of z-index (f402e90), closes #4679
- print: Imprint not toggle-able (41ada28)
- Register popUp on map (e7cfc39)
- remove-layer-dialog: Removing single layer (840f8c5)
- remove-layer: Removing single layer from catalogue would delete all catalogue layers (6c094f2)
- sensors: Adjust to changes (884be40)
- sensors: Use new panel-header API (91bd9ff)
- sensors: v14 sensor updates (6864c3f)
- Set group property in details component to not interfere with loading of service without layer (1a5a394)
- Set permissions success callback (297ea26)
- Set permissions success callback (2dbdd92)
- Shared imports (571f8c7)
- sparql: Remove duplicate loadCounter (aac00d6)
- Style and test-app imports (426bb9a)
- styler: Extend custom types with OL's PatternDescriptor (23a72c6)
- styler: Symbolizer defaults (9038574)
- suspendEvents for init layers (9881750)
- types: Layer swipe side type export/import (88691e7)
- WFS services with high number of features not loading (2b19507)
- WMS metadata extent parsing (5dbec30)
Code Refactoring
- Align panel, component, folder and config names for panel components (842e238)
- GUI components visibility (e315647)
- Add map eventhandlerset event (84f1311)
- Add missing ng-package files (88bfb06)
- add-data: Remove catalogue layers via panel-header buttons (24f8387)
- cesium-test-app: Add glTF model (9fedd67)
- cesium-test-app: Add KML source example (470df77)
- cesium: Allow display 3D GeoJSON (79db24b), closes #4757
- **...