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hughjackson edited this page Apr 10, 2021 · 13 revisions

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Large missing features

  • Memories
  • External registers

Property Support Status

Please update the property support table as follows:

  • Y - support is in
    • RHS - only on RHS assignment
    • LHS - only on LHS assignment
  • NA - Not applicable for this generator
  • FR - Feature Request
Name Components Type Category Support Description
accesswidth reg longint unsigned none Specifies the minimum software access width operation that may be performed on the register.
activehigh signal boolean none Signal is active high (state of 1 means ON).
activelow signal boolean none Signal is active low (state of 0 means ON).
addressing addrmap addressingtype none Specifies how component addresses are to be inferred if not explicitly defined.
alignment addrmap, regfile longint unsigned none Specifies alignment of all instantiated components in the associated register file or address map.
anded field boolean hw access Y Indicates an output signal shall be generated. Logical AND of all bits in field.
async signal boolean none Signal is asynchronous to the clock of the component.
bigendian addrmap boolean none Uses big-endian architecture in the address map.
bridge addrmap boolean none Defines the parent address map as being a bridge. This shall only be applied to the root address map which contains the different views of the sub address maps.
constraint_disable constraint boolean none Specifies whether to disable or enable constraints.
counter field boolean counter Y Field implemented as a counter.
cpuif_reset signal boolean none Default signal to use for resetting the software interface logic. If cpuif_reset is not defined, this reverts to the default reset signal. This parameter only controls the CPU interface of a generated slave.
decr field instance reference counter Y References the counter's decrement signal. Use to actually decrement the counter, i.e, the actual counter decrement is controlled by another component or signal (active high).
decrsaturate field boolean, bit, instance reference counter Y Indicates the counter saturates in the decrementing direction.
decrthreshold field boolean, bit, instance reference counter Y Indicates the counter has a threshold in the decrementing direction.
decrvalue field bit, instance reference counter Y Decrement counter by specified value.
decrwidth field longint unsigned counter Y Width of the interface to hardware to control decrementing the counter externally.
desc ALL string doc NA Describes the component's purpose.
dontcompare field boolean, bit verif NA Indicates the components read data shall be discarded and not compared against expected results.
dontcompare addrmap, reg, regfile boolean none NA Indicates the components read data shall be discarded and not compared against expected results.
donttest field boolean, bit verif NA Indicates the component should not be included in structural testing.
donttest addrmap, reg, regfile boolean none NA Indicates the component should not be included in structural testing.
enable field instance reference interrupt Y Defines an interrupt enable (the inverse of mask); i.e., which bits in an interrupt field are used to assert an interrupt.
encode field enum type reference misc Binds an enumeration to a field.
errextbus addrmap, reg, regfile boolean none The associated register, external regfile, or external addrmap has error input.
field_reset signal boolean none Default signal to use for resetting field implementations. If field_reset is not defined, this reverts to the default reset signal.
fieldwidth field longint unsigned hw access Y Determines the width of all instances of the field
haltenable field instance reference interrupt Defines a halt enable (the inverse of haltmask); i.e., which bits in an interrupt field are set to de-assert the halt out.
haltmask field instance reference interrupt Defines a halt mask (the inverse of haltenable); i.e., which bits in an interrupt field are set to assert the halt out.
hdl_path addrmap, reg, regfile string verif NA Assigns the RTL hdl_path.
hdl_path_gate addrmap, reg, regfile string verif NA Assigns the gate-level hdl_path.
hdl_path_gate_slice field, mem string[] verif NA Assigns a list of gate-level hdl_path.
hdl_path_slice field, mem string[] verif NA Assigns a list of RTL hdl_path.
hw field accesstype hw access Y Design's ability to sample/update a field.
hwclr field boolean, instance reference hw access Y Hardware clear.
hwenable field instance reference hw access Y Determines which bits may be updated after any write enables, hard- ware clears/sets or counter increment has been performed. Bits that are set to 1 will be updated.
hwmask field instance reference hw access Y Determines which bits may be updated after any write enables, hard- ware clears/sets or counter increment has been performed. Bits that are set to 1 will not be updated.
hwset field boolean, instance reference hw access Y Hardware set.
incr field instance reference counter Y References the counter's increment signal. Use to actually increment the counter, i.e, the actual counter increment is controlled by another component or signal (active high).
incrsaturate field boolean, bit, instance reference counter Y Indicates the counter saturates in the incrementing direction.
incrthreshold field boolean, bit, instance reference counter Y Indicates the counter has a threshold in the incrementing direction.
incrvalue field bit, instance reference counter Y Increment counter by specified value.
incrwidth field longint unsigned counter Y Width of the interface to hardware to control incrementing the counter externally.
intr field boolean interrupt Y Interrupt, part of interrupt logic for a register.
ispresent ALL boolean none Used to configure the activation of component instances. Setting ispresent to false causes the given component instance to be removed from the final specification.
littleendian addrmap boolean none Uses little-endian architecture in the address map.
lsb0 addrmap boolean none Specifies register bit-fields in an address map are defined as N:0 versus 0:N. This property affects all fields in an address map. This is the default.
mask field instance reference interrupt Y Defines an interrupt mask (the inverse of enable); i.e., which bits in an interrupt field are not used to assert an interrupt.
mementries mem longint unsigned none The number of memory entries.
memwidth mem longint unsigned none The memory entry bit width.
msb0 addrmap boolean none Specifies register bit-fields in an address map are defined as 0:N versus N:0. This property affects all fields in an address map.
name ALL string doc NA Specifies a more descriptive name
next field instance reference misc Y The next value of the field
onread field onreadtype sw access Y Read side-effect.
onwrite field onwritetype sw access Y Write side-effect.
ored field boolean hw access Y Indicates an output signal shall be generated. Logical OR of all bits in field.
overflow field boolean counter Y Indicates an output signal shall be generated. Asserted when counter overflows or wraps.
paritycheck field boolean misc Indicates whether this field is to be checked by parity.
precedence field precedencetype misc Controls whether precedence is granted to hardware (hw) or software (sw) when contention occurs.
rclr field boolean sw access Y Clear on read
regwidth reg longint unsigned none Specifies the bit-width of the register
reset field bit, instance reference misc Y The reset value for the field when resetsignal is asserted.
resetsignal field instance reference misc Reference to the signal used to reset the field
rset field boolean sw access Y Set on read
rsvdset addrmap boolean none The read value of all fields not explicitly defined is set to 1 if rsvdset is True; otherwise, it is set to 0.
rsvdsetX addrmap boolean none The read value of all fields not explicitly defined is unknown if rsvdsetX is True.
saturate field boolean, bit, instance reference counter Y This is an alias of incrsaturate.
shared reg boolean none Defines a register as being shared in different address maps.
sharedextbus addrmap, regfile boolean none Forces all external registers to share a common bus.
signalwidth signal longint unsigned none Width of the signal.
singlepulse field boolean sw access Y The field asserts for one cycle when written 1 and then clears back to 0 on the next cycle. This creates a single-cycle pulse on the hardware interface.
sticky field boolean interrupt Y Defines the entire field as sticky; i.e., the value of the associated interrupt field shall be locked until cleared by software (write or clear on read).
stickybit field boolean interrupt Y Defines each bit in a field as sticky (the default); i.e., the value of each bit in the associated interrupt field shall be locked until the individual bits are cleared by software (write or clear on read).
sw field, mem accesstype sw access Y Programmer's ability to read/write a field.
swacc field boolean sw access Y Indicates an output signal shall be generated. Assert when field is software accessed.
swmod field boolean sw access Y Indicates an output signal shall be generated. Assert when field is modified by software (written or read with a set or clear side effect).
swwe field boolean, bit, instance reference sw access Y Software write-enable. active high.
swwel field boolean, bit, instance reference sw access Y Software write-enable. active low.
sync signal boolean none Signal is synchronous to the clock of the component.
threshold field boolean, bit, instance reference counter Y This is an alias of incrthreshold.
underflow field boolean counter Y Indicates an output signal shall be generated. Asserted when counter underflows or wraps.
we field boolean, instance reference hw access Y Write-enable (active high).
wel field boolean, instance reference hw access Y Write-enable (active low).
woclr field boolean sw access Y Write one to clear
woset field boolean sw access Y Write one to set
xored field boolean hw access Y Indicates an output signal shall be generated. Logical XOR of all bits in field.
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