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Module 0x1::VASP

A VASP is one type of balance-holding account on the blockchain. VASPs from a two-layer hierarchy. The main account, called a "parent VASP" and a collection of "child VASP"s. This module provides functions to manage VASP accounts.

Resource ParentVASP

Each VASP has a unique root account that holds a ParentVASP resource. This resource holds the VASP's globally unique name and all of the metadata that other VASPs need to perform off-chain protocols with this one.

resource struct ParentVASP
num_children: u64
Number of child accounts this parent has created.

Resource ChildVASP

A resource that represents a child account of the parent VASP account at parent_vasp_addr

resource struct ChildVASP
parent_vasp_addr: address


The creating account must be a Parent VASP account

const ENOT_A_PARENT_VASP: u64 = 3;

The account must be a Parent or Child VASP account

const ENOT_A_VASP: u64 = 2;

The ParentVASP or ChildVASP resources are not in the required state

const EPARENT_OR_CHILD_VASP: u64 = 0;

The creation of a new Child VASP account would exceed the number of children permitted for a VASP

const ETOO_MANY_CHILDREN: u64 = 1;

Maximum number of child accounts that can be created by a single ParentVASP

const MAX_CHILD_ACCOUNTS: u64 = 65536;

Function publish_parent_vasp_credential

Create a new ParentVASP resource under vasp Aborts if dr_account is not the diem root account, or if there is already a VASP (child or parent) at this account.

public fun publish_parent_vasp_credential(vasp: &signer, tc_account: &signer)
public fun publish_parent_vasp_credential(vasp: &signer, tc_account: &signer) {
    let vasp_addr = Signer::address_of(vasp);
    assert(!is_vasp(vasp_addr), Errors::already_published(EPARENT_OR_CHILD_VASP));
    move_to(vasp, ParentVASP { num_children: 0 });
include DiemTimestamp::AbortsIfNotOperating;
include Roles::AbortsIfNotTreasuryCompliance{account: tc_account};
include Roles::AbortsIfNotParentVasp{account: vasp};

let vasp_addr = Signer::spec_address_of(vasp);
aborts_if is_vasp(vasp_addr) with Errors::ALREADY_PUBLISHED;
include PublishParentVASPEnsures{vasp_addr: vasp_addr};

schema PublishParentVASPEnsures {
    vasp_addr: address;
    ensures is_parent(vasp_addr);
    ensures spec_num_children(vasp_addr) == 0;

Function publish_child_vasp_credential

Create a child VASP resource for the parent Aborts if parent is not a ParentVASP

public fun publish_child_vasp_credential(parent: &signer, child: &signer)
public fun publish_child_vasp_credential(
    parent: &signer,
    child: &signer,
) acquires ParentVASP {
    let child_vasp_addr = Signer::address_of(child);
    assert(!is_vasp(child_vasp_addr), Errors::already_published(EPARENT_OR_CHILD_VASP));
    let parent_vasp_addr = Signer::address_of(parent);
    assert(is_parent(parent_vasp_addr), Errors::invalid_argument(ENOT_A_PARENT_VASP));
    let num_children = &mut borrow_global_mut<ParentVASP>(parent_vasp_addr).num_children;
    // Abort if creating this child account would put the parent VASP over the limit
    assert(*num_children < MAX_CHILD_ACCOUNTS, Errors::limit_exceeded(ETOO_MANY_CHILDREN));
    *num_children = *num_children + 1;
    move_to(child, ChildVASP { parent_vasp_addr });

let child_addr = Signer::spec_address_of(child);
include PublishChildVASPAbortsIf{child_addr};
include Roles::AbortsIfNotChildVasp{account: child_addr};
include PublishChildVASPEnsures{parent_addr: Signer::spec_address_of(parent), child_addr: child_addr};

schema PublishChildVASPAbortsIf {
    parent: signer;
    child_addr: address;
    let parent_addr = Signer::spec_address_of(parent);
    include Roles::AbortsIfNotParentVasp{account: parent};
    aborts_if is_vasp(child_addr) with Errors::ALREADY_PUBLISHED;
    aborts_if !is_parent(parent_addr) with Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
    aborts_if spec_num_children(parent_addr) + 1 > MAX_CHILD_ACCOUNTS with Errors::LIMIT_EXCEEDED;

schema PublishChildVASPEnsures {
    parent_addr: address;
    child_addr: address;
    ensures spec_num_children(parent_addr) == old(spec_num_children(parent_addr)) + 1;
    ensures is_child(child_addr);
    ensures spec_parent_address(child_addr) == parent_addr;

Function has_account_limits

Return true if addr is a parent or child VASP whose parent VASP account contains an AccountLimits<CoinType> resource. Aborts if addr is not a VASP

public fun has_account_limits<CoinType>(addr: address): bool
public fun has_account_limits<CoinType>(addr: address): bool acquires ChildVASP {

Function parent_address

Return addr if addr is a ParentVASP or its parent's address if it is a ChildVASP Aborts otherwise

public fun parent_address(addr: address): address
public fun parent_address(addr: address): address acquires ChildVASP {
    if (is_parent(addr)) {
    } else if (is_child(addr)) {
    } else { // wrong account type, abort
pragma opaque;
aborts_if !is_parent(addr) && !is_child(addr) with Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENT;
ensures result == spec_parent_address(addr);

Spec version of Self::parent_address.

define spec_parent_address(addr: address): address {
    if (is_parent(addr)) {
    } else {

define spec_has_account_limits<Token>(addr: address): bool {

Function is_parent

Returns true if addr is a parent VASP.

public fun is_parent(addr: address): bool
public fun is_parent(addr: address): bool {
pragma opaque = true;
aborts_if false;
ensures result == is_parent(addr);

Function is_child

Returns true if addr is a child VASP.

public fun is_child(addr: address): bool
public fun is_child(addr: address): bool {
pragma opaque = true;
aborts_if false;
ensures result == is_child(addr);

Function is_vasp

Returns true if addr is a VASP.

public fun is_vasp(addr: address): bool
public fun is_vasp(addr: address): bool {
    is_parent(addr) || is_child(addr)
pragma opaque = true;
aborts_if false;
ensures result == is_vasp(addr);

schema AbortsIfNotVASP {
    addr: address;
    aborts_if !is_vasp(addr);

Function is_same_vasp

Returns true if both addresses are VASPs and they have the same parent address.

public fun is_same_vasp(addr1: address, addr2: address): bool
public fun is_same_vasp(addr1: address, addr2: address): bool acquires ChildVASP {
    is_vasp(addr1) && is_vasp(addr2) && parent_address(addr1) == parent_address(addr2)
pragma opaque = true;
aborts_if false;
ensures result == spec_is_same_vasp(addr1, addr2);

Spec version of Self::is_same_vasp.

define spec_is_same_vasp(addr1: address, addr2: address): bool {
   is_vasp(addr1) && is_vasp(addr2) && spec_parent_address(addr1) == spec_parent_address(addr2)

Function num_children

If addr is the address of a ParentVASP, return the number of children. If it is the address of a ChildVASP, return the number of children of the parent. The total number of accounts for this VASP is num_children() + 1 Aborts if addr is not a ParentVASP or ChildVASP account

public fun num_children(addr: address): u64
public fun num_children(addr: address): u64  acquires ChildVASP, ParentVASP {
    // If parent VASP succeeds, the parent is guaranteed to exist.
aborts_if !is_vasp(addr) with Errors::INVALID_ARGUMENT;

Spec version of Self::num_children.

define spec_num_children(parent: address): u64 {

Module Specification

Persistence of parent and child VASPs

invariant update [global] forall addr: address where old(is_parent(addr)):
invariant update [global] forall addr: address where old(is_child(addr)):

Existence of Parents

invariant [global]
    forall child_addr: address where is_child(child_addr):

Creation of Child VASPs

Only a parent VASP calling Self::publish_child_vasp_credential can create child VASPs.

apply ChildVASPsDontChange to *<T>, * except publish_child_vasp_credential;

The number of children of a parent VASP can only changed by adding a child through Self::publish_child_vast_credential.

apply NumChildrenRemainsSame to * except publish_child_vasp_credential;

A ChildVASP resource is at an address if and only if it was there in the previous state.

schema ChildVASPsDontChange {
    ensures forall a: address : exists<ChildVASP>(a) == old(exists<ChildVASP>(a));

schema NumChildrenRemainsSame {
    ensures forall parent: address
        where old(is_parent(parent)):
            spec_num_children(parent) == old(spec_num_children(parent));

Immutability of Parent Address

The parent address stored at ChildVASP resource never changes.

invariant update [global]
    forall a: address where old(is_child(a)): spec_parent_address(a) == old(spec_parent_address(a));