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Create Different Relationships

quincywiele edited this page Feb 6, 2020 · 2 revisions

Connections in Uwazi link two pieces of information in your collection. It could link a paragraph in one document to a separate document or a word to an entity.

To name your connections;

  1. Click Settings
  2. Click on Relationship Types: Add the type of connections. Once you have named them, you can begin to create connections.

Connect properties in two different templates

Uwazi uses a relationship field in templates. This has some clear advantages like

  1. The allowed targeted entities can be used to ensure only connections to one type of template can be made
  • For example: We have a type “country” and we want to add that property to another type- a person. By specifying the select list “Country”, your users will only be able to use country for this field.
  • A relationship type can be defined as well now.

Relationship fields will now behave as a regular multiselect while at the same time, create particular relationships that will be displayed like this:

You can configure your relationship fields for existing sets of connections to be displayed as a multiselect field like this:

These connections were added as they were signatories of a document.

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