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Releases: iNavFlight/inav

INAV 3.0.0

15 May 17:36
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INAV 3.0.0 Pre-release

Hello and welcome to INAV 3.0.0 Release!

Please carefully read all of this document for the best possible experience and safety.

Get in touch with other pilots, share experiences, suggestions and ask for help on:

INAV Official on Telegram
INAV Official on Facebook

Please continue to support developers, for free, by checking out from the following stores after having clicked on the following links:

Support us on Banggood

Your contribution from the past month has been very welcome! Thanks!

Tested and suggested hardware can be found here

Important Notes

F3 Removal

STM32 F3 flight controllers like Omnibus F3 or SP Racing F3 are no longer supported in INAV. If you are still using F3 boards, please migrate to F4 or F7.

The supporting code will be retained for a few more releases, but will not be maintained and is not guaranteed to build or work properly in the future.


There are now separate adjustments for D and CD/FF gains. This breaks compatibility with diffs from previous releases. Check the adjustments tab in the configurator after restoring a diff to makes sure they are set up correctly.

Font update required

The OSD fonts have been improved (@Jettrel) and there are several new symbols. A font file update is required to use the new symbols and avoid an invalid font warning. Upload the updated font of your choosing from the OSD tab.

Upgrading from previous releases

We suggest NOT to do a full diff or dump upgrade. To get the best performance set up your aircraft from scratch. You can copy osd, aux, serial, and mixer settings, as well as accelerometer and magnetometer calibration values from INAV 2.6, but other settings should be tuned again.

Upgrading from 2.6, 2.6.1

  1. Download and install the new configurator
  2. Save to a file the current diff all from the CLI.
  3. Upgrade to INAV 3.0 using the Full Erase option in the configurator.
  4. Upload your OSD font of choice from the OSD tab.
  5. Go to the CLI again and paste the above-described contents from the file you previously created and write save , press ENTER.
  6. There are a large number of new, changed and removed settings. Check carefully that the settings are correct and fix any unrecognised or out-of-range items from the saved configuration.
  7. You should be ready, explore new 3.0 features and enjoy!

Upgrading from 2.5 or older version

Please follow the instructions on this page.

New targets:

  • Diatone MambaF405US_I2C
  • FLYWOOF411_V2
  • Mamba F722_I2C


New commands

Setting Description
imu2 Display current status of the Secondary IMU
imu2 fetch Get calibration data from the Secondary IMU
pid Configure general purpose PID controllers. Refer to docs

Changed Settings

Setting Description
blackbox_device Default: target
log_level Default: ERROR
nav_overrides_motor_stop When set to OFF the navigation system will not take over the control of the motor if the throttle is low (motor will stop). When set to OFF_ALWAYS the navigation system will not take over the control of the motor if the throttle was low even when failsafe is triggered. When set to AUTO_ONLY the navigation system will only take over the control of the throttle in autonomous navigation modes (NAV WP and NAV RTH). When set to ALL_NAV (default) the navigation system will take over the control of the motor completely and never allow the motor to stop even when the throttle is low. This setting only has an effect on NAV modes which take control of the throttle when combined with MOTOR_STOP and is likely to cause a stall if fw_min_throttle_down_pitch isn't set correctly or the pitch estimation is wrong for fixed wing models when not set to ALL_NAV
nav_rth_climb_first New: ON_FW_SPIRAL
platform_type Default: MULTIROTOR
receiver_type Default: target
rssi_source Default: AUTO

New Settings

Setting Description
dji_speed_source Sets the speed type displayed by the DJI OSD: GROUND, 3D, AIR Default: GROUND
dshot_beeper_enabled Whether using DShot motors as beepers is enabled Default: TRUE
dshot_beeper_tone Sets the DShot beeper tone Values: 1 - 5 Default: 1
fw_d_pitch Fixed wing rate stabilisation D-gain for PITCH Default: 0
fw_d_roll Fixed wing rate stabilisation D-gain for ROLL Default: 0
fw_d_yaw Fixed wing rate stabilisation D-gain for YAW Default: 0
fw_level_pitch_trim Pitch trim for self-leveling flight modes. In degrees. +5 means airplane nose should be raised 5 deg from level Values: -10 - 10 Default: 0
fw_yaw_iterm_freeze_bank_angle Yaw Iterm is frozen when bank angle is above this threshold [degrees]. This solves the problem of the rudder counteracting turns by partially disabling yaw stabilization when making banked turns. Setting to 0 (the default) disables this feature. Only applies when autopilot is not active and TURN ASSIST is disabled. Values: 0 - 90 Default: 0
gyro_abg_alpha Alpha factor for Gyro Alpha-Beta-Gamma filter Values: 0 - 1 Default: 0
gyro_abg_boost Boost factor for Gyro Alpha-Beta-Gamma filter Values: 0 - 2 Default: 0.35
gyro_abg_half_life Sample half-life for Gyro Alpha-Beta-Gamma filter Values: 0 - 10 Default: 0.5
gyro_anti_aliasing_lpf_hz Gyro processing anti-aliasing filter cutoff frequency. In normal operation this filter setting should never be changed. In Hz Values: 0 - 255 Default: 250
gyro_anti_aliasing_lpf_type Specifies the type of the software LPF of the gyro signals. Default: PT1
gyro_dyn_lpf_curve_expo Expo value for the throttle-to-frequency mapping for Dynamic LPF Values: 1 - 10 Default: 5
gyro_dyn_lpf_max_hz Maximum frequency of the gyro Dynamic LPF Values: 40 - 1000 Default: 500
gyro_dyn_lpf_min_hz Minimum frequency of the gyro Dynamic LPF Values: 40 - 400 Default: 200
gyro_main_lpf_hz Software based gyro main lowpass filter. Value is cutoff frequency (Hz) Values: 0 - 500 Default: 60
gyro_main_lpf_type Defines the type of the main gyro LPF filter. Possible values: PT1, BIQUAD. PT1 offers faster filter response while BIQUAD better attenuation. Default: BIQUAD
gyro_use_dyn_lpf Use Dynamic LPF instead of static gyro stage1 LPF. Dynamic Gyro LPF updates gyro LPF based on the throttle position. Default: FALSE
imu2_align_pitch Pitch alignment for Secondary IMU. 1/10 of a degree Values: -1800 - 3600 Default: 0
imu2_align_roll Roll alignment for Secondary IMU. 1/10 of a degree Values: -1800 - 3600 Default: 0
imu2_align_yaw Yaw alignment for Secondary IMU. 1/10 of a degree Values: -1800 - 3600 Default: 0
imu2_gain_acc_x Secondary IMU ACC calibration data Values: -32768 - 32767 Default: 0
imu2_gain_acc_y Secondary IMU ACC calibration data Values: -32768 - 32767 Default: 0
imu2_gain_acc_z Secondary IMU ACC calibration data Values: -32768 - 32767 Default: 0
imu2_gain_mag_x Secondary IMU MAG calibration data Values: -32768 - 32767 Default: 0
imu2_gain_mag_y Secondary IMU MAG calibration data Values: -32768 - 32767 Default: 0
imu2_gain_mag_z Secondary IMU MAG calibration data Values: -32768 - 32767 Default: 0
imu2_hardware Selection of a Secondary IMU hardware type. NONE disables this functionality Default: NONE, values NONE, BNO055, BNO055_SERIAL
imu2_radius_acc Secondary IMU MAG calibration data Values: -32768 - 32767 Default: 0
imu2_radius_mag Secondary IMU MAG calibration data Values: -32768 - 32767 Default: 0
imu2_use_for_osd_ahi If set to ON, Secondary IMU data will be used for Analog OSD Artificial Horizon Default: FALSE
imu2_use_for_osd_heading If set to ON, Secondary IMU data will be used for Analog OSD heading Default: FALSE
imu2_use_for_stabilized If set to ON, Secondary IMU data will be used for Angle, Horizon and all other modes that control attitude (PosHold, WP, RTH) Default: FALSE
mavlink_version Version of MAVLink to use Values: 1 - 2 Default: 2
nav_land_maxalt_vspd Vertical descent velocity above nav_land_slowdown_maxalt during the RTH landing phase. [cm/s] Values: 100 - 2000 Default: 200
nav_land_minalt_vspd Vertical descent velocity under nav_land_slowdown_minalt during the RTH landing phase. [cm/s] Values: 50 - 500 Default: 50
nav_max_altitude Max allowed altitude (above Home Point) that applies to all NAV modes (including Altitude Hold). 0 means limit is disabled Values: 0 - 65000 Default: 0
nav_mc_wp_slowdown When ON, NAV engine will slow down when switching to the...
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INAV 2.6.1

23 Feb 16:40
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Hello and welcome to INAV 2.6.1 Release!

Please carefully read all of this document for the best possible experience and safety.

Get in touch with other pilots, share experiences, suggestions and ask for help on:

INAV Official on Telegram
INAV Official on Facebook

Please continue to support developers, for free, by checking out from the following stores after having clicked on the following links:

Support us on Banggood

Your contribution from the past month has been very welcome! Thanks!

Tested and suggested hardware can be found here

Important Notes

Compass has to be recalibrated. Do not import from previous INAV releases, even from 2.6.0

Do not migrate Multirotor PID and filter settings from previous releases of INAV. Use Multirotor default preset (3"-7") instead and make required changes on top of that

Upgrading from 2.5 or 2.6.0

  1. Download and install the new configurator
  2. Save to a file the current diff all from the CLI.
  3. Upgrade to INAV 2.6 using the Full Erase option in the configurator.
  4. Upload your OSD font of choice from the OSD tab.
  5. Go the CLI again and selectively paste the contents on the file you previously create and write save , press ENTER and done!
  • Do not copy Multirotor PIDs and filters; re-tuning from defaults is recommended.
  • Do not copy mag calibration; it is necessary to re-calibrate
  • Review all "Changed Settings" listed below
  • Delete any "Removed Settings" listed below
  • If in doubt, use the defaults and replace old settings in the configurator.
  1. You should be ready, explore new 2.6 features and enjoy!


Changed Settings

Setting Description
serial_rx New option added GHST
baro_median_filter Default set back to ON

New Settings

Setting Description
osd_home_position_arm_screen Show GPS position on Arming Screen. Default ON


Recommended hardware

Flight controllers

Airplane models


Long range radio systems

GPS & Sensors



You can get more suggestions following this link too.

INAV 2.6.0

04 Dec 19:10
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Hello and welcome to INAV 2.6.0 Release!

Please carefully read all of this document for the best possible experience and safety.

Get in touch with other pilots, share experiences, suggestions and ask for help on:

INAV Official on Telegram
INAV Official on Facebook

Please continue to support developers, for free, by checking out from the following stores after having clicked on the following links:

Support us on Banggood

Your contribution from the past month has been very welcome! Thanks!

Tested and suggested hardware can be found here

Important Notes

Compass has to be recalibrated. Do not import from previous INAV releases

Do not migrate Multirotor PID and filter settings from previous releases of INAV. Use Multirotor default preset (3"-7") instead and make required changes on top of that

F3 Deprecation

STM32 F3 flight controllers like Omnibus F3 or SP Racing F3 are deprecated and soon they will reach the end of support in INAV. If you are still using F3 boards, please migrate to F4 or F7.

INAV 2.6 will be the last release that supports F3-based boards. The supporting code will be retained for a few more releases, but will not be maintained and is not guarantee to build or work properly in future releases.


In INAV 2.6, Logic Conditions and Global Functions have merged. Due to this the Global Functions from INAV 2.5 and below will not be added through the diff upgrade path.

If you previously used Global Functions, we would recommend taking a screen grab of your Global Functions in 2.5 before updating. Then in 2.6, add the Global Functions after the Logic Conditions on this programming page.

Safehome replaces RTH offset distance and direction

A new feature safehome (see below) replaces nav_rth_home_offset_distance and nav_rth_home_offset_direction, offering a safer and much more flexible function. If you were using the nav_rth_home_offset_* settings, please migrate to safehomeas these settings are removed.

Upgrading from 2.5

  1. Download and install the new configurator
  2. Save to a file the current diff all from the CLI.
  3. Upgrade to INAV 2.6 using the Full Erase option in the configurator.
  4. Upload your OSD font of choice from the OSD tab.
  5. Go the CLI again and selectively paste the contents on the file you previously create and write save , press ENTER and done!
  • Do not copy Multirotor PIDs and filters; re-tuning from defaults is recommended.
  • Do not copy mag calibration; it is necessary to re-calibrate
  • Review all "Changed Settings" listed below
  • Delete any "Removed Settings" listed below
  • If in doubt, use the defaults and replace old settings in the configurator.
  1. You should be ready, explore new 2.6 features and enjoy!

Upgrading from 2.4 or older version

Please follow the instructions on this page.

New targets:


New commands

Command Description
safehome List of home locations, see and summary
bind_rx Initiate binding for RX_SPI or SRXL2 receivers

Changed Settings

Setting Description
mag_hardware New option added MSP
baro_hardware New options added DPS310 and MSP
pitot_hardware New options added MSP
serialrx_provider New options added FPORT2 and SRXL2
gps_provider New options added MSP
debug_mode New options added CD, KALMAN_GAIN, PID_MEASUREMENT, SPM_CELLS, SPM_VS600, SPM_VARIO, PCF8574
airmode_type New option added STICK_CENTER_ONCE
nav_overrides_motor_stop Modified values OFF_ALWAYS, OFF, AUTO_ONLY, ALL_NAV. When set OFF_ALWAYS the navigation system will not take over the control of the motor if the throttle is low (motor will stop). When set to OFF always the navigation system will not take over the control of the motor if the throttle was low even when failsafe is triggered. When set to AUTO_ONLY the navigation system will only take over the control of the throttle in autonomous navigation modes (NAV WP and NAV RTH). When set to ALL_NAV (default) the navigation system will take over the control of the motor completely and never allow the motor to stop even when the throttle is low. This setting only has an effect combined with MOTOR_STOP and is likely to cause a stall if fw_min_throttle_down_pitch isn't set correctly or the pitch estimation is wrong for fixed wing models when not set to ALL_NAV.
motor_pwm_protocol The default is now ONESHOT125 (previously STANDARD).

New Settings

Setting Description
gyro_notch_hz Replaces gyro_notch1_hz and gyro_notch2_hz
gyro_notch_cutoff Replaces gyro_notch1_cutoff and gyro_notch2_cutoff
maggain_x, maggain_y, maggain_z Calibrated values replacing fixed values. Compass re-calibration is required.
srxl2_unit_id Values 0 - 15, default 1
srxl2_baud_fast Values OFF, ON, default ON
mc_cd_pitch Multicopter Control Derivative gain for PITCH, values 0 - 200, default 60
mc_cd_roll Multicopter Control Derivative gain for ROLL, values 0 - 200, default 60
mc_cd_yaw Multicopter Control Derivative gain for YAW, values 0 - 200, default 60
fw_turn_assist_pitch_gain Gain required to keep constant pitch angle during coordinated turns (in TURN_ASSIST mode). Value significantly different from 1.0 indicates a problem with the airspeed calibration (if present) or value of fw_reference_airspeed parameter. Values 0 - 2, default 1
nav_mc_vel_xy_dterm_attenuation Maximum D-term attenution percentage for horizontal velocity PID controller (Multirotor). It allows to smooth the PosHold CRUISE, WP and RTH when Multirotor is traveling at full speed. Dterm is not attenuated at low speeds, breaking and accelerating. Values 0 - 100, default 90
nav_mc_vel_xy_dterm_attenuation_start A point (in percent of both target and current horizontal velocity) where nav_mc_vel_xy_dterm_attenuation begins. Values 0 - 100, default 10
nav_mc_vel_xy_dterm_attenuation_end A point (in percent of both target and current horizontal velocity) where nav_mc_vel_xy_dterm_attenuation reaches maximum. Values 0-100, default 60
mc_cd_lpf_hz Cutoff frequency for Control Derivative. Lower value smoother reaction on fast stick movements. With higher values, response will be more aggressive and jerky. Values 0 - 200, default 30
setpoint_kalman_enabled Enable Kalman filter on the PID controller setpoint. Values OFF, ON, default OFF
setpoint_kalman_q Quality factor of the setpoint Kalman filter. Higher values means less filtering and lower phase delay. On 3-7 inch multirotors can be usually increased to 200-300 or even higher on clean builds. Values 1 - 16000, default 100
setpoint_kalman_w Window size for the setpoint Kalman filter. Wider the window, more samples are used to compute variance. In general, wider window results in smoother filter response. Values 1 - 40, default 4
setpoint_kalman_sharpness Dynamic factor for the setpoint Kalman filter. In general, the higher the value, the more dynamic Kalman filter gets. Values 1 - 16000, default 100
inav_use_gps_no_baro Values OFF, ON, default OFF
nav_fw_pitch2thr_smoothing How smoothly the autopilot makes pitch to throttle correction inside a deadband defined by nav_fw_pitch2thr_threshold. Values 0 - 9, default 0
nav_fw_pitch2thr_threshold Threshold from average pitch where momentary pitch_to_throttle correction kicks in. [decidegrees]. Values 0 - 900, default 0
nav_fw_launch_end_time Time for the transition of throttle and pitch angle, between the launch state and the subsequent flight mode [ms]. Values 0 - 5000, default 2000
mavlink_extra3_rate Values 0 - 255, default 1
osd_snr_alarm Value below which Crossfire SNR Alarm pops-up. (dB). Values -12 - 8, default 4
osd_link_quality_alarm LQ % indicator blinks below this value. For Crossfire use 70%, for Tracer use 50%". Values 0 - 100, default 70
osd_crsf_lq_format OSD display format for CRSF LQ. Values TYPE1 or TYPE2
osd_force_grid Force OSD to work in grid mode even if the OSD device supports pixel level access (mainly used for development). Default OFF
osd_ahi_bordered Shows a border/corners around the AHI region (pixel OSD only). Default OFF
osd_ahi_width A...
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INAV 2.6.0 RC3

21 Nov 09:37
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INAV 2.6.0 RC3 Pre-release

Hello and welcome to INAV 2.6.0 Release Candidate 3!

Please carefully read all of this document for the best possible experience and safety.

Get in touch with other pilots, share experiences, suggestions and ask for help on:

INAV Official on Telegram
INAV Official on Facebook

Please continue to support developers, for free, by checking out from the following stores after having clicked on the following links:

Support us on Banggood

Your contribution from the past month has been very welcome! Thanks!

Tested and suggested hardware can be found here

Important Notes

Compass has to be recalibrated. Do not import from previous INAV releases

Do not migrate Multirotor PID and filter settings from previous releases of INAV. Use Multirotor default preset (3"-7") instead and make required changes on top of that

F3 Deprecation

STM32 F3 flight controllers like Omnibus F3 or SP Racing F3 are deprecated and soon they will reach the end of support in INAV. If you are still using F3 boards, please migrate to F4 or F7.

INAV 2.6 will be the last release that supports F3-based boards. The supporting code will be retained for a few more releases, but will not be maintained and is not guarantee to build or work properly in future releases.

Safehome replaces RTH offset distance and direction

A new feature safehome (see below) replaces nav_rth_home_offset_distance and nav_rth_home_offset_direction, offering a safer and much more flexible function. If you were using the nav_rth_home_offset_* settings, please migrate to safehomeas these settings are removed.

Upgrading from 2.5

  1. Download and install the new configurator
  2. Save to a file the current diff all from the CLI.
  3. Upgrade to INAV 2.5 using the Full Erase option in the configurator.
  4. Upload your OSD font of choice from the OSD tab.
  5. Go the CLI again and paste the contents on the file you previously create and write save , press ENTER and done!
  6. You should be ready, explore new 2.6 features and enjoy!

Upgrading from 2.4 or older version

Please follow the instructions on this page.

New targets:


New commands

Command Description
safehome List of home locations, see and summary
bind_rx Initiate binding for RX_SPI or SRXL2 receivers

Changed Settings

Setting Description
mag_hardware New option added MSP
baro_hardware New options added DPS310 and MSP
pitot_hardware New options added MSP
serialrx_provider New options added FPORT2 and SRXL2
gps_provider New options added MSP
debug_mode New options added CD, KALMAN_GAIN, PID_MEASUREMENT, SPM_CELLS, SPM_VS600, SPM_VARIO, PCF8574
airmode_type New option added STICK_CENTER_ONCE
nav_overrides_motor_stop Modified values OFF, AUTO_ONLY, ALL_NAV. When set OFF the navigation system will not take over the control of the motor if the throttle is low (motor will stop). When set to AUTO_ONLY the navigation system will only take over the control of the throttle in autonomous navigation modes (NAV WP and NAV RTH). When set to ALL_NAV (default) the navigation system will take over the control of the motor completely and never allow the motor to stop even when the throttle is low. This setting only has an effect combined with MOTOR_STOP and is likely to cause a stall if fw_min_throttle_down_pitch isn't set correctly or the pitch estimation is wrong for fixed wing models when not set to ALL_NAV.

New Settings

Setting Description
gyro_notch_hz Replaces gyro_notch1_hz and gyro_notch2_hz
gyro_notch_cutoff Replaces gyro_notch1_cutoff and gyro_notch2_cutoff
maggain_x, maggain_y, maggain_z Calibrated values replacing fixed values. Compass re-calibration is required.
srxl2_unit_id Values 0 - 15, default 1
srxl2_baud_fast Values OFF, ON, default ON
mc_cd_pitch Multicopter Control Derivative gain for PITCH, values 0 - 200, default 60
mc_cd_roll Multicopter Control Derivative gain for ROLL, values 0 - 200, default 60
mc_cd_yaw Multicopter Control Derivative gain for YAW, values 0 - 200, default 60
fw_turn_assist_pitch_gain Gain required to keep constant pitch angle during coordinated turns (in TURN_ASSIST mode). Value significantly different from 1.0 indicates a problem with the airspeed calibration (if present) or value of fw_reference_airspeed parameter. Values 0 - 2, default 1
nav_mc_vel_xy_dterm_attenuation Maximum D-term attenution percentage for horizontal velocity PID controller (Multirotor). It allows to smooth the PosHold CRUISE, WP and RTH when Multirotor is traveling at full speed. Dterm is not attenuated at low speeds, breaking and accelerating. Values 0 - 100, default 90
nav_mc_vel_xy_dterm_attenuation_start A point (in percent of both target and current horizontal velocity) where nav_mc_vel_xy_dterm_attenuation begins. Values 0 - 100, default 10
nav_mc_vel_xy_dterm_attenuation_end A point (in percent of both target and current horizontal velocity) where nav_mc_vel_xy_dterm_attenuation reaches maximum. Values 0-100, default 60
mc_cd_lpf_hz Cutoff frequency for Control Derivative. Lower value smoother reaction on fast stick movements. With higher values, response will be more aggressive and jerky. Values 0 - 200, default 30
setpoint_kalman_enabled Enable Kalman filter on the PID controller setpoint. Values OFF, ON, default OFF
setpoint_kalman_q Quality factor of the setpoint Kalman filter. Higher values means less filtering and lower phase delay. On 3-7 inch multirotors can be usually increased to 200-300 or even higher on clean builds. Values 1 - 16000, default 100
setpoint_kalman_w Window size for the setpoint Kalman filter. Wider the window, more samples are used to compute variance. In general, wider window results in smoother filter response. Values 1 - 40, default 4
setpoint_kalman_sharpness Dynamic factor for the setpoint Kalman filter. In general, the higher the value, the more dynamic Kalman filter gets. Values 1 - 16000, default 100
inav_use_gps_no_baro Values OFF, ON, default OFF
nav_fw_pitch2thr_smoothing How smoothly the autopilot makes pitch to throttle correction inside a deadband defined by nav_fw_pitch2thr_threshold. Values 0 - 9, default 0
nav_fw_pitch2thr_threshold Threshold from average pitch where momentary pitch_to_throttle correction kicks in. [decidegrees]. Values 0 - 900, default 0
nav_fw_launch_end_time Time for the transition of throttle and pitch angle, between the launch state and the subsequent flight mode [ms]. Values 0 - 5000, default 2000
mavlink_extra3_rate Values 0 - 255, default 1
osd_snr_alarm Value below which Crossfire SNR Alarm pops-up. (dB). Values -12 - 8, default 4
osd_link_quality_alarm LQ % indicator blinks below this value. For Crossfire use 70%, for Tracer use 50%". Values 0 - 100, default 70
osd_crsf_lq_format OSD display format for CRSF LQ. Values TYPE1 or TYPE2
osd_force_grid Force OSD to work in grid mode even if the OSD device supports pixel level access (mainly used for development). Default OFF
osd_ahi_bordered Shows a border/corners around the AHI region (pixel OSD only). Default OFF
osd_ahi_width AHI width in pixels (pixel OSD only). Values 0 - 255, default 132
osd_ahi_height AHI width in pixels (pixel OSD only). Values 0 - 255, default 162
osd_ahi_vertical_offset AHI vertical offset from center (pixel OSD only). Values -128 - 127, default 0
osd_sidebar_horizontal_offset Sidebar horizontal offset from default position. Positive values move the sidebars closer to the edges. Values -128 - 127, default 0
osd_left_sidebar_scroll_step How many units each sidebar step represents. 0 means the default value for the scroll type. Values 0 - 255, default 0
osd_right_sidebar_scroll_step How many units each sidebar step represents. 0 means the default value for the scroll type. Values 0 - 255, default 0
smartport_master_halfduplex Values OFF, ON, default ON
smartport_master_inverted Values OFF, ON, default OFF
dji_esc_temp_source Re-purpose the ESC temperature field for IMU/BARO temperature. Values ESC, `...
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INAV 2.6.0 RC2

17 Nov 12:47
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INAV 2.6.0 RC2 Pre-release

Hello and welcome to INAV 2.6.0 Release Candidate 2!

Please carefully read all of this document for the best possible experience and safety.

Get in touch with other pilots, share experiences, suggestions and ask for help on:

INAV Official on Telegram
INAV Official on Facebook

Please continue to support developers, for free, by checking out from the following stores after having clicked on the following links:

Support us on Banggood

Your contribution from the past month has been very welcome! Thanks!

Tested and suggested hardware can be found here

Important Notes

Compass has to be recalibrated. Do not import from previous INAV releases

Do not migrate Multirotor PID and filter settings from previous releases of INAV. Use Multirotor default preset (3"-7") instead and make required changes on top of that

F3 Deprecation

STM32 F3 flight controllers like Omnibus F3 or SP Racing F3 are deprecated and soon they will reach the end of support in INAV. If you are still using F3 boards, please migrate to F4 or F7.

INAV 2.6 will be the last release that supports F3-based boards. The supporting code will be retained for a few more releases, but will not be maintained and is not guarantee to build or work properly in future releases.

Safehome replaces RTH offset distance and direction

A new feature safehome (see below) replaces nav_rth_home_offset_distance and nav_rth_home_offset_direction, offering a safer and much more flexible function. If you were using the nav_rth_home_offset_* settings, please migrate to safehomeas these settings are removed.

Upgrading from 2.5

  1. Download and install the new configurator
  2. Save to a file the current diff all from the CLI.
  3. Upgrade to INAV 2.6 using the Full Erase option in the configurator.
  4. Upload your OSD font of choice from the OSD tab.
  5. Go the CLI again and paste the contents on the file you previously create and write save , press ENTER and done!
  6. You should be ready, explore new 2.6 features and enjoy!

Upgrading from 2.4 or older version

Please follow the instructions on this page.

New targets:


New commands

Command Description
safehome List of home locations, see and summary
bind_rx Initiate binding for RX_SPI or SRXL2 receivers

Changed Settings

Setting Description
mag_hardware New option added MSP
baro_hardware New options added DPS310 and MSP
pitot_hardware New options added MSP
serialrx_provider New options added FPORT2 and SRXL2
gps_provider New options added MSP
debug_mode New options added CD, KALMAN_GAIN, PID_MEASUREMENT, SPM_CELLS, SPM_VS600, SPM_VARIO, PCF8574
airmode_type New option added STICK_CENTER_ONCE
nav_overrides_motor_stop Modified values OFF, AUTO_ONLY, ALL_NAV. When set OFF the navigation system will not take over the control of the motor if the throttle is low (motor will stop). When set to AUTO_ONLY the navigation system will only take over the control of the throttle in autonomous navigation modes (NAV WP and NAV RTH). When set to ALL_NAV (default) the navigation system will take over the control of the motor completely and never allow the motor to stop even when the throttle is low. This setting only has an effect combined with MOTOR_STOP and is likely to cause a stall if fw_min_throttle_down_pitch isn't set correctly or the pitch estimation is wrong for fixed wing models when not set to ALL_NAV.

New Settings

Setting Description
gyro_notch_hz Replaces gyro_notch1_hz and gyro_notch2_hz
gyro_notch_cutoff Replaces gyro_notch1_cutoff and gyro_notch2_cutoff
maggain_x, maggain_y, maggain_z Calibrated values replacing fixed values. Compass re-calibration is required.
srxl2_unit_id Values 0 - 15, default 1
srxl2_baud_fast Values OFF, ON, default ON
mc_cd_pitch Multicopter Control Derivative gain for PITCH, values 0 - 200, default 60
mc_cd_roll Multicopter Control Derivative gain for ROLL, values 0 - 200, default 60
mc_cd_yaw Multicopter Control Derivative gain for YAW, values 0 - 200, default 60
fw_turn_assist_pitch_gain Gain required to keep constant pitch angle during coordinated turns (in TURN_ASSIST mode). Value significantly different from 1.0 indicates a problem with the airspeed calibration (if present) or value of fw_reference_airspeed parameter. Values 0 - 2, default 1
nav_mc_vel_xy_dterm_attenuation Maximum D-term attenution percentage for horizontal velocity PID controller (Multirotor). It allows to smooth the PosHold CRUISE, WP and RTH when Multirotor is traveling at full speed. Dterm is not attenuated at low speeds, breaking and accelerating. Values 0 - 100, default 90
nav_mc_vel_xy_dterm_attenuation_start A point (in percent of both target and current horizontal velocity) where nav_mc_vel_xy_dterm_attenuation begins. Values 0 - 100, default 10
nav_mc_vel_xy_dterm_attenuation_end A point (in percent of both target and current horizontal velocity) where nav_mc_vel_xy_dterm_attenuation reaches maximum. Values 0-100, default 60
mc_cd_lpf_hz Cutoff frequency for Control Derivative. Lower value smoother reaction on fast stick movements. With higher values, response will be more aggressive and jerky. Values 0 - 200, default 30
setpoint_kalman_enabled Enable Kalman filter on the PID controller setpoint. Values OFF, ON, default OFF
setpoint_kalman_q Quality factor of the setpoint Kalman filter. Higher values means less filtering and lower phase delay. On 3-7 inch multirotors can be usually increased to 200-300 or even higher on clean builds. Values 1 - 16000, default 100
setpoint_kalman_w Window size for the setpoint Kalman filter. Wider the window, more samples are used to compute variance. In general, wider window results in smoother filter response. Values 1 - 40, default 4
setpoint_kalman_sharpness Dynamic factor for the setpoint Kalman filter. In general, the higher the value, the more dynamic Kalman filter gets. Values 1 - 16000, default 100
inav_use_gps_no_baro Values OFF, ON, default OFF
nav_fw_pitch2thr_smoothing How smoothly the autopilot makes pitch to throttle correction inside a deadband defined by nav_fw_pitch2thr_threshold. Values 0 - 9, default 0
nav_fw_pitch2thr_threshold Threshold from average pitch where momentary pitch_to_throttle correction kicks in. [decidegrees]. Values 0 - 900, default 0
nav_fw_launch_end_time Time for the transition of throttle and pitch angle, between the launch state and the subsequent flight mode [ms]. Values 0 - 5000, default 2000
mavlink_extra3_rate Values 0 - 255, default 1
osd_snr_alarm Value below which Crossfire SNR Alarm pops-up. (dB). Values -12 - 8, default 4
osd_link_quality_alarm LQ % indicator blinks below this value. For Crossfire use 70%, for Tracer use 50%". Values 0 - 100, default 70
osd_crsf_lq_format OSD display format for CRSF LQ. Values TYPE1 or TYPE2
osd_force_grid Force OSD to work in grid mode even if the OSD device supports pixel level access (mainly used for development). Default OFF
osd_ahi_bordered Shows a border/corners around the AHI region (pixel OSD only). Default OFF
osd_ahi_width AHI width in pixels (pixel OSD only). Values 0 - 255, default 132
osd_ahi_height AHI width in pixels (pixel OSD only). Values 0 - 255, default 162
osd_ahi_vertical_offset AHI vertical offset from center (pixel OSD only). Values -128 - 127, default 0
osd_sidebar_horizontal_offset Sidebar horizontal offset from default position. Positive values move the sidebars closer to the edges. Values -128 - 127, default 0
osd_left_sidebar_scroll_step How many units each sidebar step represents. 0 means the default value for the scroll type. Values 0 - 255, default 0
osd_right_sidebar_scroll_step How many units each sidebar step represents. 0 means the default value for the scroll type. Values 0 - 255, default 0
smartport_master_halfduplex Values OFF, ON, default ON
smartport_master_inverted Values OFF, ON, default OFF
dji_esc_temp_source Re-purpose the ESC temperature field for IMU/BARO temperature. Values ESC, IMU, BARO, default ESC
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INAV 2.5.2 (patch release)

04 Aug 09:14
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Hello and welcome to INAV 2.5.2 Release!

Please carefully read all of this document for the best possible experience and safety.

Get in touch with other pilots, share experiences, suggestions and ask for help on:

INAV Official on Telegram
INAV Official on Facebook

Please continue to support developers, for free, by checking out from the following stores after having clicked on the following links:

Support us on Banggood

Your contribution from the past month has been very welcome! Thanks!

Tested and suggested hardware can be found here

Release Notes

This is a patch release with support for several new targets and a few bugfixes.

New boards

  • Flywoo F411
  • Flywoo Goku F7 Dual & Mini
  • Foxeer F722 V2
  • HGLRC Zeus F722
  • SpeedyBee F7

Bug fixes

  • Fix editing negative servo weights via CMS
  • Fix an overflow in OSD code

INAV 2.5.1 (bugfix release)

16 Jun 12:32
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Hello and welcome to INAV 2.5.1 Release!

Please carefully read all of this document for the best possible experience and safety.

Get in touch with other pilots, share experiences, suggestions and ask for help on:

INAV Official on Telegram
INAV Official on Facebook

Please continue to support developers, for free, by checking out from the following stores after having clicked on the following links:

Support us on Banggood

Your contribution from the past month has been very welcome! Thanks!

Tested and suggested hardware can be found here

Release Notes

This is a bug-fix release. Notable changes:

Allow override of max power capability for buggy VTXes

Since 2.5.1 TRAMP protocol detects max power that VTX is reporting and caps the max setting to that power. Some VTXes don't report that properly. A new CLI setting vtx_max_power_override allows to set the max power manually in such cases. Use caution!

ESC telemetry fix

Due to a regression bug in 2.5.0 DSHOT ESC telemetry was not working. This is now fixed.

Always process VTX driver updates, regardless of arming state

Legacy condition that limited VTX updates to unarmed state only is now removed. VTX settings changes in flight are now working reliably.

INAV 2.5.0

07 Jun 12:13
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Hello and welcome to INAV 2.5.0 Release!

Please carefully read all of this document for the best possible experience and safety.

Get in touch with other pilots, share experiences, suggestions and ask for help on:

INAV Official on Telegram
INAV Official on Facebook

Please continue to support developers, for free, by checking out from the following stores after having clicked on the following links:

Support us on Banggood

Your contribution from the past month has been very welcome! Thanks!

Tested and suggested hardware can be found here

Important Notes

CLI aux mode migration

inav 2.5 moves the CLI aux mode value from a boxid that was not guaranteed to be stable between releases to a permmanentId that is guaranteed to be stable between releases. This is a "breaking" change for inav 2.5 that brings stability in the future.

In order to use a diff or dump from 2.4 or earlier in inav 2.5, the user must do one of the following:

  • Remove aux settings from the diff / dump and recreate them in inav 2.5; or
  • Use the box2perm tool to migrate the diff / dump automatically; or
  • Manually edit the aux settings; a conversion table is provided as part of the box2perm documentation.
  • Use web application

Removal of PWM RX

All traces of PWM RX have finally been removed. Please check that your receiver type is correctly assigned before raising bogus issues that your RX no longer works.

F3 Deprecation

STM32 F3 flight controllers like Omnibus F3 or SP Racing F3 are deprecated and soon they will reach the end of support in INAV. If you are still using F3 boards, please migrate to F4 or F7.

Upgrading from 2.4

  1. Download and install the new configurator
  2. Save to a file the current diff all from the CLI.
  3. Modify the diff to update or remove the aux statements
  4. Upgrade to INAV 2.5 using the Full Erase option in the configurator.
  5. Upload your OSD font of choice from the OSD tab.
  6. Go the CLI again and paste the contents on the file you previously create and write save , press ENTER and done!
  7. You should be ready, explore new 2.5 features and enjoy!

Upgrading from 2.3 or older version

Please follow the instructions on this page.

New targets:

  • ZEEZF7


New commands

Command Description
gf Global Functions. For details refer to Global in the docs folder.
logic Defined Logic conditions activating Global Functions. For details refer to Logic in the docs folder.

New Settings

Setting Description
dynamic_gyro_notch_enabled Enable/disable dynamic gyro notch also known as Matrix Filter [ON / OFF]
dynamic_gyro_notch_range Range for dynamic gyro notches. MEDIUM for 5", HIGH for 3" and MEDIUM or LOW for 7" and bigger propellers
dynamic_gyro_notch_q Q factor for dynamic notches
dynamic_gyro_notch_min_hz Minimum frequency for dynamic notches. Default value of 150 works best with 5" multirors. Should be lowered with increased size of propellers. Values around 100 work fine on 7" drones. 10" can go down to 60 - 70
motor_direction_inverted Replaces yaw_motor_direction
nav_fw_control_smoothness Controls smoothness of navigation control (0-9). 0 gives legacy behaviour, non-zero values give increasing smoothness.
nav_fw_pos_hdg_p P gain of heading PID controller.
nav_fw_pos_hdg_i I gain of heading PID controller.
nav_fw_pos_hdg_d D gain of heading PID controller.
nav_fw_pos_hdg_pidsum_limit Output limit for heading trajectory PID controller. (Fixedwing, rovers, boats)
nav_use_fw_yaw_control Enables or Disables the use of the heading PID controller on fixed wing
nav_fw_yaw_deadband Deadband for heading trajectory PID controller. When heading error is below the deadband, controller assumes that vehicle is on course
osd_esc_temp_alarm_max Temperature under which the IMU temperature OSD element will start blinking (decidegrees centigrade)
osd_esc_temp_alarm_min Temperature above which the IMU temperature OSD element will start blinking (decidegrees centigrade)
osd_hud_wp_disp Controls display of the next waypoints in the HUD. See description below
osd_ahi_style Sets OSD Artificial Horizon style "DEFAULT" or "LINE" for the FrSky Graphical OSD
telemetry_halfduplex Replaces telemetry_uart_unidir
servo_protocol Select which protocol is used to communicate with servos (PWM, servo driver or SBUS)

Removed settings

Setting Description
telemetry_uart_unidir Replaced by telemetry_halfduplex
yaw_motor_direction Replaced by motor_direction_inverted

New drivers and protocols

Initial Rover and Boat support ([@DzikuVx])

Starting from version 2.5, INAV supports Rovers and Boats (more general: ground and water vehicles without altitude control with yaw steering only. Remark: tanks and vehicles with differential steering are also supported).

The Rover and Boat related features:

  • Flight modes: PosHold, AltHold, Cruise, Launch, Loiter Direction Change, Angle, Horizon, FPV Angle Mix, Turn Assist, Airmode are not available on Rover and Boat platforms
  • Feature 3D is renamed to Reversible Motors
  • Reversible ESCs are now working correctly
  • New Heading PID controller used for YAW control on rovers and boats
  • Return To Home is working. Rover will disarm at the end of RTH procedure. Bear in mind, it will return in a straight line, no Smart RTH support yet.
  • Waypoint Missions are operational. Rover will drive directly int the direction of the Waypoint. At the last Waypoint, it will stop motors instead of loitering.

Reversible ESCs support ([@DzikuVx])


New Matrix Filters for Multirotors ([@DzikuVx])

The new Matrix Notch filter comes enabled by default on INAV. It's a dynamic notch filter that detects noise frequencies on each individual axis (X, Y and Z) and apply the filters to each axis, resulting in a much better noise handling.

Check out this video to see a detailed explanation of how the Matrix Filter works.

JUMP, HOLD and LAND Waypoint types ([@giacomo892], [@Jacky2k], [@stronnag])

INAV 2.5 supports additional waypoint types, allowing more complex missions to be performed.

  • JUMP: Defines a 'jump' to another waypoint, allowing mission loops (backward jump) and forward jumps. The number of jump iterations is also user defined.
  • POSHOLD_TIME: Defines the amount of time for which the aircraft will loiter at the waypoint position before proceeding to the next waypoint.
  • LAND: Defines a location for landing. This allows INAV to perform one-way missions.

The navigation messages wiki page provides more information and annotated examples.

HUD POI Waypoints markers ([@OlivierC-FR])

Shows the next waypoints in the hud. To enable this feature, enter the count of next waypoints in the CLI command:

set osd_hud_wp_disp = 0 to 3

Or on the CMS menu: OSD > HUD > Displayed items > Next waypoints: (from 0 to 3, 0 means disabled)

Then start a WP mission, the next WPs will appear as soon as the mission is loaded in FC memory AND that the aircraft has a valid GPS heading, so it must move if it's not fitted with a magnetometer.

Servo S.BUS output ([@digitalentity])

It's now possible to connect S.BUS servos to INAV. You can configure INAV to output servo commands as S.BUS stream on one of the serial ports. Important note - F4 boards generally don't support inversion on serial ports, for those boards a hardware inverter might be required.

VTX/CMS Unification ([@digitalentity])

Now CMS has one unified page for configuring VTX settings. No need to remember which protocol your VTX is talking (Tramp, S.Audio or other).

ESC Sensor listen-only mode ([@digitalentity])

ESC sensor can now be put to listen-only mode, allowing ESC sensor functionality to be used when an ESC is connected with a PWM-based protocol and configured to sent telemetry automatically. This will be useful on airplanes to provide RPM feedback without the need to use DSHOT.


Read more

INAV 2.5.0-RC2

27 May 08:01
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INAV 2.5.0-RC2 Pre-release

Hello and welcome to INAV 2.5.0 Release!

Please carefully read all of this document for the best possible experience and safety.

Get in touch with other pilots, share experiences, suggestions and ask for help on:

INAV Official on Telegram
INAV Official on Facebook

Please continue to support developers, for free, by checking out from the following stores after having clicked on the following links:

Support us on Banggood

Your contribution from the past month has been very welcome! Thanks!

Tested and suggested hardware can be found here

Important Notes

CLI aux mode migration

inav 2.5 moves the CLI aux mode value from a boxid that was not guaranteed to be stable between releases to a permmanentId that is guaranteed to be stable between releases. This is a "breaking" change for inav 2.5 that brings stability in the future.

In order to use a diff or dump from 2.4 or earlier in INAV 2.5, the user must do one of the following:

  • Remove aux settings from the diff / dump and recreate them in INAV 2.5; or
  • Use the box2perm tool to migrate the diff / dump automatically; or
  • Visit and convert your diff for INAV 2.5
  • Manually edit the aux settings; a conversion table is provided as part of the box2perm documentation.

Removal of PWM RX

All traces of PWM RX have finally been removed. Please check that your receiver type is correctly assigned before raising bogus issues that your RX no longer works.

F3 Deprecation

STM32 F3 flight controllers like Omnibus F3 or SP Racing F3 are deprecated and soon they will reach the end of support in INAV. If you are still using F3 boards, please migrate to F4 or F7.

Upgrading from 2.4

  1. Download and install the new configurator
  2. Save to a file the current diff all from the CLI.
  3. Modify the diff to update or remove the aux statements
  4. Upgrade to INAV 2.5 using the Full Erase option in the configurator.
  5. Upload your OSD font of choice from the OSD tab.
  6. Go the CLI again and paste the contents on the file you previously create and write save , press ENTER and done!
  7. You should be ready, explore new 2.5 features and enjoy!

Upgrading from 2.3 or older version

Please follow the instructions on this page.

New targets:



New commands

Command Description
gf Global Functions. For details refer to Global in the docs folder.
logic Defined Logic conditions activating Global Functions. For details refer to Logic in the docs folder.

New Settings

Setting Description
dynamic_gyro_notch_enabled Enable/disable dynamic gyro notch also known as Matrix Filter [ON / OFF]
dynamic_gyro_notch_range Range for dynamic gyro notches. MEDIUM for 5", HIGH for 3" and MEDIUM or LOW for 7" and bigger propellers
dynamic_gyro_notch_q Q factor for dynamic notches
dynamic_gyro_notch_min_hz Minimum frequency for dynamic notches. Default value of 150 works best with 5" multirors. Should be lowered with increased size of propellers. Values around 100 work fine on 7" drones. 10" can go down to 60 - 70
motor_direction_inverted Replaces yaw_motor_direction
nav_fw_control_smoothness Controls smoothness of navigation control (0-9). 0 gives legacy behaviour, non-zero values give increasing smoothness.
nav_fw_pos_hdg_p P gain of heading PID controller.
nav_fw_pos_hdg_i I gain of heading PID controller.
nav_fw_pos_hdg_d D gain of heading PID controller.
nav_fw_pos_hdg_pidsum_limit Output limit for heading trajectory PID controller. (Fixedwing, rovers, boats)
nav_use_fw_yaw_control Enables or Disables the use of the heading PID controller on fixed wing
nav_fw_yaw_deadband Deadband for heading trajectory PID controller. When heading error is below the deadband, controller assumes that vehicle is on course
osd_esc_temp_alarm_max Temperature under which the IMU temperature OSD element will start blinking (decidegrees centigrade)
osd_esc_temp_alarm_min Temperature above which the IMU temperature OSD element will start blinking (decidegrees centigrade)
osd_hud_wp_disp Controls display of the next waypoints in the HUD. See description below
osd_ahi_style Sets OSD Artificial Horizon style "DEFAULT" or "LINE" for the FrSky Graphical OSD
telemetry_halfduplex Replaces telemetry_uart_unidir
servo_protocol Select which protocol is used to communicate with servos (PWM, servo driver or SBUS)

Removed settings

Setting Description
telemetry_uart_unidir Replaced by telemetry_halfduplex
yaw_motor_direction Replaced by motor_direction_inverted

New drivers and protocols

Initial Rover and Boat support ([@DzikuVx])

Starting from version 2.5, INAV supports Rovers and Boats (more general: ground and water vehicles without altitude control with yaw steering only. Remark: tanks and vehicles with differential steering are also supported).

The Rover and Boat related features:

  • Flight modes: PosHold, AltHold, Cruise, Launch, Loiter Direction Change, Angle, Horizon, FPV Angle Mix, Turn Assist, Airmode are not available on Rover and Boat platforms
  • Feature 3D is renamed to Reversible Motors
  • Reversible ESCs are now working correctly
  • New Heading PID controller used for YAW control on rovers and boats
  • Return To Home is working. Rover will disarm at the end of RTH procedure. Bear in mind, it will return in a straight line, no Smart RTH support yet.
  • Waypoint Missions are operational. Rover will drive directly int the direction of the Waypoint. At the last Waypoint, it will stop motors instead of loitering.

Reversible ESCs support ([@DzikuVx])


New Matrix Filters for Multirotors ([@DzikuVx])

The new Matrix Notch filter comes enabled by default on INAV. It's a dynamic notch filter that detects noise frequencies on each individual axis (X, Y and Z) and apply the filters to each axis, resulting in a much better noise handling.

Check out this video to see a detailed explanation of how the Matrix Filter works.

JUMP, HOLD and LAND Waypoint types ([@giacomo892], [@Jacky2k], [@stronnag])

INAV 2.5 supports additional waypoint types, allowing more complex missions to be performed.

  • JUMP: Defines a 'jump' to another waypoint, allowing mission loops (backward jump) and forward jumps. The number of jump iterations is also user defined.
  • POSHOLD_TIME: Defines the amount of time for which the aircraft will loiter at the waypoint position before proceeding to the next waypoint.
  • LAND: Defines a location for landing. This allows INAV to perform one-way missions.

The navigation messages wiki page provides more information and annotated examples.

HUD POI Waypoints markers ([@OlivierC-FR])

Shows the next waypoints in the hud. To enable this feature, enter the count of next waypoints in the CLI command:

set osd_hud_wp_disp = 0 to 3

Or on the CMS menu: OSD > HUD > Displayed items > Next waypoints: (from 0 to 3, 0 means disabled)

Then start a WP mission, the next WPs will appear as soon as the mission is loaded in FC memory AND that the aircraft has a valid GPS heading, so it must move if it's not fitted with a magnetometer.

Servo S.BUS output ([@digitalentity])

It's now possible to connect S.BUS servos to INAV. You can configure INAV to output servo commands as S.BUS stream on one of the serial ports. Important note - F4 boards generally don't support inversion on serial ports, for those boards a hardware inverter might be required.

VTX/CMS Unification ([@digitalentity])

Now CMS has one unified page for configuring VTX settings. No need to remember which protocol your VTX is talking (Tramp, S.Audio or other).

ESC Sensor listen-only mode ([@digitalentity])

ESC sensor can now be put to listen-only mode, allowing ESC sensor functionality to be used when an ESC is connected with a PWM-based protocol and configured to sent telemetry automatically. This will be useful on airplanes to provide RPM feedback without the need to ...

Read more

INAV 2.5.0-RC1

09 May 14:13
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INAV 2.5.0-RC1 Pre-release

Hello and welcome to INAV 2.5.0 RC1!

Please carefully read all of this document for the best possible experience and safety.

Get in touch with other pilots, share experiences, suggestions and ask for help on:

INAV Official on Telegram
INAV Official on Facebook

Please continue to support developers, for free, by checking out from the following stores after having clicked on the following links:

Support us on Banggood

Your contribution from the past month has been very welcome! Thanks!

Tested and suggested hardware can be found here

Important Notes

CLI aux mode migration

inav 2.5 moves the CLI aux mode value from a boxid that was not guaranteed to be stable between releases to a permmanentId that is guaranteed to be stable between releases. This is a "breaking" change for inav 2.5 that brings stability in the future.

In order to use a diff or dump from 2.4 or earlier in inav 2.5, the user must do one of the following:

  • Remove aux settings from the diff / dump and recreate them in inav 2.5; or
  • Use the box2perm tool to migrate the diff / dump automatically; or
  • Manually edit the aux settings; a conversion table is provided as part of the box2perm documentation.

F3 Deprecation

STM32 F3 flight controllers like Omnibus F3 or SP Racing F3 are deprecated and soon they will reach the end of support in INAV. If you are still using F3 boards, please migrate to F4 or F7.

Upgrading from 2.4

  1. Download and install the new configurator
  2. Save to a file the current diff all from the CLI.
  3. Modify the diff to update or remove the aux statements
  4. Upgrade to INAV 2.5 using the Full Erase option in the configurator.
  5. Upload your OSD font of choice from the OSD tab.
  6. Go the CLI again and paste the contents on the file you previously create and write save , press ENTER and done!
  7. You should be ready, explore new 2.5 features and enjoy!

Upgrading from 2.3 or older version

Please follow the instructions on this page.

New targets:



New commands

Command Description
gf Global Functions. For details refer to Global in the docs folder.
logic Defined Logic conditions activating Global Functions. For details refer to Logic in the docs folder.

New Settings

Setting Description
dynamic_gyro_notch_enabled Enable/disable dynamic gyro notch also known as Matrix Filter [ON / OFF]
dynamic_gyro_notch_range Range for dynamic gyro notches. MEDIUM for 5", HIGH for 3" and MEDIUM or LOW for 7" and bigger propellers
dynamic_gyro_notch_q Q factor for dynamic notches
dynamic_gyro_notch_min_hz Minimum frequency for dynamic notches. Default value of 150 works best with 5" multirors. Should be lowered with increased size of propellers. Values around 100 work fine on 7" drones. 10" can go down to 60 - 70
motor_direction_inverted UPDATE Boolean ON / OFF, replaces yaw_motor_direction
nav_fw_pos_hdg_p MISSING
nav_fw_pos_hdg_i MISSING
nav_fw_pos_hdg_d MISSING
nav_fw_pos_hdg_pidsum_limit MISSING
nav_use_fw_yaw_control MISSING
nav_fw_yaw_deadband MISSING
osd_esc_temp_alarm_max Temperature under which the IMU temperature OSD element will start blinking (decidegrees centigrade)
osd_esc_temp_alarm_min Temperature above which the IMU temperature OSD element will start blinking (decidegrees centigrade)
osd_hud_wp_disp MISSING Controls display of the next waypoints in the HUD. See description below
osd_ahi_style MISSING Sets OSD Artificial Horizon style "DEFAULT" or "LINE"
telemetry_halfduplex UPDATE Replaces telemetry_uart_unidir
servo_protocol Select which protocol is used to communicate with servos (PWM, servo driver or SBUS)

Removed settings

Setting Description
telemetry_uart_unidir UPDATE Replaced by telemetry_halfduplex
yaw_motor_direction UPDATE Replaced by motor_direction_inverted

New drivers and protocols

Initial Rover and Boat support (@DzikuVx)

Starting from version 2.5, INAV supports Rovers and Boats (more general: ground and water vehicles without altitude control with yaw steering only. Remark: tanks and vehicles with differential steering are also supported).

The Rover and Boat related features:

  • Flight modes: PosHold, AltHold, Cruise, Launch, Loiter Direction Change, Angle, Horizon, FPV Angle Mix, Turn Assist, Airmode are not available on Rover and Boat platforms
  • Feature 3D is renamed to Reversible Motors
  • Reversible ESCs are now working correctly
  • New Heading PID controller used for YAW control on rovers and boats
  • Return To Home is working. Rover will disarm at the end of RTH procedure. Bear in mind, it will return in a straight line, no Smart RTH support yet.
  • Waypoint Missions are operational. Rover will drive directly int the direction of the Waypoint. At the last Waypoint, it will stop motors instead of loitering.

Reversible ESCs support (@DzikuVx)


New Matrix Filters for Multirotors (@DzikuVx)

The new Matrix Notch filter comes enabled by default on INAV. It's a dynamic notch filter that detects noise frequencies on each individual axis (X, Y and Z) and apply the filters to each axis, resulting in a much better noise handling.

Check out this video to see a detailed explanation of how the Matrix Filter works.

JUMP, HOLD and LAND Waypoint types (@giacomo892, @Jacky2k, @stronnag)

INAV 2.5 supports additional waypoint types, allowing more complex missions to be performed.

  • JUMP: Defines a 'jump' to another waypoint, allowing mission loops (backward jump) and forward jumps. The number of jump iterations is also user defined.
  • POSHOLD_TIME: Defines the amount of time for which the aircraft will loiter at the waypoint position before proceeding to the next waypoint.
  • LAND: Defines a location for landing. This allows INAV to perform one-way missions.

The navigation messages wiki page provides more information and annotated examples.

HUD POI Waypoints markers (@OlivierC-FR)

Shows the next waypoints in the hud. To enable this feature, enter the count of next waypoints in the CLI command:

set osd_hud_wp_disp = 0 to 3

Or on the CMS menu: OSD > HUD > Displayed items > Next waypoints: (from 0 to 3, 0 means disabled)

Then start a WP mission, the next WPs will appear as soon as the mission is loaded in FC memory AND that the aircraft has a valid GPS heading, so it must move if it's not fitted with a magnetometer.

Servo S.BUS output (@digitalentity)

It's now possible to connect S.BUS servos to INAV. You can configure INAV to output servo commands as S.BUS stream on one of the serial ports. Important note - F4 boards generally don't support inversion on serial ports, for those boards a hardware inverter might be required.

VTX/CMS Unification (@digitalentity)

Now CMS has one unified page for configuring VTX settings. No need to remember which protocol your VTX is talking (Tramp, S.Audio or other).

ESC Sensor listen-only mode (@digitalentity)

ESC sensor can now be put to listen-only mode, allowing ESC sensor functionality to be used when an ESC is connected with a PWM-based protocol and configured to sent telemetry automatically. This will be useful on airplanes to provide RPM feedback without the need to use DSHOT.

Legacy Targets

Due to flash / memory restrictions the following functions have been disabled on F3 targets:

  • Pitot
  • Multirotor braking
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