ibexa/admin-ui changes between v4.4.1 and v4.4.2
- IBX-5018: Unified 'Create' buttons in Content Types and Content Type Groups lists (#720)
- IBX-5369: Fixed admin notifications request being queued too often (#740)
- IBX-4339: Input validation - wrong style (#658)
- IBX-5017: Select all checkbox in Relation List is inconsistent (#700)
- IBX-2778: Personalization - Wrong styles for Scenarios (#704)
- IBX-5143: Fixed autosave default value (#2093)
- IBX-4343: PB timeline grey backdrop (#706)
- IBX-4887: Content type group with space or '/' causes js an error in the BackOffice search (#710)
- IBX-3972: Fixed reset and change password validation messages styling
- IBX-4681: Cannot swap sections with D&D in Content/Product Type (#698)
- IBX-5053: Handled deleted Locations in UDW-based limitations (#2089)
- IBX-4445: Option to add last column in tables as sticky (#695)
- IBX-5151: [Subitems] Clicking arrow in non-focused input priority doesn't change value (#712)
- IBX-5197: [Change password] Error messages stack on submit (#719)
- IBX-5138: The header in content edit view is displayed incorrectly when scrolling (#714)
- IBX-5186: [Content type] JS exception occurs while taxonomy entry field is moved to metadata (#724)
- IBX-5240: Fixed translation edit widget (#729)
- IBX-5247: Fixed alignment in table filters (#731)
- IBX-5248: Fixed checkbox alignment in content center table cell (#730)
- IBX-5300: Fixed invalid content's URL in search item template (#2095)
- IBX-5076: Fixed disabling ability to copy subtree (#2091)
- IBX-1961: Added extensibility point to edit header (#753)
- IBX-3387: Fixed labels in language create (#749)
- IBX-5412: Removed parseInt from selectedItem.dataset.id (#747)
- IBX-5368: fix popup menu item height for multiline items (#752)
- IBX-3482: Fixed position of actions in details header (#754)