This project contains a minimal example for setting up ROS 2 Humble on the Kobuki TurtleBot 2 platform. Teleoperation using the keyboard and a joystick controller is demonstrated. For a comprehensive guide, see
To setup the TurtleBot 2 mobile robot base:
- Install the velocity smoother and sophus packages:
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-kobuki-velocity-smoother ros-humble-sophus
- In a ROS 2 workspace, clone this repository (which adds the kobuki_core, kobuki_ros, kobuki_ros_interfaces, cmd_vel_mux, ecl_core and ecl_lite packages):
git clone
- Install any missing depencies:
rosdep install -i --from-path src --rosdistro humble -y
- Build the workspace
colcon build --symlink-install --executor sequential
- Update udev rules, check version information and run the kobuki-simple-keyop test noted in the official guide.
To test this setup, run remote teleoperation to control (drive around) the robot from a workstation (laptop) computer following the steps below:
Install the teleop packages:
sudo apt-get install ros-humble-teleop-twist-keyboard ros-humble-joy-teleop ros-humble-teleop-twist-joy
Open an ssh connection to the robot then start the robot:
ros2 launch kobuki_node
Run keyboard teleoperation (to drive the robot using a keyboard):
ros2 run teleop_twist_keyboard teleop_twist_keyboard --ros-args --remap cmd_vel:=commands/velocity
Alternatively, run joystick teleoperation (to drive the robot using a joystick):
ros2 launch teleop_twist_joy config_filepath:='/path/to/ros2_ws/src/configs/pdp.config.yaml' joy_vel:='commands/velocity'
If you're using a different joystick like PS3 then run:
ros2 launch teleop_twist_joy joy_config:='ps3' joy_vel:='commands/velocity'
The Kobuki TurtleBot 2 is now fully migrated to ROS 2 and is ready for more complex navigation tasks.