Published in 2019-02-22
🎉 New Features
- Implemented Front-end from the "How It Works" UI #132
- Implemented Front-end from the GitHub integration UI #137
- Implemented Rocket.chat feedbacks from obtained achievements #175
- Implemented RD Station integration #183
- Implemented the Level Achievements #197
- Implemented Front-end from the Monthly/General Ranking UI #199
- Implemented a way to send messages to Rocket.chat through Atena bot #202
- Implemented a data analysis system for Athena metrics #214
- Configured OAuth from Next to Atena #231
🚀 Improvements
- Updated Atena's welcome message #174
- Incremented from 1XP to 2XP the amount earned from sent messages on Rocket.Chat #195
- Added Atena's brand to all UIs #196
🐛 Bug Fix
- A lot of bug fixes 💪