Releases: innovaccer/design-system
v1.6.0-0 (2021-01-27)
a2a87bc v1.6.0-0
71d6dac feat(Dropdown): adds staticLimit prop
33177fb fix(Modal, Sidesheet): fixes Backdrop closing animation
ade7b35 feat: adds action to create jira issue corresponding to new issue created on github
44b8828 feat(Popover): adds closeOnScroll prop test
e4671f7 chore(Tooltip): replace PopperWrapper with Popover
f9216b7 chore(docs): adds design token stories
469df05 fix(Sidesheet):fix animation
727f0fb chore(Table): adds overflow-hidden in Card wrapper
2eb8f5e chore(Popover): refactors code and updates stories
7ec8329 fix(PopperWrapper): fixes hoverable in PopperWrapper
27d5ca8 chore(Sidesheet): adds multiple screens in withBackIcon story
34a8527 feat(Calendar): adds in build
71847df chore(Modal, Sidesheet): removes unnecessary div wrapper
b1bf4ad feat(OutsideClick): adds support for forwardRef and story
4636173 fix(Grid): removes default errorTemplate from GridBody
ae0b81f fix(Legend): remove cursor-pointer
f17b0d0 feat: adds version information in build
19c6327 feat(editableInput): adds keyboard shortcuts
66d132e fix(stepper): fixes active step background color
ad25131 feat(dropdown): adds selectedOptions argument in custom label callback
1a940b5 feat(editableDropdown): adds custom trigger component support
3aa7c13 fix(Chip): adds cursor-pointer for close icon
Released 1.4.0-0
- c400886 fix(Avatar): fixes flex-grow in case of withTooltip
- e1e8fd4 fix(Pagination): fixes input onChange for value 0
- f93bf80 fix(Input): adds hover state and test ids
- 3a064f8 fix(Dropdown): adds stopPropagation on optionClick and test ids
- 472013b fix(Pagination): disables prev buttons for page: 0
- 49ff46a feat(Radio): adds support of Controlled Radio
- c1106fe feat(EditableInput): adds component
- e6a44b7 feat(Popover): adds left anf right positions
- ec1ac17 feat(EditableDropdown): adds component
- f96ff0b feat(Editable): adds editable wrapper
Released 1.2.0-2
- de1d5ee fix(Calendar): fixes style as per design
- d3ea003 fix(forms): fixes forms
- 9453109 fix(Grid): fixes extra white-space on sorting on first page
- 8489b1d fix(docs): fixes radio and checkbox docsPage
- c0ea446 feat(DatePicker): adds closeOnSelect
- d8056e6 feat(AvatarGroup): adds component
- 25111af feat(Input): adds HTML attributes
- 26997e0 feat(forms): adds inline and time period form
- acac028 feat(Avatar): adds fallback icon and size prop
- 245bd8d feat(pageHeader): adds stepper component in pageHeader
- 30c4f17 feat(forms): adds login and create password forms
- 4d61700 feat(stepper): adds stepper component
- d405688 feat(Text): adds more appearances and size
Released 1.1.0
Released 1.1.0-10
- b5a1352 feat(Table): adds page props
- ca026d1 fix(Grid): fixes loading on search onClear
- b3fbd1d fix(Grid): fixes extra white-space on page change
- a550fc9 fix(Grid): updates default minWidth of GridCell
- 2d5ea74 fix(Grid): removes overflow: hidden from GridCell
- 21f3ae1 fix(Grid): fixes cellData = null breaking issue
- 586a0c1 fix(PageHeader): fixes type seperator => separator
- 6844fab fix(Grid): fixes hidden initial render