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Add a new Jenkins job to build containers for kola
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Some kola tests require external images. This job will build
and publish the images present under the test/containers path
of coreos-assembler.

Inital PR for coreos-assembler: coreos/coreos-assembler#3727

x-ref coreos/fedora-coreos-tracker#1639
  • Loading branch information
jbtrystram committed Feb 15, 2024
1 parent b794167 commit 3a985b1
Showing 1 changed file with 223 additions and 0 deletions.
223 changes: 223 additions & 0 deletions jobs/build-kola-containers.Jenkinsfile
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,223 @@
def gitref, commit, shortcommit
node {
checkout scm
// these are script global vars
pipeutils = load("utils.groovy")

[$class: 'GenericTrigger',
genericVariables: [
value: '$.ref',
expressionType: 'JSONPath',
regexpFilter: 'refs/heads/', //Optional, defaults to empty string
defaultValue: '' //Optional, defaults to empty string
causeString: 'Triggered on $ref',
token: 'build-kola-test-containers',
tokenCredentialId: '',
printContributedVariables: true,
printPostContent: true,
silentResponse: false,
regexpFilterText: '$COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT_REF',
regexpFilterExpression: 'main|rhcos-.*'
string(name: 'ARCHES',
description: 'Space-separated list of target architectures',
defaultValue: "x86_64" + " " + pipeutils.get_supported_additional_arches().join(" "),
trim: true),
description: 'Override the coreos-assembler git repo to use',
//defaultValue: "",
defaultValue: "",
trim: true),
description: 'Override the coreos-assembler git ref to use',
//defaultValue: "main",
defaultValue: "coreos-owned-test-images",
trim: true),
description: 'Override the registry org to push the containers to',
//defaultValue: "",
defaultValue: "",
trim: true),
string(name: 'PATH_TO_CONTEXTS',
description: """Override the path to the contexts directories to use as build contexts.
Each directory should contain a containerfile and the image will be named after the directory name.""",
defaultValue: "tests/containers/",
trim: true)
numToKeepStr: '100',
artifactNumToKeepStr: '100'

node {
change = checkout(
changelog: true,
poll: false,
scm: [
$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: [[name: "origin/${params.COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT_REF}"]],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: params.COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT_URL]],
extensions: [[$class: 'CloneOption',
noTags: true,
reference: '',
shallow: true]]

def output = shwrapCapture("git rev-parse HEAD")
commit = output.substring(0,40)
shortcommit = commit.substring(0,7)

node {
change = checkout(
changelog: true,
poll: false,
scm: [
$class: 'GitSCM',
branches: [[name: "origin/${params.COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT_REF}"]],
userRemoteConfigs: [[url: params.COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT_URL]],
extensions: [[$class: 'CloneOption',
noTags: true,
reference: '',
shallow: true]]

def output = shwrapCapture("git rev-parse HEAD")
commit = output.substring(0,40)
shortcommit = commit.substring(0,7)

node {
def path=params.PATH_TO_CONTEXTS
// gather the context folders list
contexts = sh(returnStdout: true, script: """
cd ${path}
find . -maxdepth 1 -mindepth 1 -type d -not -path '*/\\.*' -exec basename {} \\;

currentBuild.description = "[${gitref}@${shortcommit}] Waiting"

// Get the list of requested architectures to build for
def basearches = params.ARCHES.split() as Set
// and the list of contexts to build
def contexts = contexts as Set

lock(resource: "build-containers") {
cosaPod(image: "",
memory: "512Mi", kvm: false,
serviceAccount: "jenkins") {
timeout(time: 60, unit: 'MINUTES') {
try {

currentBuild.description = "[${gitref}@${shortcommit}] Running"

// By default we will allow re-using cache layers for one day.
// This is mostly so we can prevent re-downloading the RPMS
// and repo metadata and over again in a given day for successive
// builds.
def cacheTTL = "24h"
def force = ""
if (params.FORCE) {
force = '--force'
// Also set cacheTTL to 0.1s to allow users an escape hatch
// to force no cache layer usage.
cacheTTL = "0.1s"

withCredentials([file(credentialsId: 'jbtrystram-testorg-robot-push-secret', variable: 'REGISTRY_SECRET')]) {
stage('Build Containers') {
parallel basearches.collectEntries{arch -> [arch, {
for (directory in contexts) {
def dir = params.PATH_TO_CONTEXTS + directory
pipeutils.withPodmanRemoteArchBuilder(arch: arch) {
cosa remote-build-container \
--git-sub-dir $dir\
--arch $arch --cache-ttl ${cacheTTL} \
--git-ref $commit ${force} \
--git-url ${params.COREOS_ASSEMBLER_GIT_URL} \
--repo ${params.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ORG}/$directory \
--push-to-registry --auth=\$REGISTRY_SECRET

stage('Push manifests') {
for (architecture in basearches) {
def arch = architecture
for (directory in contexts) {
def dir = directory
images += " --image=docker://${params.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ORG}/${dir}:${arch}-${shortcommit}"

for (directory in contexts) {
def dir = directory
export STORAGE_DRIVER=vfs #
cosa push-container-manifest --v2s2 \
--auth=\$REGISTRY_SECRET --tag ${gitref} \
--repo ${params.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ORG}/$dir ${images}
// Specifically for the `main` branch let's also update the `latest` tag
// If there was a way to alias/tie these two together in the Quay UI
// that would be preferable.
if (gitref == "main") {
export STORAGE_DRIVER=vfs #
skopeo copy --all --authfile \$REGISTRY_SECRET \
docker://${params.CONTAINER_REGISTRY_ORG}/$dir:main \

stage('Delete Intermediate Tags') {
for (directory in contexts) {
def dir = directory
export STORAGE_DRIVER=vfs #
skopeo delete --authfile=\$REGISTRY_SECRET \

currentBuild.result = 'SUCCESS'

} catch (e) {
currentBuild.result = 'FAILURE'
throw e
} finally {
if (currentBuild.result == 'SUCCESS') {
currentBuild.description = "[${gitref}@${shortcommit}] ⚡"
} else {
currentBuild.description = "[${gitref}@${shortcommit}] ❌"
if (currentBuild.result != 'SUCCESS') {
message = "build-kola-test-containers #${env.BUILD_NUMBER} <${env.BUILD_URL}|:jenkins:> <${env.RUN_DISPLAY_URL}|:ocean:> [${gitref}@${shortcommit}]"
pipeutils.trySlackSend(message: message)
}}} // cosaPod, timeout, and lock finish here

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