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Video Blender Project Settings

Jerry Hogsett edited this page Jun 30, 2023 · 3 revisions

Video Blender - Easy-to-use Movie Restoration Interface



  • Restore a movie, replacing damaged frames with resynthesized replacements
  • Fix defective or missing frames in-place
  • See a preview video of a restoration in progress

Project Setup

  • Set up a project with three directories, all with PNG files (only) with the same file count, dimensions and starting sequence number
  • In the Original / Video #1 Frames Path place the original PNG files from the video being restored
  • In the Project Frames Path, start with a copy of the original PNG files as a baseline set of movie frames
    • Files in this path will be overwritten during the restoration process
  • In the Alternate / Video #2 Frames Path place a set of replacement PNG files to use for restoring frames
    • Replacement frames can be created using Resynthesize Video


  • All paths must have corresponding filenames, sequence numbers and PNG dimensions!
    • If Resynthesize Video was used to create a set of replacement frames, there will not be a frame #0 file
      • Copy the frame #0 file from the original video path to the restoration video path to ensure frame synchronization among the three frame sets
    • Resequence Files can be used to rename a set of PNG files
  • For Video Preview to work properly:
    • The files in each directory must have the same base filename and numbering sequence
    • ffmpeg.exe must be available on the system path

Project Management

  • To save a settings for a project:
    • After filling out all project fields, click Save
    • A new row will be added to the projects file ./video_blender_projects.csv
    • To see the new project in the dropdown list:
    • Restart the application via the Tools page, or from the console
  • To load settings for a project
    • Choose a project by name from the_Saved Project Settings_ DropDown
    • Click Load
    • Click Open Video Blender Project to load the project and go to Frame Chooser

General Use

  • This tool can also be used to selectively mix frames from up to three movies
  • Video Preview can be used to watch a preview video for a set of PNG files
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