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config docinferencer

Jianlin Shi edited this page Aug 23, 2017 · 2 revisions

Document inferener

Document inferencer is used to make a document level conclusion based on the corresponding mention level annotations. A document inferencer rule consists of 2 components:

  1. Conclusion type: if the rule is matched, what type of conclusion should be made (will create a document level anntoation with this type--a subtype of "Doc_Base")
  2. Evidence type/types: what types of annotations need to be found to match this rule.
  3. If no Evidence type/types is listed, then the corresponding conclusion type is defined as default document conclusion type.



If any annotation with "IND_PNEUMONIA" type found in a document, create a "Pos_Doc" annotation at the document beginning (document level annotation).

  • Neg_Doc

If no rules above is matched, create a "Neg_Doc" annotation at the document beginning (document level annotation).