xmlprcssl is a Python library that provides secure communication (TLS) beetween clients and servers through xmlrpc protocol. It supports plugable handlers to provide user authentication. For now, it has as an example a ldap based authentication handler.
>>> from xmlrpcssl import SecureAuthenticatedXMLRPCServer
>>> from xmlrpcssl.handlers import LdapVerifyingRequestHandler
>>> from datetime import datetime
>>> KEY_SSL = '/tmp/server.key'
>>> CRT_SSL = '/tmp/server.crt'
>>> TCP_PORT = 433
>>> SERVER_IP = ''
>>> LDAP_HOST = 'ldapHost' # User must have access granted to this host in ldap
>>> LDAP_SERVER = 'ldapServer' # ip or name of ldap server
>>> GIDNUMBER = 111 # User must be in this group in order to be authenticated
>>> IS_MASTER_USER = False # True if the user has write permissions in the ldap server
>>> BASE_USR_LOGIN_DN = 'o=Organization,c=US' # user base DN to perform login in
# the ldap server
>>> BASE_SEARCH_DN = 'o=Organization,c=US' # search base DN to perform a search in
# the ldap server base
>>> RequestHandler = LdapVerifyingRequestHandler # a handler that inherits from
# BaseRequestHandler and performs user authentication
>>> OPT_ARGS = {'isMasterUser': IS_MASTER_USER, 'baseUsrLoginDn': BASE_USR_LOGIN_DN,
... 'ldapServer': LDAP_SERVER, 'gidNumber': GIDNUMBER, 'baseSearchDn': BASE_SEARCH_DN,
... 'host': LDAP_HOST, 'RequestHandler': RequestHandler}
>>> server_ssl = SecureAuthenticatedXMLRPCServer((SERVER_IP, TCP_PORT), KEY_SSL,CRT_SSL,
... **OPT_ARGS)
>>> def test():
... # toy test function
... return datetime.now().strftime("%H:%M:%S")
>>> server_ssl.register_function(test)
>>> server_ssl.serve_forever()
>>> import ssl
>>> from xmlrpclib import ServerProxy
>>> USERNAME = 'ldapUser'
>>> PASSWORD = 'ldapUserPassword'
>>> TCP_PORT = 433
>>> SERVER_IP = ''
>>> client_xml = ServerProxy('https://'+USERNAME+':'+PASSWORD+'@'+SERVER_IP+':'+str(TCP_PORT),
>>> response = client_xml.test()
>>> print·response
To install xmlrpcssl, simply run:
$ pip install xmlrpcssl
xmlrpcssl is compatible with Python 2.6+
Feel free to fork, evaluate and contribute to this project.
Source: https://github.com/jonDel/xmlrpcssl
GPLv3 licensed.
Credits go to http://code.activestate.com/recipes/496786-simple-xml-rpc-server-over-https and https://github.com/nosmo/python-xmlrpcssl for inspiration.