Code for Master Thesis in Mathematical Modelling jgil@2019-12-17
To enable the notebooks you need to activate the venv
You need the file logdelay-original-dataset.tar.bz2 in logdelay/ From here, you need to uncompress it to create the data tree structure:
tar -jxf logdelay-original-dataset.tar.bz2
|-- external
|-- interim
|-- processed
`-- raw
|-- ALMA
If you haven't set your environment yet, go to logdelay and execute:
python -venv venv
in Mac, you need to instally pygraphviz and networkx
# option 1:
brew install graphviz
pip install pygraphviz
pip install networkx
# option 2, seems to not work anymore
pip install --install-option="--include-path=/usr/local/include/" --install-option="--library-path=/usr/local/lib/" pygraphviz
Then, go to logdelay/ and execute
source venv/bin/activate
pip install -r requirements.txt
Some common tricks:
# Freeze new dependencies
pip freeze > requirements.txt
Open Jupyter lab and browse into notebook folders:
jupyter lab
And browse into the notebooks.