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Oleg Yushko edited this page Mar 25, 2018 · 8 revisions


This module provides serialization to binary format using Kryo.


  1. Add artemis-odb-serializer-kryo module as dependency to your gradle/maven configuration.
  2. Add the required manager and configure the kryo backend:
     final WorldSerializationManager manager = new WorldSerializationManager();
     World world = new World(new WorldConfiguration().setSystem(manager));
     manager.setSerializer(new KryoArtemisSerializer(world));


Load from file

     final InputStream is = AnyClass.class.getResourceAsStream("level.bin");
     manager.load(is, SaveFileFormat.class);

Anything already in the world is unaffected by the load, so you can incrementally load parts of a world.

Save to file

     final FileOutputStream fos = new FileOutputStream("level.bin");, new SaveFileFormat(entities));

entities is an IntBag with entity IDs defining the scope of the save operation.

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