Releases: k8snetworkplumbingwg/multus-cni
Updates net-attach-def client library to 1.7.5
From the release notes:
This release contains a fix related to the determination of the default interface, e.g. setting the default parameter to true in the network-status annotation based on the presence of a gateway in the CNI ADD success result ips.gateway and makes the determination of the default based on the first interface that has an associated value of gateway (using the interface index in the ips element in the CNI ADD success result).
This provides flexibility especially in CRI-O which uses the first interface and IP addresses for the pod.IP in Kubernetes, therefore. Containerd functionality is unchanged in that it uses the value for the IP addresses specifically
It's worth noting that CNI ADD success results which do not contain any interfaces will be discarded in this determination of the default, therefore it's recommended to set one with an associated gateway if aiming to have it be noted as the default.
See also: k8snetworkplumbingwg/network-attachment-definition-client#73
Updates net-attach-def client for improvements backwards compatibility for network-status in latest updates to the client library, especially related to Calico.
See also: k8snetworkplumbingwg/network-attachment-definition-client#72
Primarily a maintenance release after some time, but, does include some notable features:
- Initial implementation for DRA (dynamic resource allocation)
- Updated net-attach-def-client library with fixes for multiple interfaces in CNI results
- Includes fixes for parity with configuration options from Multus 3.x
- Improved API handling using informers
Minor update for bugfix
This is the release of Multus 4.0, finally! -- which includes a thick-plugin deployment and architecture.
Multus v4.0.0-alpha
This is the alpha release of Multus 4.0 -- which includes a thick-plugin deployment and architecture.