This is a dual PWM/DCC controller software for model trains.
This Arduino software can control and generate signal for several boosters attached to it. This program is designed for a LMD18200T based booster, generating some digital signals:
- direction
- motor driving signal
- reset heat & OCP (over current protection)
It can read also two input signals:
- overheat detected
- over current detected (i.e. a shortcircuit)
In an ideal design a booster becomes automatically deactivated if one of these events (overheat or O.C.) occurs, until it is reactivated by this software. Anyway, if one of these events is triggered this software deactivates the affected booster and it stops delivering control signals until its status is reseted.
It has two working modes:
PWM Each booster generates a PWM signal for controlling a segment of a model train circuit. All PWM signals are synchronized to avoid "glitches" when a train travels from one PWM segment to another.
In this mode 'direction' output depends on the direction selected for each segment, and the 'motor driving signal' is a PWM signal.
DCC The same DCC signal is delivered to all boosters.
In this mode the 'motor driving signal' is always 1, and 'direction' output is modulated for generating an square alternate current on tracks (which encodes the DCC commands).
It has two submodes:
- stateless - passthrough DCC commands. The DCC decoders state is never kept. - stateful - DCC decoders state is kept.
You will need 'arduino-mk' package (it includes the makefile) and the 'arduino-core' package (command line arduino tools).
You need also the UTFT library. You can download it from
You must unzip it into the ./libraries/utft directory.
Edit the included 'Makefile' and adjust the following parameters to your requirements:
Things which are always in the Arduino distribution e.g. boards.txt, libraries, &c. Default: /usr/share/arduino/ARDMK_DIR
Things which are included in this distribution e.g. ard-parse-boards Default: /usr/AVR_TOOLS_DIR
Things which might be bundled with the Arduino distribution, but might come from the system. Most of the toolchain is like this: on Linux it's supplied by the system. Default: /usr/BOARD_TAG
Your Arduino board. Mine is 'mega2560'. See 'boards.txt' in your Arduino distribution and choose the most appropiate for you.MCU, F_CPU
If you use a BOARD_TAG from 'boards.txt' you don't need to set these.ARDUINO_PORT
Where you arduino is plug ... I use here an automatic one-liner for discovering it.
Now run: $ ./ $ make
Shows version, copyright and contact info
booster list
Prints booster info
booster <n> power (off|on)
Activates/deactivates booster #n
booster <n> reset
Resets booster #n state
booster <n> status
Print info about booster #n
Go to off mode. No powered delivered to tracks.
Go to PWM mode for analog locomotives.
booster <n> power <v>
Set booster #n power level. Value 'v' is a signed integer between "minimum
power" (see below) and 255. Sign determines direction.
booster <n> mode (direct|inertial)
Enable or deactivate the 'inertial' feature when changing the booster power
level. In direct mode any change to the power level is applied inmediately.
In intertial mode the power level is changed applying the 'acceleration' and
'maximum acceleration' parameters.
booster <n> minimum power [<v>]
Sets the minimum power delivered by the PWM signal to tracks.
booster <n> acceleration [<a>]
Sets the acceleration parameter when running in 'inertial' mode.
booster <n> maximum acceleration [<a>]
Sets the maximum acceleration parameter when running in 'inertial' mode.
Go to DCC mode for digital locomotives.
dcc address (normal|advanced|auto)
Use by default
- normal addresses (7bit/2-digit), or
- advanced addresses (14bit/4-digit), or
- auto mode (for any address above 127 use advanced adresses, elsewhere use
7bit addresses).
DCC directed commands result in a DCC message sent, so they are send against a DCC decoder, a broadcast address or a set of DCC decoders.
General syntax is:
[@!] (*|[+-]<address>) ...command...
First character (@ or !) decides if the message is sent to the operations track (@) or the service track (!).
Second component is the numerical target address. Use * for broadcasting a message.
An address can be forced in 7bit (2-digit) or 14bit (4-digit) format using the minus (-) and plus (+) operators.
If the address type is not specified it will be choosed using the algorithm set by the
dcc address
configuration parameter.
We call the exposed syntax <<trg_spec>>
, which stands for "target
specification". All the following described commands are preceeded by this
<<trg_spec>> speed [4bit|5bit|7bit] [light (on|off)] [+-]<v>
Send speed update. In stateless mode CV#29:5 is assumed to be on, and the
default selected instruction is 5bit. In stateful mode, selected instruction
(4bit, 5bit or 7bit) depends on the state configured for deco .
dcc mode (pass_through|stateful)
Set DCC control mode:
- stateless - pass through DCC commands. The DCC decoders state is never
- stateful - DCC decoders state is kept.
dcc [!] [<n>] f <f> (on|off) [acked]
Set flag (on|off)
dcc [!] [<n>] analog <f> <v> [acked]
dcc [!] [<n>] ack (service|railcom|off)
dcc [!] [<n>] send [service] command <bytes...> [acked]
dcc [!] [<n>] read <v> [mode (paged|direct)]