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Dragons Servers

Yannik Marchand edited this page Aug 18, 2024 · 22 revisions

Switch > eLicenses

The dragons servers are responsible for managing e-licenses on the Nintendo Switch. An e-license carries the right to play a game, and is obtained by purchasing the game on the Nintendo eShop.

The dragons servers take JSON-encoded requests and respond with JSON-encoding. The dragons servers only accept connections with a valid device certificate.


The following headers are always present:

Header Description
Host One of the dragons servers
Accept */*
User-Agent User agent
DeviceAuthorization Bearer + device token

The following headers are optional and depend on the method and device type:

Header Description
AccountAuthorization Bearer + account token
Nintendo-Account-Id Nintendo account id (%016llx)
Nintendo-Application-Id Title id (%016llx)
Nintendo-Nsa-Id-Token Bearer + id token
Nintendo-ReferToVirtualDeviceLink Only present on kiosk and development hardware. If present, always true.

If the request body is empty, the following headers are sent:

Header Description
Content-Length 0
Content-Type application/x-www-form-urlencoded

Otherwise, the following headers are sent:

Header Description
Content-Type application/json
Content-Length Content length

There is one exception. In /v1/contents_authorization_token_for_aauth/issue, the headers are ordered as follows: Host, User-Agent, Accept, Content-Type, DeviceAuthorization, Nintendo-Application-Id and Content-Length. The reason is that this request is performed by the account sysmodule instead of nim.

User Agents

The user agent looks as follows: NintendoSDK Firmware/<firmware version>-<revision> (platform:NX; did:<device id>; eid:lp1). The firmware version and revision number are obtained from the system version title.

Here is an example: NintendoSDK Firmware/15.0.0-4.0 (platform:NX; did:6265ca40780b1c0d; eid:lp1)

There is one exception: for /v1/contents_authorization_token_for_aauth/issue, the dauth user agent is used instead.


Method Path
POST /v1/contents_authorization_token_for_aauth/issue
POST /v1/elicense_archives/publish

Need more research:




POST /v1/contents_authorization_token_for_aauth/issue

This method was added in system version 15.0.0.

Starting with system version 15.0.0, a contents authorization token is required for digital application authentication. This method returns such a token.

Note that the Switch sends the headers for this method in a different order and uses a different user agent.

Field Description
elicense_id E-license id (32 hex digits)
na_id Nintendo account id (16 hex digits)

Response on success:

Field Description
contents_authorization_token The token


POST /v1/contents_authorization_token_for_aauth/issue HTTP/1.1
User-Agent: libcurl (nnDauth; 16f4553f-9eee-4e39-9b61-59bc7c99b7c8; SDK
Accept: */*
Content-Type: application/json
DeviceAuthorization: Bearer eyJqa3UiOiJodHRwczovL2RjZXJ0LWxwMS5uZGFzLnNydi5uaW50ZW5kby5uZXQva2V5cyIsImtpZCI6ImNhOTdhNTIwLTA2NWItNGEwZC1iOGU4LTlhYzQ5OWFlNjkzZCIsInR5cCI6IkpXVCIsImFsZyI6IlJTMjU2In0.eyJzdWIiOiI2MjY1OTY2MWUzZmRmZTExIiwiaXNzIjoiZGF1dGgtbHAxLm5kYXMuc3J2Lm5pbnRlbmRvLm5ldCIsImF1ZCI6ImQ1YjZjYWMyYzE1MTRjNTYiLCJleHAiOjE2NjczMzQ4NjMsImlhdCI6MTY2NzI0ODQ2MywianRpIjoiYjMyYmIzYzYtMjQwNy00NGUzLWIwZjUtYjkzODljMGJmODNmIiwibmludGVuZG8iOnsic24iOiJYQUo3MDEyMzQ1Njc4OSIsInBjIjoiSEFDIiwiZHQiOiJOWCBQcm9kIDEiLCJpc3QiOmZhbHNlfX0.j7Iah1gCA1N5jnAOQnUFgowK3VlrjJi3wxzvM_F6KJLK23nYYNqg0Nn-pATZZ-yV7KJWkuyD07anxWErcYI47nsV4L_sYHvsnw_gXTwD7hlc02_VO1MEnG_CDUsVgrLhDFasQJgcya4vLDgPZpuf-VnpX_H9ZM8JYDusT0uCrv9x_5Ad_o6mpHZK9R56BJ6AoSV0JrRP7cJv2X-cYlDQCnat6CKZxxmNrd5_IrfP8dUBWI4w3wFsJWA2euOQr8pwn2hwG666VU_u4r-PUti8mzbLGFjI9dkvaSKkVwECL_27Xpqw5KxP70z3NhIFmguFo8AwzFLDR0Zvpt3y_tajiQ
Nintendo-Application-Id: 010040600c5ce000
Content-Length: 77

HTTP/1.1 200 OK
Content-Type: application/json;charset=UTF-8
Content-Length: 951
Server: nginx
X-Content-Type-Options: nosniff
Expires: Mon, 31 Oct 2022 19:34:39 GMT
Cache-Control: max-age=0, no-cache, no-store
Pragma: no-cache
Date: Mon, 17 Oct 2022 08:31:43 GMT
x-nintendo-akamai-reference-id: 0.38ac1666.1667248479.7ecea70
Connection: keep-alive


POST /v1/elicense_archives/publish

Field Description
challenge Challenge (16 hex digits)
certificate Device certificate (base64)

Response on success:

Field Description
elicense_archive E-license archive (base64)


On error, the server sends the following response:

Field Description
title Error title
detail Error details. This field is an empty string in all errors that have been observed so far.
number HTTP status code

If the error code is invalid_parameter, the response may contain more details under the invalid-params key, for example:

  • 'invalid-params': [{'name': 'naId', 'reason': 'must not be null'}]
  • 'invalid-params': [{'name': 'naId.accountId', 'reason': 'must match "\\p{XDigit}{16}"'}]

Known Errors

Status Code Title
400 duplicate_rights_id
400 invalid_device_certificate Device certificate is invalid
400 invalid_eticket_template
400 invalid_parameter Parameter is invalid
401 account_id_required
401 authentication_required
403 edge_token_not_grantable
403 invalid_token Token is invalid
403 license_archive_not_allowed
403 license_inactive ELicense is inactive
403 license_not_grantable
403 rights_policy_not_allowed
403 system_update_required
404 license_archive_not_found ELicense archive is not found
404 license_not_found ELicense is not found
404 page_not_found Page not found
404 promotion_policy_not_found
404 title_not_found
405 method_not_allowed Method not allowed
406 not_acceptable
415 unsupported_media_type
500 delete_record_failed
500 insert_record_failed
500 op2_error
500 shogun_error
500 unexpected_error
500 unknown_issuer
500 update_record_failed
503 abort_retry
503 op2_maintenance
503 service_unavailable
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