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Online Play Invitation Server

Yannik Marchand edited this page Nov 25, 2022 · 4 revisions

Switch > Online Play Invitations


This server manages online play invitations.


Method URL
PATCH /v1/invitations
POST /v1/invitation_groups
GET /v1/invitation_groups/<id>
GET /v1/users/<id>/invitations/inbox
PATCH /v1/users/<id>/invitations/mark_as_read

GET /v1/users/<id>/invitations/inbox

This method returns incoming invitations. It takes two query parameters:

Param Description
fields Comma-separated list of fields that should be returned by the server
read Specifies whether the server should return only unread invitation (false) or all invitations (true)

The friends sysmodule currently either provides no parameters or fields=count&read=false.

Response on success:

Field Description
count Total number of invitations
items Invitation list

An invitation has the following fields:

Field Description
id Invitation id generated by server (integer)
invitation_group_id Invitation group id generated by server (integer)
sender_id User id of sender (16 hex digits)
application_id Title id from which the invitation was sent (16 hex digits)
application_group_id Presence group id for the current title (usually the same as the title id)
application_id_match Unknown (always false)
application_data Game-specific information (base64)
read Whether the invitation is marked as read (boolean)
created_at Creation timestamp
updated_at Update timestamp


On error, the server sends the following response:

Field Description
error Error information

The error information is encoded like this:

Field Description
code Error code (string with 4 digits)
message Error message

Known Errors

Code Status Message
0001 ? ?
0002 400 Invalid parameter.
0003 404 Invalid request URI.
0004 ? ?
0005 ? ?
0006 401 Unauthorized.
0007 ? ?
0008 ? ?
0009 ? ?
0010 404 Resource not found.
0011 400 Application data is too large.
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