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First Startup

Jaxsan Thillainathan edited this page Oct 12, 2018 · 27 revisions

Up to date as of version 1.6

The first thing you will see as you start ArduLED, is a loading screen like below:

When it fades away, after the program has loaded, a box will appear up in the upper right corner of your screen:

This is the menu button of the program, if it's your first time running, it will direct you to the General Settings Section:

Make sure you are connected to the COM port, and ensure that your Arduino is on. After pressing connect, a configuration screen will pop up after the PC has received a signal from the Arduino:

(this is a sample of my own setup)

You can select some different options to configure your LEDs, X and Y how many LEDs that the strip have. As an example, if you want a horizontal strip of 10 LEDs, you should put in X = 10 and Y = 1. The Invert X and 'Invert Y* just inverts the direction of which the hardware ID starts from. Then there is the From ID option, this is the hardware ID of the pixel. As an example, in my setup, i have three boxes that's on the same strip, this means that i have to set the second box, to start from id 11, since that's where the first box's hardware ID ends. Then comes Pin this is a value between 0 and 7, that tells which pin the strip is physically set to. In my setup, i use pin 2 and 3 of an Arduino Nano. Then comes Pixel Type and Bitstream. These to options should generally just be the default, with some exceptions ( On the boxes are there to numbers pr LED, its hardware ID (the top one) and its number in the series (the bottom one). The series ID can be changed, to alter the direction the LED's work, in as an example the visualizer. It can be seen in my own setup, that i inverted the direction of the series, to make sure that the visualizer follows around my to monitors. When all these options are good, you can press Add Strip, this will generate a box, on the panel, you can move this box around, by dragging it in the sides. You can also move the entire field of panels, by dragging the brighter back panel. When you have your setup all done and dandy, it would be a smart idea to save it, since you are most likely going to need it again. When you save a setup, it also makes a autosave, which the program will automatically load next time it starts. Now you can press the "Send" setup, and wait for the transfer to finish. If you have check the Auto send current setup next time checkbox in the General Settings Section, a little progress bar will appear next time you start the program that shows the transfer state. When the transfer state is complete, and if you configure your setup correctly, all the LEDs should light up, in the series given. Then the program will switch over to Fade Colors mode, which is located in the main menu panel. From here you can send a command to the Arduino, regarding what color it should fade over to, as well as the delay between fade steps, and the factor to fade with, and so on.

To make it easier to set up a series, you can check the Click to set up series ID checkbox, where you can set the series by clicking on a box. This can be seen here:

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