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@github-actions github-actions released this 09 Aug 21:07
· 1195 commits to main since this release

Major Changes

  • #1214 60cfd089 Thanks @holic! - Templates and examples now use MUD's new sync packages, all built on top of viem. This greatly speeds up and stabilizes our networking code and improves types throughout.

    These new sync packages come with support for our recs package, including encodeEntity and decodeEntity utilities for composite keys.

    If you're using store-cache and useRow/useRows, you should wait to upgrade until we have a suitable replacement for those libraries. We're working on a sql.js-powered sync module that will replace store-cache.

    Migrate existing RECS apps to new sync packages

    As you migrate, you may find some features replaced, removed, or not included by default. Please open an issue and let us know if we missed anything.

    1. Add @latticexyz/store-sync package to your app's client package and make sure viem is pinned to version 1.3.1 (otherwise you may get type errors)

    2. In your supportedChains.ts, replace foundry chain with our new mudFoundry chain.

      - import { foundry } from "viem/chains";
      - import { MUDChain, latticeTestnet } from "@latticexyz/common/chains";
      + import { MUDChain, latticeTestnet, mudFoundry } from "@latticexyz/common/chains";
      - export const supportedChains: MUDChain[] = [foundry, latticeTestnet];
      + export const supportedChains: MUDChain[] = [mudFoundry, latticeTestnet];
    3. In getNetworkConfig.ts, remove the return type (to let TS infer it for now), remove now-unused config values, and add the viem chain object.

      - export async function getNetworkConfig(): Promise<NetworkConfig> {
      + export async function getNetworkConfig() {
        const initialBlockNumber = params.has("initialBlockNumber")
          ? Number(params.get("initialBlockNumber"))
      -   : world?.blockNumber ?? -1; // -1 will attempt to find the block number from RPC
      +   : world?.blockNumber ?? 0n;
      + return {
      +   privateKey: getBurnerWallet().value,
      +   chain,
      +   worldAddress,
      +   initialBlockNumber,
      +   faucetServiceUrl: params.get("faucet") ?? chain.faucetUrl,
      + };
    4. In setupNetwork.ts, replace setupMUDV2Network with syncToRecs.

      - import { setupMUDV2Network } from "@latticexyz/std-client";
      - import { createFastTxExecutor, createFaucetService, getSnapSyncRecords } from "@latticexyz/network";
      + import { createFaucetService } from "@latticexyz/network";
      + import { createPublicClient, fallback, webSocket, http, createWalletClient, getContract, Hex, parseEther, ClientConfig } from "viem";
      + import { encodeEntity, syncToRecs } from "@latticexyz/store-sync/recs";
      + import { createBurnerAccount, createContract, transportObserver } from "@latticexyz/common";
      - const result = await setupMUDV2Network({
      -   ...
      - });
      + const clientOptions = {
      +   chain: networkConfig.chain,
      +   transport: transportObserver(fallback([webSocket(), http()])),
      +   pollingInterval: 1000,
      + } as const satisfies ClientConfig;
      + const publicClient = createPublicClient(clientOptions);
      + const burnerAccount = createBurnerAccount(networkConfig.privateKey as Hex);
      + const burnerWalletClient = createWalletClient({
      +   ...clientOptions,
      +   account: burnerAccount,
      + });
      + const { components, latestBlock$, blockStorageOperations$, waitForTransaction } = await syncToRecs({
      +   world,
      +   config: storeConfig,
      +   address: networkConfig.worldAddress as Hex,
      +   publicClient,
      +   components: contractComponents,
      +   startBlock: BigInt(networkConfig.initialBlockNumber),
      +   indexerUrl: networkConfig.indexerUrl ?? undefined,
      + });
      + const worldContract = createContract({
      +   address: networkConfig.worldAddress as Hex,
      +   abi: IWorld__factory.abi,
      +   publicClient,
      +   walletClient: burnerWalletClient,
      + });
        // Request drip from faucet
      - const signer =;
      - if (networkConfig.faucetServiceUrl && signer) {
      -   const address = await signer.getAddress();
      + if (networkConfig.faucetServiceUrl) {
      +   const address = burnerAccount.address;
        const requestDrip = async () => {
      -   const balance = await signer.getBalance();
      +   const balance = await publicClient.getBalance({ address });
`[Dev Faucet]: Player balance -> ${balance}`);
      -   const lowBalance = balance?.lte(utils.parseEther("1"));
      +   const lowBalance = balance < parseEther("1");

      You can remove the previous ethers worldContract, snap sync code, and fast transaction executor.

      The return of setupNetwork is a bit different than before, so you may have to do corresponding app changes.

      + return {
      +   world,
      +   components,
      +   playerEntity: encodeEntity({ address: "address" }, { address: burnerWalletClient.account.address }),
      +   publicClient,
      +   walletClient: burnerWalletClient,
      +   latestBlock$,
      +   blockStorageOperations$,
      +   waitForTransaction,
      +   worldContract,
      + };
    5. Update createSystemCalls with the new return type of setupNetwork.

        export function createSystemCalls(
      -   { worldSend, txReduced$, singletonEntity }: SetupNetworkResult,
      +   { worldContract, waitForTransaction }: SetupNetworkResult,
          { Counter }: ClientComponents
        ) {
           const increment = async () => {
      -      const tx = await worldSend("increment", []);
      -      await awaitStreamValue(txReduced$, (txHash) => txHash === tx.hash);
      +      const tx = await worldContract.write.increment();
      +      await waitForTransaction(tx);
             return getComponentValue(Counter, singletonEntity);
    6. (optional) If you still need a clock, you can create it with:

      import { map, filter } from "rxjs";
      import { createClock } from "@latticexyz/network";
      const clock = createClock({
        period: 1000,
        initialTime: 0,
        syncInterval: 5000,
      world.registerDisposer(() => clock.dispose());
          map((block) => Number(block.timestamp) * 1000), // Map to timestamp in ms
          filter((blockTimestamp) => blockTimestamp !== clock.lastUpdateTime), // Ignore if the clock was already refreshed with this block
          filter((blockTimestamp) => blockTimestamp !== clock.currentTime) // Ignore if the current local timestamp is correct
        .subscribe(clock.update); // Update the local clock

    If you're using the previous LoadingState component, you'll want to migrate to the new SyncProgress:

    import { SyncStep, singletonEntity } from "@latticexyz/store-sync/recs";
    const syncProgress = useComponentValue(SyncProgress, singletonEntity, {
      message: "Connecting",
      percentage: 0,
      step: SyncStep.INITIALIZE,
    if (syncProgress.step === SyncStep.LIVE) {
      // we're live!