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Repository files navigation


📝 Description

NewsBank is an interactive web application built using React. It serves as a news aggregation and comments board, allowing users to log in, browse the various articles by topic/popularity and get involved in the discussion. The app uses the NewsBank API to fetch the stories and allow the user to interact with them via comments and votes.

You can view the production version of NewsBank here, hosted via Netlify.

Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 23 42 02 Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 23 43 40 Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 23 28 48 Screenshot 2023-04-11 at 23 27 42

🖥️ Back End

The back end API used for this project is hosted via Render and can be viewed here.

The Github repository can be found here.

⌨️ Getting Started

In order to run this project locally, the following must be installed on your machine:

  • Node.js v19.6.1 -Node Package Manager (npm)
  • git (and a Github account)

💻 Run Locally

  1. Fork this repository.
  2. Via your terminal, navigate to your desired directory or create a new directory using mkdir <project-name>.
  3. Clone your forked version of the repository to your local machine using the command git clone <repo-url>.
  4. Naviagte into your new directory using cd <project-name> and open it with your chosen software, e.g. using the command code . to open it in VSCode.
  5. In your terminal, run npm install <package> to install all dependencies. You will need the following packages:
  • node v19.6.1
  • react v18.2.0
  • react-dom v18.2.0
  • react-router-dom v6.9.0
  • react-scripts v5.0.1
  • axios v1.3.4

In your terminal, run npm start to open the app on your local server.

Happy hacking!


Front end for NewsBank project






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