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Candidate supplement to snakemake --generate-unit-tests with more compatible use cases and flexibility.


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snakemake unit tests



Brief Summary

Candidate supplement to snakemake --generate-unit-tests with more compatible use cases and flexibility.


The goal of this software is to enable unit testing with snakemake. Our hope is that we can remove many of the barriers to unit testing in bioinformatics pipelines, and encourage developers to inspect individual stages of their pipelines, integrate their work with CI/CD, and generally more regularly adopt testing practices in the process of their work.

Our testing model

Our goal is to make it possible to set up individual, automated tests for each rule of a pipeline, and then rerun those tests at each code change or commit, to flag expected or unexpected changes. The projected unit test workflow is as follows:

  • write a pipeline
  • format the snakefiles with snakefmt
    • (optional) consider automatic code linting with pre-commit
  • construct one or more small test cases to run on all or part of a pipeline
  • run the pipeline and capture log output
  • feed the pipeline and run log into snakemake_unit_tests
  • run tests with pytest
  • whenever you make code changes, update your unit code with snakemake_unit_tests
  • rerun tests with pytest, and immediately flag changes in test results

Running snakemake_unit_tests requires a one-time configuration step, to generate a yaml format configuration file. The configuration just requires paths to the pipeline you're running, its top-level snakefile, your output log, etc. After that, you can rerun snakemake_unit_tests with the same configuration file and a flag instructing it to update code in-place. We're trying to make the process as streamlined as possible; if there's a step you see that you'd like streamlined in some way, please post an issue or MR/PR.

Why unit testing?

Many bioinformaticians are familiar with the concept of "test cases": inputs and outputs that they want to feed through their system to verify that (1) their software runs to completion, and (2) the output seems suitable to their use case. This is an important type of testing, but just one form of testing in software development models.

When creating pipelines, we often want to be able to do three things:

  • inspect the input and output of a particular pipeline rule for errors
  • after making changes to our pipelines, check to see that
    • the steps we wanted to change have in fact changed; and
    • the steps we didn't want to change are still working as expected

In all but the most basic pipelines, these issues can be very challenging to rigorously evaluate with end-to-end tests. Most commonly, when testing, if our end-to-end test output changes, we have to manually track back those changes step by step until we find the step that has introduced some difference; or just as often, we note the output still looks" pretty good" and we assume that means the system is working as intended.

Unfortunately, those assumptions don't hold in many situations, and we often suspect many small (or large) issues are being hidden by the complexity of our pipelines. We would ideally like to be able to split up our software into individual units; inspect the input and output of those units for issues on our initial test cases; and then track whether later software modifications introduce changes to those expected outputs (and have the step at which the change happened immediately flagged for inspection). In the case of pipeline development, a very reasonable "unit" is the individual rule, and this project tries to facilitate the process of splitting out those rules into individual units, so the end user can skip the tedious and error-prone process of manually extracting those units into test code, so they can focus on the debugging they need to do.


snakemake has internal functionality that addresses a similar problem, in its --generate-unit-tests option. However, in our testing, that option does not work out of the box, except for extremely simple pipeline structures that don't apply to our use cases. We have taken what we understand of --generate-unit-tests aims and integrated them into our alternative, with certain modification to increase the pipeline structures with which our option is compatible. Specifically:

  • our method creates synthetic snakefiles with just a single rule present along with python infrastructure; this substantially reduces the time required to construct the DAG in the test cases
  • each rule unit is tested within its own restricted test space, with all its inputs and outputs contained within
  • the user can flag external files and directories (config, manifest, scripts, environments, etc.) that can be ported into the per-unit restricted test spaces. As such, the number of pipeline conventions supported by the program out of the box is dramatically increased
  • downstream pytest testing recognizes files by extension and, when needed, applies custom comparison scripts that avoid meaningless differences and compare the parts of the file that matter (no more VCF header comments causing test failures). Additional file extension handlers can be added and specified in configuration, avoiding manual interaction with dozens of unit tests.

Installation Instructions


TODO(lightning-auriga): create conda package and provide conda installation instructions

From GitHub



By default, a build process involving a conda environment is supported.

  • if you wish to use conda and it's not currently available, you can install it with the instructions here

  • navigate into your project directory (snakemake_unit_tests)

  • create the conda environment for installation as follows:

    conda env create -f environment.yaml

  • activate the conda environment:

    conda activate snakemake_unit_tests-env

  • (one time only per environment) install commitizen:

    npm install -g commitizen cz-conventional-changelog

  • (one time only per environment) install pre-commit linters:

    pre-commit install

  • update (create) the necessary configure scripts with autoreconf:

    autoreconf --force --install

    • note that this can also be run with ./generate.bash inside the repo
  • run configure:

    CC=${CONDA_PREFIX}/bin/x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-gcc CXX=${CONDA_PREFIX}/bin/x86_64-conda-linux-gnu-g++ ./configure --with-boost=${CONDA_PREFIX} --with-boost-libdir=${CONDA_PREFIX}/lib --with-yaml-cpp=${CONDA_PREFIX}

    • if you are planning on installing software to a local directory, run instead ./configure --prefix=/install/dir [...]
  • run make CPPFLAGS=""

    • this is a non-standard make invocation. the reason this is included is because the project is configured to specifically use a boost installation in the accompanying conda environment. if you'd rather remove boost from the conda environment, or ignore it in favor of a system-wide boost installation, you can adjust the appropriate configure parameters accordingly and instead invoke make without any further variable overrides
  • run make check to run TAP/automake tests

    • if you run this command without compiling first, you will again need to override CPPFLAGS as follows: make CPPFLAGS="" check
  • if desired, run make install. if permissions issues are reported, see above for reconfiguring with ./configure --prefix.


To see available command line options, the program can be run as follows

snakemake_unit_tests.out -h

For most permanent project settings, we highly recommend creating a config.yaml file that can be provided during each run, to streamline and simplify the process.

Available Options

Note that most options can be specified either on the command line or in a configuration file, and the names of the options in those different contexts are listed when applicable.

  • yaml Configuration File
    • command line: -c or --config
    • argument type: string
    • description: set configuration settings from a yaml-format configuration file
    • notes: this is highly recommended for all projects. See the example configuration file for example formatting, or below for example accepted keys. Ideally, snakemake_unit_tests should be run each time with -c {configfile}, and then any additional flags to override your project default settings.
  • Verbose Mode
    • command line: -v or --verbose
    • argument type: none
    • description: request verbose logging output during parsing operations
    • notes: currently only useful for snakemake_unit_tests C++ debugging
  • Output Test Directory
    • command line: -o or --output-test-dir
    • yaml configuration key: output-test-dir
    • argument type: string
    • behavior if multiply specified: command line takes priority
    • description: directory under which unit tests will be written
    • notes: following --generate-unit-tests convention, the tests will in fact be written to {output-test-dir}/unit/, anticipating the presence of other tests in other subdirectories. These paths will be created if they do not already exist. Note however that if existing tests are present in {output-test-dir}/unit/, the default behavior of this program is to overwrite in place, so if you want to preserve existing tests, choose a new path.
  • Pipeline Entry Point Snakefile
    • command line: -s or --snakefile
    • yaml configuration key: snakefile
    • argument type: string
    • behavior if multiply specified: command line takes priority
    • description: path to and name of top-level pipeline snakefile
    • notes: this can be relative to your current directory, or absolute. This program currently assumes the snakefile for your pipeline will be in something like pipeline-dir/workflow/Snakefile; support for other snakefile locations is planned but not currently tested. Dependent snakefiles included with include: directives should not be specified here, but rather are automatically detected.
  • Pipeline Installation Directory
    • command line: -p or --pipeline-dir
    • yaml configuration key: pipeline-dir
    • argument type: string
    • behavior if multiply specified: command line takes priority
    • description: installation path to the pipeline being tested
    • notes: this can be relative to your current directory, or absolute. This parameter is optional, but if absent will be assumed to be {snakefile_dir}/.., again assuming the snakefile is installed in pipeline-dir/workflow. If this automatic behavior is inappropriate, this parameter should be separately specified.
  • snakemake_unit_tests inst/ Directory Location
    • command line: -i or --inst-dir
    • yaml configuration key: inst-dir
    • argument type: string
    • behavior if multiply specified: command line takes priority
    • description: path to and name of inst/ directory from the snakemake_unit_tests repo
    • notes: this directory contains infrastructure files for pytest compatibility. Customizations to snakemake_unit_tests pytest behavior can be injected by creating a custom copy of this directory. If the conda installation option for snakemake_unit_tests is used, this can be set simply to $CONDA_PREFIX/share/snakemake_unit_tests/inst; otherwise, the path to the GitHub repo clone inst/ directory should be used. Note that this path can be relative or absolute if desired.
  • Pipeline Run Log
    • command line: -l or --snakemake-log
    • yaml configuration key: snakemake-log
    • argument type: string
    • behavior if multiply specified: command line takes priority
    • description: log file from successful run of the pipeline being tested.
    • notes: this log file controls which rules, inputs, and outputs are sent into unit test workspaces. As such, in the basic use case, it should probably be the results of a command like snakemake -F --notemp > run.log 2>&1. However, more complicated use cases can involve manually manipulating this log file. Have two partial runs' logs and want to glue them together? Go right ahead! That actually works.
    • TODO(lightning-auriga): add TAP test confirming this actually works lol
  • Supplemental Files for Unit Test Workspaces
    • command line: -f or --added-files
    • yaml configuration key: added-files
    • argument type: string (multiple values accepted)
    • behavior if multiply specified: all values used
    • description: auxiliary files, outside of dependencies, to install with unit tests
    • warning: these should be relative paths from pipeline-dir
    • notes: any file that is required by the pipeline to operate, but isn't explicitly tracked by rules' input or output blocks, should be specified here. The most common files falling into this category are a pipeline config.yaml file, or an experiment's manifest file.
  • Supplemental Directories for Unit Test Workspaces
    • command line: -d or --added-directories
    • yaml configuration key: added-directories
    • argument type: string (multiple values accepted)
    • behavior if multiply specified: all values used
    • description: auxiliary directories, outside of dependencies, to recursively install with unit tests
    • warning: these should be relative paths from pipeline-dir
    • notes: any whole directory that is required by the pipeline to operate, but isn't explicitly tracked by rules' input or output blocks, should be specified here. The most common directory falling into this category is a pipeline's config/ directory. Note however that this should only be used for directories that are exclusively fixed infrastructure files. An alternative would be, for example, if a config directory is used to contain output from a rule for some reason. In that case, please individually specify the files to include from that directory using added-files.
  • Included Rules, to Include from Log
    • command line: -n or --include-rules
    • yaml configuration key: include-rules
    • argument type: string (multiple values accepted)
    • behavior if multiply specified: all values used
    • notes: particularly when iteratively updating unit tests during initial installation and debugging, there are instances when it makes sense to only process one or a handful of rules. this parameter is specifically convenient to use on the command line with -n. note that if no rules are specified with this parameter, implicitly all rules are flagged as available for processing; and if any rules are specified with this parameter, they will only be processed if they are not also specified with --exclude-rules (see below).
  • Excluded Rules, to Ignore from Log
    • command line: -e or --exclude-rules
    • yaml configuration key: exclude-rules
    • argument type: string (multiple values accepted)
    • behavior if multiply specified: all values used
    • description: rules, by name, that should be ignored for generating tests
    • notes: some rules are simply not suitable for unit tests. An example might be a rule that downloads 50GB of reference sequence data from UCSC. In that case, if the rule is present in the snakemake-log and you don't want to remove the rule from that log, you can add the rule name here and snakemake_unit_tests will skip over it when emitting tests. Another common use case for this exclusion is when intermediate files from the pipeline run are not present, most commonly due to removal as temp files. This behavior of snakemake can be disabled with --notemp, but if that is not desired or not feasible, impacted rules can be added to the exclusion list. Note that any rule with the missing file as an input or an output must be excluded for snakemake_unit_tests to run successfully. snakemake_unit_tests will report any such missing files to the command line as an error, so you will have an opportunity to either rerun the upstream pipeline or iteratively add impacted rules to exclude-rules as desired.

Example Vignettes

A Standard Run

  • Create a pipeline, or choose one for unit testing

  • Run the pipeline end-to-end and capture log output:

    snakemake -j1 -F --notemp > run.log 2>&1

  • Set configuration options for your pipeline run

  • Run snakemake_unit_tests for your project

    snakemake_unit_tests.out -c config.yaml

  • Inspect the input and output for each generated test

    • these will be installed to {output-test-dir}/unit/*/
      • inputs are installed to workspace/
      • outputs are installed to expected/
  • Run pytest

    pytest {output-test-dir}/unit/test_*py

TODO(lightning-auriga): add more examples


Adding TAP Tests

Many tests are required to cover both snakemake_unit_tests internal functionality, and support for snakemake features, as well as eventual downstream pytest integration.

Here are brief instructions for writing additional tests for TAP/Automake integration:

  • run the current tests to see what's being tested already:
    • git checkout simple_conditionals
    • make check
  • pick a single concept to test
    • can be existing feature that needs confirmed functionality
    • can also be desired output for currently unsupported feature (e.g. discriminating between multiple rules with the same name but different definitions)
  • write example inputs and outputs that can demonstrate what you want to have happen
    • see folders under tests/examples for minimalist inspiration
  • write a Snakefile representing an example pipeline that contains the feature you're testing
  • run the Snakefile through snakefmt
    • program functionality strongly assumes snakefmt compliance
  • run the test pipeline, fixing as needed; example:
    • snakemake -j1 all > run.log 2>&1
    • rm -Rf .snakemake
  • write a test script
    • should be named {something}.test
      • extensions can be changed if desired, requires some configuration
    • should be placed in tests/
    • existing tests are in bash and defined by shebang
    • relative paths in the tests are relative to snakemake_unit_tests, not snakemake_unit_tests/tests
    • TAP syntax as follows:
      • should emit either at the beginning or end 1..{n} where {n} is the total tests run in the script
      • language doesn't matter, only cares about formatted screen output
      • will flag non-zero exit codes as an error in addition to test pass/failure
      • pass/fail messages optionally have a number after {ok or not ok} indicating which of {n} tests it is
      • PASS: ok - description of test/condition
      • FAIL: not ok - description of failure
      • XFAIL: not ok - description of failure # TODO todo message
      • SKIP: {ok or not ok} - description # SKIP skip reason
  • make the test script executable
  • (optional) test the test before integration:
    • ./tests/{something}.test
  • add the test script to the TESTS variable in
  • run make check
  • (optional) iterate as needed
  • add the files to the repo
    • in tests/, only add the .test files, not .trs or .log
    • in tests/examples/, do not add .snakemake directories
    • remember to add
  • commit, referencing issue #18 and optionally the tested feature

Version History

28 03 2021: this readme expanded to reflect project design

26 03 2021: draft conditional evaluation support without interpretation

13 03 2021: project generated from cookiecutter template


Candidate supplement to snakemake --generate-unit-tests with more compatible use cases and flexibility.







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