Release Note
Version: v0.2.0
Long time no see! We are excited to announce a major new version of the TianGong Database, now compatible with the latest version of the EF 3.1 reference package.
Please note that it will take a very much longer time to import to openLCA. It is normal and please wait.
Important Updates:
EF 3.1 Compatibility
We have updated our data to ensure compatibility with the Environmental Footprint scheme (EF 3.1).
EF 3.1 LCIA Methods
We have added methods to the life cycle environmental impact assessment, based on the latest methodology document from EF 3.1.
New Data Classification System
We have implemented a new data classification system in the database to prevent misunderstanding and misuse. Data are categorized, at top-level, as follows:
- Unit Process: Data concerning unit processes that include raw material inputs, product outputs, energy inputs, waste outputs, and pollutant emissions.
- Reference Parameters: Data used solely as parameters. For instance, data from the Second National Pollution Census, providing pollutant emission factors, are categorized as Reference Parameters, which includes product outputs and pollutant emission factors.
New Additions:
LCIA Methods:
- Added flow method data for life cycle environmental impact assessment, based on the latest methodology from EF 3.1. Impact Categories include:
- Human toxicity, USEtox 2.1 (non-cancer, organics, inorganics);
- Human toxicity, USEtox 2.1 (cancer, organics, inorganics);
- Climate change, Baseline model of the IPCC 2021 (fossil, biogenic, land use and change);
- Ecotoxicity, USEtox (freshwater, inorganics, organics);
- Water use, AWARE 100(Abaiblable water Remaining);
- Land use, Soil quality index;
- Resource use, Abiotic resource depletion (fossils, minerals and metals);
- EF-particulate Matter, Exposure model;
- Photochemical ozone formation - human health, LOTOS-EUROS;
- Ionising radiation, human health, Human exposure efficiency relative to U235;
- Ozone depletion,1999 WMO assessment of ozone depletion;
- Acidification, Accumulated Exceedance method;
- Eutrophication - terrestrial, Accumulated Exceedance method;
- Eutrophication, CARMEN model for waterborne emissions and EUTREND for airborne emissions (marine, freshwater);
- Added flow method data for life cycle environmental impact assessment, based on the latest methodology from EF 3.1. Impact Categories include:
Unit Process Data:
- Added unit process data for the soil remediation sector.
- Added unit process data for electricity generation in thermal power plants.
- Added unit process data for the electricity production structure of each province in China.
Flow Data:
- Added new flows for chalcogenide photovoltaics.
Issue Fixes:
- Unit Process Data:
- Revised unit process data for regional power production.
- Flow Data:
- Consolidated the flow UUID for duplicated flow information.
好久不见!我们很高兴地宣布天工数据库的新版本现已与EF 3.1兼容。
EF 3.1 兼容性
我们已更新数据以确保与环境足迹计划(EF 3.1)的兼容性。
EF 3.1 LCIA 方法
我们根据EF 3.1的最新方法学文档,增加了生命周期环境影响评估中的流程方法数据。
- 单位过程:关于包括原材料输入、产品输出、能源输入、废物输出和污染物排放的单位过程的数据。
- 参考参数:仅作为参数使用的数据。例如,提供污染物排放因子的第二次全国污染源普查的数据,其中包括产品输出和污染物排放因子,被分类为参考参数。
LCIA 方法:
- 根据EF 3.1的最新方法论增加了生命周期环境影响评估的流程方法数据。影响类别包括:
- 人体毒性,非癌症;人体毒性,非癌症_有机物;人体毒性,非癌症_无机物;(USEtox 2.1)
- 人体毒性,癌症;人体毒性,癌症_有机物;人体毒性,癌症_无机物;(USEtox 2.1)
- 气候变化;气候变化-化石;气候变化-生物;气候变化-土地利用和土地利用变化;政府间气候变化专门委员会 2021 年基准模型(IPCC 2021)
- 淡水生态毒性;淡水生态毒性_无机物;淡水生态毒性_有机物;(USEtox)
- 水资源利用;(可饮用水剩余量, AWARE 100)
- 土地利用;(土壤质量指数)
- 资源利用,化石;资源利用,矿物和金属;(非生物资源枯竭)
- EF-颗粒物;(暴露模型)
- 光化学臭氧形成-人体健康;(LOTOS-EUROS)
- 电离辐射,人体健康;(相对于铀-235 的人体暴露效率)
- 臭氧层破坏;(1999 年世界气象组织对臭氧消耗的评估)
- 酸化;(累积超标法)
- 富营养化,陆地;(累积超标法)
- 富营养化,海洋;富营养化,淡水;(CARMEN 模型用于水传播排放,EUTREND 模型用于空气传播排放)
- 根据EF 3.1的最新方法论增加了生命周期环境影响评估的流程方法数据。影响类别包括:
- 新增了土壤修复领域的单元过程数据。
- 新增了火力发电的单元过程数据。
- 新增了中国各省的电力生产结构数据。
- 新增用于钙钛矿光伏发电的流数据。
- 单元过程数据:
- 修正了区域混合电力生产的单元过程数据。
- 流数据:
- 合并且统一了流信息重复的记录。