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StevanEarl edited this page Dec 29, 2018 · 22 revisions

the lterwg-som wiki

key file version 2

new features and checks wish list:

processing notes:

  • add a sleep step before each iteration of touching a google file to help reduce errors
  • take a snapshot of the Google Drive before each batch step (Julien will check with Nick)
  • consider a unique naming system that would facilitate keeping the already homogenized files
  • general workflow:
    1. back up Google Drive: snapshot 0
    2. get cell range stats from key files to identify cases where cell range references will break
    3. adjust key files that need cell range adjustment
    4. batch update key files to version 2 format
    5. edit each key file
    6. back up Google Drive: snapshot 1
    7. remove all homogenized products except the modified key file
    8. batch re-homogenize all data packages
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