Merge branch 'main' into perf/movegen/hasvalidmoves #1294
8 warnings
Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls and passing boxed objects.
Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls and passing boxed objects.
Using member 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationBinder.Bind(IConfiguration, Object)' which has 'RequiresUnreferencedCodeAttribute' can break functionality when trimming application code. Cannot statically analyze the type of instance so its members may be trimmed.
Using member 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationBinder.Bind(IConfiguration, Object)' which has 'RequiresUnreferencedCodeAttribute' can break functionality when trimming application code. Cannot statically analyze the type of instance so its members may be trimmed.
Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls and passing boxed objects.
Binding logic was not generated for a binder call. Unsupported input patterns include generic calls and passing boxed objects.
Using member 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationBinder.Bind(IConfiguration, Object)' which has 'RequiresUnreferencedCodeAttribute' can break functionality when trimming application code. Cannot statically analyze the type of instance so its members may be trimmed.
Using member 'Microsoft.Extensions.Configuration.ConfigurationBinder.Bind(IConfiguration, Object)' which has 'RequiresUnreferencedCodeAttribute' can break functionality when trimming application code. Cannot statically analyze the type of instance so its members may be trimmed.
The logs for this run have expired and are no longer available.