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Releases: mapbox/mapbox-gl-native


11 Sep 17:18
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Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for Android v8.4.0-alpha.1:

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue of integer overflow when converting tileCoordinates to LatLon, which caused issues such as queryRenderedFeatures and querySourceFeatures returning incorrect coordinates at zoom levels 20 and higher. #15560

Other Changes

  • Bumped Java SDK dependency to 4.9.0-alpha.1 #15570


05 Sep 04:17
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ios-v5.4.0-alpha.1 Pre-release

Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v5.3.0:

  • Fixed an issue that caused the tilt gesture to trigger too easily and conflict with pinch or pan gestures. (#15349)
  • Fixed a bug with annotation view positions after camera transitions. (#15122)
  • Fixed a rendering issue of collisionBox when MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textTranslate or MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconTranslate is enabled. (#15467)
  • Fixed an issue where the scale bar text would become illegible if iOS 13 dark mode was enabled. (#15524)
  • Enabled use of MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textOffset option together with MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textVariableAnchor (if MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textRadialOffset option is not provided). (#15542)
  • Fixed an issue with the appearance of the compass text in iOS 13. (#15547)

Performance improvements

  • Mark used offline region resources in batches. (#15521)

User interaction

  • Fixed an issue that caused the map to rotate too easily during a pinch gesture. (#15562)

To install this pre-release via a dependency manager, see our CocoaPods or Carthage instructions.

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.


04 Sep 18:00
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Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for Android v8.3.0:


  • Introduce clusterProperties option for aggregated cluster properties. #15425
  • Expose the CameraPosition#padding field and associated utility camera position builders. This gives a choice to set a persisting map padding immediately during a transition instead of setting it lazily MapboxMap#setPadding, which required scheduling additional transition to be applied. This also deprecates MapboxMap#setPadding as there should be no need for a lazy padding setter. #15444
  • Add number-format expression that allows to format a number to a string, with configurations as minimal/maximal fraction and locale/currency. #15424
  • Enable using of text-offset option together with text-variable-anchor (if text-radial-offset option is not provided). If used with text-variable-anchor, input values will be taken as absolute values. Offsets along the x- and y-axis will be applied automatically based on the anchor position. #15542

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a rendering issue of collisionBox when text-translate or icon-translate is enabled. #15467
  • Fixed unnecessary layers blink when the same components are re-added after the style reload #15513
  • Fixed an issue in JNI marshaling code that converted a float to long that produced invalid expressions #15557
  • Call callback onFinish() immediately when trying to move camera to current position #15558

Performance improvements

  • Mark used offline region resources in batches. #15521

Other Changes

  • JNI binding refactor #15462
  • Javadoc changes to clarify OfflineManager methods #15519


28 Aug 23:37
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Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v5.2.0:

This release changes how offline tile requests are billed — they are now billed on a pay-as-you-go basis and all developers are able raise the offline tile limit for their users. Offline requests were previously exempt from monthly active user (MAU) billing and increasing the offline per-user tile limit to more than 6,000 tiles required the purchase of an enterprise license. By upgrading to this release, you are opting into the changes outlined in this blog post and #15380.

Styles and rendering

  • Fixed flickering on style change for the same tile set. (#15127)
  • Fixed performance issues when tilting a map with custom content insets. (#15195)
  • Fixed an issue where animated camera transitions zoomed in or out too dramatically. (#15281)
  • Enabled variable label placement when MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textAllowsOverlap is set to true. (#15354)
  • Added the MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textWritingModes layout property. This property can be set to MGLTextWritingModeHorizontal or MGLTextWritingModeVertical. (#14932)
  • Fixed rendering and collision detection issues with using MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textVariableAnchor and MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconTextFit properties on the same layer. (#15367)
  • Fixed symbol overlap when zooming out quickly. (#15416)
  • Fixed a rendering issue where non-SDF icons would be treated as SDF icons if they are in the same layer. (#15456)

Other changes

  • Fixed a bug where glyphs generated through the LocalGlyphRasterizer interface were changing fonts during some zoom changes. (#15407)
  • Fixed use of objects after moving, potentially causing crashes. (#15408)
  • Fixed a possible crash that could be caused by invoking the wrong layer implementation casting function. (#15398)
  • Fixed a rare crash when tile download requests returned “404 Not Found” errors. (#15313)
  • MGLLoggingLevel has been updated to better match core log levels. You can now use MGLLoggingConfiguration.loggingLevel to filter logs from core. (#15120)
  • Fixed an issue where the scale bar could show 0 mm instead of 0. (#15381)

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.


28 Aug 18:13
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Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for Android v8.3.0-beta.1:

This release changes how offline tile requests are billed — they are now billed on a pay-as-you-go basis and all developers are able raise the offline tile limit for their users. Offline requests were previously exempt from monthly active user (MAU) billing and increasing the offline per-user tile limit to more than 6,000 tiles required the purchase of an enterprise license. By upgrading to this release, you are opting into the changes outlined in this blog post and #15380.


  • Allow ability to pass a string array resource into localIdeographFontFamily for enabling/disabling the feature and specifying fallback fonts. #15488

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a rendering issue caused by all icons being treated as SDFs if an SDF and non-SDF icon were in the same layer. #15456
  • Fixed an issue where changing location's render mode when theLocationComponent is disable wouldn't invalidate the foreground icon when it's back enabled. #15507


27 Aug 11:08
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Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for Android v8.2.1:

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a possible crash that could be caused by invoking the wrong layer implementation casting function. #15398
  • Fixed use of objects after moving, potentially causing crashes. #15408
  • Fixed a wrong calculation of visibility in high pitch scenarios which might've led to tiles in the viewport not being rendered. #15461

Other Changes

  • Do not invalidate the camera immediately when map padding is set. Reverts a change introduced in the v8.2.0. #15437


22 Aug 13:18
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android-v8.3.0-beta.1 Pre-release

Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for Android v8.3.0-alpha.3:

Bug fixes

  • Fixed a bug where glyphs generated through the LocalGlyphRasterizer interface were changing fonts during some zoom changes. #15407
  • Fixed use of objects after moving, potentially causing crashes. #15408
  • Fixed a possible crash that could be caused by invoking the wrong layer implementation casting function #15398.
  • Font lookup on pre lollipop devices failed, provide default font list instead #15410.
  • Fixed rendering and collision detection issues with using text-variable-anchor and icon-text-fit properties on the same layer #15367.
  • Fixed a bug where quick-scale was registered during a move gesture that followed a double-tap. Bumped gestures library to v0.5.1. #15427
  • Fixed symbol overlap when zooming out quickly. #15416

Other Changes

  • Do not invalidate the camera immediately when map padding is set. Reverts a change introduced in the v8.2.0. #15437


  • Add javadoc to OnStyleImageMissingListener indicating the required synchronous addition images, document workaround #15418


21 Aug 22:53
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ios-v5.3.0-beta.1 Pre-release

Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v5.3.0-alpha.3:

This release changes how offline tile requests are billed — they are now billed on a pay-as-you-go basis and all developers are able raise the offline tile limit for their users. Offline requests were previously exempt from monthly active user (MAU) billing and increasing the offline per-user tile limit to more than 6,000 tiles required the purchase of an enterprise license. By upgrading to this release, you are opting into the changes outlined in this blog post and #15380.

Styles and rendering

  • Fixed rendering and collision detection issues with using MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textVariableAnchor and MGLSymbolStyleLayer.iconTextFit properties on the same layer. (#15367)
  • Fixed symbol overlap when zooming out quickly. (#15416)

Other changes

  • Fixed a bug where glyphs generated through the LocalGlyphRasterizer interface were changing fonts during some zoom changes. (#15407)
  • Fixed use of objects after moving, potentially causing crashes. (#15408)
  • Fixed a possible crash that could be caused by invoking the wrong layer implementation casting function. (#15398)
  • Fixed an issue where the scale bar could show 0 mm instead of 0. (#15381)

To install this pre-release via a dependency manager, see our CocoaPods or Carthage instructions.

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.


16 Aug 08:54
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Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for Android v8.3.0-alpha.2:

Gestures handling

  • Bumped gestures library version to v0.5.0 which replaces the compat gesture detector with a custom scale gesture detector implementation. This is a softly breaking change because the underlying scale gesture detector reference has been removed. This brings a set of improvements to gestures without removing any functionality from the previous implementation. #15136
  • Improved scale and rotate gestures by refining sensitivity thresholds and animation velocity. #15136
  • Improved quick-zoom gestures by making zoom changes linear. Quick-zoom scale changes are now executed based on y-axis delta changes. #15386


  • Introduced the text-writing-mode layout property for symbol layers. This property allows labels to be placed horizontally or vertically. The property accepts an array of enumeration values from a ( horizontal | vertical ) set. #14932
  • Added support for fallback fonts in localIdeographFontFamily. #15255

Bug fixes

  • Fixed an issue where it was possible to set the map’s content insets then tilt the map enough to see the horizon, causing performance issues #15195
  • Allow loading of a map without a style URI or style JSON #15293
  • Fixed an issue where animated camera transitions zoomed in or out too dramatically #15281
  • Enable variable label placement when text-allow-overlap property is set to true #15354


14 Aug 23:19
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ios-v5.3.0-alpha.3 Pre-release

Changes since Mapbox Maps SDK for iOS v5.3.0-alpha.2:

Styles and rendering

  • Fixed an issue where animated camera transitions zoomed in or out too dramatically. (#15281)
  • Enabled variable label placement when MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textAllowsOverlap is set to true. (#15354)
  • Added the MGLSymbolStyleLayer.textWritingModes layout property. This property can be set to MGLTextWritingModeHorizontal or MGLTextWritingModeVertical. (#14932)

To install this pre-release via a dependency manager, see our CocoaPods or Carthage instructions.

Documentation is available online or as part of the download.