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Building an HttpRequestMessage

Mattias Nordqvist edited this page Dec 20, 2017 · 14 revisions

Building an URL

There are 3 components that together make up the urls you want to call.

First, we have the part you give to the api when you create it.


Second, we have the part you can give to your api through the BaseLocationAttribute. This is optional.

public interface ITypicodeApi 

Third, we have the part you give to your methods through different HttpAttributes. These attributes also decide which http method will be used.

Task<List<Post>> GetPosts();

Task<Post> GetPost(int id);

Task<HttpResponseMessage> DeletePost(int id);


The BaseLocationAttribute and the HttpAttributes all accept paths that can contain placeholders. These placeholders are recognized by the surrounding {}-brackets. By default, these placeholders will be replaced with data from the parameters accepted by the method, if their names are matching.

public interface IMyApi
    Task<HttpResponseMessage> Get(string resource, int id);

Query parameters

Any parameters accepted by your method that does not match a placeholder in the url, will be appended to your url as a query parameter.

Task<List<Post>> GetPosts(int? userId);

By the way... there is nothing stopping you from appending status query parameters directly in the HttpAttribute

Task<List<Post>> GetPosts();

Lists of query string parameters

By default, a query parameter with multiple values will be appended multiple times. Like this:

Task<List<Customer>> GetCustomers(IEnumerable<string> country);

Api.For<MyApi>("").GetCustomers(new[] { "SE", "EN" });

// -> HTTP GET

This can be changed in ApiSettings. See QueryParamaterListStrategy ApiSettings.

Body content

If there is a parameter accepted by your method that is attributed with the ContentAttribute, it will, by default, be serialized as JSON and sent as body content.

Task<HttpResponseMessage> PostPost([Content]Post post);


Parameters attributed with the HeaderAttribute will become headers in the http request.

Task<HttpResponseMessage> Get([Header] string authorization);

URL Encoding

One last thing. We URL encode anything that will eventually end up in the url. So if you pass in for example "Hello there" as a parameter for url segment substitution, Hello%20there is what will be put in the URL. This is fine most times, but we make one exception to this rule. In the example above, if you pass messages/sent as resource, we will not replace the / with %2F. If you wish to change this default behaviour, there is an option available in the IApiSettings. See EncodeUrlSegmentSeparatorsInUrlSegmentSubstitutions in ApiSettings.

Documentation (v6.1.0)

  1. Getting started
  2. Basics (Http GET & Base Location)
  3. Basics pt. 2 (POST/PUT/DELETE, HttpResponseMessage, Exceptions, HttpClient, IDisposable)
  4. Building an HttpRequestMessage
  5. Parameter attributes
  6. Handling responses
  7. ApiSettings
  8. Typical setup (Develop/Test/Production & Mocking)
  9. Logging
  10. Testing
  11. Generic Api
  12. Multipart
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