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Mattias Nordqvist edited this page Jun 25, 2018 · 2 revisions

It's not unusual for REST-apis to have a pretty consistent way of treating CRUD-operations. Instead of writing web-anchor-apis for a bunch of different resources, you could use type parameters. Watch this.

public class Customer
    public int Id { get; set; }
    public string Name { get; set; }

public interface IAnyResourceApi<T>
    Task<List<T>> List();

    Task<T> Get(int id);

    Task<T> Post(T t);

    Task<T> Put(int id, T t);

    Task Delete(int id);

public class UseGenericTypeAsURLResourceAttribute : ParameterListTransformerAttribute
    public override IEnumerable<Parameter> Apply(IEnumerable<Parameter> parameters, RequestTransformContext requestTransformContext)
        foreach (var p in parameters) yield return p;
        var typeValue = requestTransformContext.ApiInvocation.Method.DeclaringType.GetGenericArguments().First().Name.ToLower();
        yield return Parameter.CreateRouteParameter("resource", typeValue);
    public override void ValidateApi(Type type, MethodInfo method)
        if (!type.GetGenericArguments().Any())
            throw new WebAnchorException(nameof(UseGenericTypeAsURLResourceAttribute) + " can only be applied to apis with at least one type parameter.");

public class Tests : WebAnchorTest
    public void Test()
        TestTheRequest<IAnyResourceApi<Customer>>(api => api.Get(5), m =>
            Assert.AreEqual(HttpMethod.Get, m.Method);
            Assert.AreEqual("api/customer/5", m.RequestUri.ToString());

Documentation (v6.1.0)

  1. Getting started
  2. Basics (Http GET & Base Location)
  3. Basics pt. 2 (POST/PUT/DELETE, HttpResponseMessage, Exceptions, HttpClient, IDisposable)
  4. Building an HttpRequestMessage
  5. Parameter attributes
  6. Handling responses
  7. ApiSettings
  8. Typical setup (Develop/Test/Production & Mocking)
  9. Logging
  10. Testing
  11. Generic Api
  12. Multipart
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