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251 lines (148 loc) · 9.92 KB

File metadata and controls

251 lines (148 loc) · 9.92 KB



  • Adds new options to the [TextInput /] component, allowing authors to define regex patterns which the user input must match. #737.



  • Adds a new [Preview /] component to display link previews. #731
  • Improves the [Annotation /] API so that annotations can include arbitrary embeded components, not just text. #730


  • Prevent idyll-document from unecessarily injecting theme and layout stylesheets onto the page multiple times


  • Node v15 support



  • Added a new [Annotation /] component #718



  • Added support for multiple configurations in package.json #701


  • Fix bug where an undefined expression could crash the runtime #704
  • Make CSV parsing more flexible #703
  • Add min heights to components that fetch resources over the network
  • Small improvements to theme CSS


Bugfix: fix publish command on windows #695


Add experimental project create API.



  • Adds insertFullWidth option to markup serializer (#686)
  • Adds inlineAuthorView option to idyll-document (#681)


  • General improvements to markup serialization (#685, #684, #676)



  • Improves output of AST.toMarkup(ast) function so that extra whitespace is not inserted on repeated calls.



  • Adds fullWidthSteps option to the scroller, to make it easier for scroller components steps to take on wider designs


  • Component resolver is initialized at the start of compile process and when a compiler postprocessor plugin creates a new component in components directory, it won't be available till the next build and the current build fails with component not found error. (See: idyll-lang#610)

Breaking changes:

  • Update header component default behavior to use styles (background color and text color) provided by themes
  • Fix the package.json options logic so any idyll option can be provided via package.json and


  • Add progress parameter to the scroller component to make continuos scroll-based animations. (#601)
  • Support for JSX file extension of components (#603)
  • new template for slideshows (#608)
  • new byline options for header component (#599)


  • Fix compiler bug with exclamation points (#604)
  • Fix integration with Vega-Lite


New features:

  • Replace uglify with terser (#591)


  • Fix security issue with csv-parse (#594)


New features:

  • Adds support for citations and references (#575)


  • Fix case sensativity in AST modifyNodesByName method (#574)
  • Fix equation rendering issues (#579)
  • Fix comment spacing issue (#578)


  • Adds a Desmos component. (#547)
  • Fix bug with incorrect components being inserted when using Asides & server-side rendering.


  • Improves article-header style for the blog layout. (#544)
  • Add idyll clean command. This command removes elements from the .idyll folder, which is used as a build cache and to store tokens for (#540)
  • Add --no-install option to idyll create so you can generate new posts without running npm install (good for use in blogs that share dependencies). (#539)
  • Make header components autogenerate id tags. (#538)
  • Add a multipage template for making blogs and such things. (#549)




  • Adds build option to idyll publish
  • Adds template option to idyll create
  • Fixes a bug in compiler where spaces were being incorrectly inserted after numbers in text (12three would be rendered as 12 three)
  • fix re-rendering issues with idyll-document


  • Fixes bug in multiline codeblocks where leading spaces would be removed
  • Adds the injectThemeCSS and injectLayoutCSS options to idyll-document
  • Fixes a bug where syntax highlighting with an unknown language would cause a hard crash.


  • New, improved default template
  • New, more friendly AST schema. It should be easier for developers to make custom compiler extensions and plugins.
  • Fixes small bugs in the compiler and runtime.

Breaking Changes

There are very few breaking changes between version 3 and version 4. The reason for the major version bump is that we completely revamped how the AST is represented internally. This change is only breaking for projects using Idyll plugins, any projects not using plugins should not require any changes to upgrade from v3 to v4. Projects using plugins should update to the latest version of those plugins for them to work with the new AST.


To grab the latest version of the Idyll CLI tool, run npm i -g idyll@latest. Note that idyll stores a local snapshot in each project, so if you want a post created with idyll v3 to use the latest version, you'll have to update the local copy of idyll as well, by running npm i idyll@latest --save in the project directory. There shouldn't be any code changes required other than the plugin issue mentioned above.

If you see unexpected errors such as tree.reduce is not a function in the browser log, this is due to the v3 AST being cached locally. To fix this run rm .idyll/browserify* in your project to clear the cache.


  • Adds an in-browser notification when the idyll compiler errors on the command line. This should help prevent some frustration during development.
  • Fixes bugs relating to references in Idyll expressions


  • Add additional methods to exported idyll object, including getComponents and getDatasets to facilitate programatic interaction with Idyll projects.


  • Add onMount event to the context used by idyll-document


  • Use prettier for code formatting
  • Add update-notifier to CLI tool
  • Fix bug in handling conflicts between options specified on the command line and in package.json


  • Fix bug in runtime context initialization
  • Add missing component metadata


  • Fix bug in idyll text-container styles.


  • Add YouTube component.


  • Bugfix for crash when a non-existent styles or theme/layout is attempted to be used.
  • Improvements to the radio button component


  • Adds option to specify idyll output filenames. Changes default output to not have leading underscores, so they work better on GitHub.


  • Adds alias option


  • Adds "autolinkification" logic to compilers (things which look like links will automatically be treated as such).
  • Adds new Conditional component to standard lib


  • Add options for googleFonts and favicon.


  • Small updates to the default project templates


  • Updates idyll runtime to use Object proxies rather than directly calling setState, this fixes a handleful of bugs related to asynchronous updates in Idyll expressions.


Breaking Changes

  • The input file option shortcut -f has been changed to -i.
  • Deprecated components have been removed, including:
    • FullScreen, Waypoint, Feature, Panel
    • these are superseded by FullWidth, Scroller, and Stepper components.
  • The path of the static assets that Idyll generates has changed. This will only affect people using a custom HTML template, find the new default template here.

New Features

  • Project generator is now built into the idyll command line tool, no more yo idyll. Instead run idyll create to create a new idyll project.
  • No more npm scripts (npm start, npm build, etc) instead do the following:
    • For dev, run idyll in the root of your project
    • To build out static files, run idyll build
    • To publish to the web, run idyll publish, this will give you a unique URL that can be used to share your project.

To see the old v2 docs, visit [].