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Natives (Channels)

lp_ edited this page Aug 1, 2022 · 17 revisions


  • Parameters:
    • guildid: The guild to create a channel in.
    • channel_name[]: The name of the new channel.
    • channel_type: The channel's type. See Definitions.
    • parent[]: The parent (channel) of this channel. Leave it "0" if none.
    • topic[]: The topic.
    • nsfw: 1 if not safe for work, 0 if safe for work.
  • Returns:
    • 1 on success, 0 if not.

  • Parameters:
    • guildid: The guild to delete the channel in.
    • channelid[]: The id of the channel to delete, in string format.
    • reason[]: The reason in string format.
  • Returns:
    • 1 on success, 0 if not.

  • Parameters:
    • guildid: The guild's ID
    • channelid[]: The channel/thread ID to send the message to, in string format.
    • msg: The message, in string format, to send in the channel.
    • out_id[]: (Optional) The value to store the id of the just send value in. ❗ If not used, set it to '0'!
  • Returns:
    • Always 1.

:info: This function works for public text channels and threads!

  • Parameters:
    • guildid: The guild's ID
    • channelid[]: The channel/thread ID to delete the message in, as string format.
    • messageid: The ID of the message that should be deleted, as string format.
    • reason: The reason for the deletion.
  • Returns:
    • 1 on success, 0 on failure.

:info: This function works for public text channels and threads!

  • Parameters:
    • channelid: The channel ID to send the message to, in string format.
    • msg: The message, in string format, to send in the channel.
    • out_id[]: (Optional) The value to store the id of the just send value in. ❗ If not used, set it to '0'!
  • Returns:
    • Always 1.

  • Parameters:
    • guildid: The guild where the channel is located in. Leave it to -1 if you send it in a DM channel.
    • channelid[]: The channel/thread id to send a message in, as a 17-18 digit string.
    • image_url[]: The url of the image, as a string.
    • title[]: The image title as a string.
    • description[]: The image description as a string.
    • out_id[]: (Optional) The value to store the id of the just send value in. ❗ If not used, set it to '0'!
  • Returns:
    • Always 1.

:info: This works for threads, DMs and text channels all at once!

  • Parameters:
    • guildid: The guild ID to work inside.
    • channel_name[]: The name, or the string to look for.
    • destination[]: If a channel with the correct name has been found, it's ID will be stored in the destination string.
  • Returns:
    • 1 if one has been found, 0 if no channel was found.

This function looks for a channel by it's name.

  • Parameters:
    • guildid: The guild ID to work inside.
    • channelid[]: The channel's id as string.
    • destination[]: Where to store the channels name, if one found.
  • Returns:
    • 1 if one has been found, 0 if no channel was found.

  • Parameters:
    • guildid: The guild ID to work inside.
    • channelid[]: The channel's id as string.
    • destination[]: Where to store the channels topic, if one found.
  • Returns:
    • 1 if one has been found, 0 if no channel was found.

  • Parameters:
    • guildid: The guild ID to work inside.
    • channelid[]: The channel's id as string.
    • destination[]: Where to store the channels mention, if one found.
  • Returns:
    • 1 if one has been found, 0 if no channel was found.

  • Parameters:
    • guildid: The guild ID to work inside.
    • channelid[]: The channel's id as string.
  • Returns: