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Natives (Core)

lp_ edited this page Dec 29, 2022 · 10 revisions


  • Parameters:
    • msg: The text to print, handled by DiscordAMX first (printf, print are AMX default ones, use them too!)
  • Returns:
    • Always 1.

  • Parameters:
    • callback: The AMX public function to call when the timer elapsed.
    • interval: The time interval between each calls of callback
  • Returns:
    • the ID of the timer created, as integer - starting with 1 | Returns 0 if failure.

  • Parameters:
    • timerid: The timer id, as integer.
  • Returns:
    • 1 when timer found. 0 if not.

  • Parameters:
    • dest: The destination to copy the formatted text to.
    • size: The destination's size.
    • pack: Should the string be packed? true or false.
    • format: The formatted string.
    • {Fixed,Float,_}:...: All the values formatted into destination.
  • Returns:
    • Always 1.

❗ This is a PAWN CORE function, not implemented by DiscordAMX. You can use plenty of CORE functions that come with pawn!

  • Parameters:
    • None.
  • Returns:
    • The UNIX time (seconds) as integer.

  • Parameters:
    • script[]: The name of the script's AMX file inside /scripts/
  • Returns:
    • 1 if loaded, 0 if not.

  • Parameters:
    • script[]: The name of the script that has been loaded previously.
  • Returns:
    • 1 if unloaded successfully, 0 if not.

This function does a simple thing; Comparing two strings.

  • Parameters:
    • string: The string to compare from.
    • compare: The string to compare it with.
    • ignorecase: If higher/lower-case letters should be treated equal.
  • Returns:
    • 1 if strings are equal, 0 if not.

This function calls a remote function in any loaded script.

  • Parameters:
    • function: The name of the function to call.
    • format: The parameter's types, i(nteger), f(loat) and s(tring), in a string.
    • {Float,...}: The values to pass.
  • Returns:
    • This function always returns 1.