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Chuck Walbourn edited this page Jan 21, 2022 · 11 revisions
DirectXTK Audio

SoundStreamInstance is an instance for playing waves from a streaming WaveBank making use of non-buffered asynchronous I/O. It can be played with 3D positional audio effects, volume and panning control, looping, and pause/resume control.

For each playing stream, only a small portion of memory is required (~3 seconds of audio data) and the stream is constantly refreshed via asynchronous I/O requests from disk. This allows very large audio files to be played without consuming large amounts of memory. This does require that the Update method for AudioEngine is called on a regular frequency to allow servicing the stream instances, but no additional CPU threads are created.

Note that the SoundStreamInstance refers to data 'owned' by the WaveBank. Therefore, the parent object must be kept "live" until all sounds playing from it are finished.

Related tutorial: Making use of wave banks


#include <Audio.h>


The stream instance is created for an entry in a streaming WaveBank (which is returned as a std::unique_ptr<SoundStreamInstance>):

auto stream = wb->CreateStreamInstance( 2 );
if ( !stream )
    // Index not found in wave bank

It can optionally support 3D positional audio:

auto stream = wb->CreateStreamInstance( 2, SoundEffectInstance_Use3D );
if ( !stream )
    // Index not found in wave bank

Or use 3D positional audio with reverb effects (if AudioEngine was created using AudioEngine_EnvironmentalReverb | AudioEngine_ReverbUseFilters):

auto stream = wb->CreateStreamInstance( 2,
    SoundEffectInstance_Use3D | SoundEffectInstance_ReverbUseFilters);
if ( !stream )
    // Index not found in wave bank

Only 'streaming' WaveBanks are supported. Attempts to create a SoundStreamInstance from an 'in-memory' wavebank will result in a C++ exception. The 'streaming' Wavebank produced by xwbtool is properly aligned to allow very efficient non-buffered asynchronous I/O requests.

Instance flags

This is a combination of sound effect instance flags. It defaults to SoundEffectInstance_Default.

See Instance flags

Playback control

  • Play ( bool loop = false ): Starts the playback of the sound. If loops is set to true, it loops continuously. If paused, it resumes playback.

Note if a source voice limit is in effect (see AudioEngine), then a C++ exception can be generated from this method if there are too many source voices already allocated.

  • Stop ( bool immediate = true ): Stops the playback of the voice. If immediate is true, the sound is immediately halted. Otherwise the current loop is exited (if looping) and any 'tails' are played. The sound still not completely stop playing until a future point so the state will remain PLAYING for a while.

  • Resume: Resumes playback if the sound is paused.

  • Pause: Pauses the sound playback. Note that for a 'game' pause, you should use AudioEngine::Suspend / Resume instead of 'pausing' the sounds individually.

Volume and panning

  • SetVolume ( float volume ): Sets playback volume. Playback defaults to 1

  • SetPitch ( float pitch ): Sets a pitch-shift factor. Ranges from -1 to +1, playback defaults to 0 (which is no pitch-shifting). This will trigger a C++ exception if the object was created with SoundEffectInstance_NoSetPitch.

  • SetPan ( float pan ): Sets a pan settings: -1 is fully left, +1 is fully right, and 0 is balanced.

Panning is only supported for mono and stereo sources, and will overwrite any Apply3D settings.

Positional 3D audio

The Apply3D method computes and applies positional effects, if the instance was created with SoundEffectInstance_Use3D.

The GetChannelCount method is provided to simplify setting up AudioEmitter instances for multi-channel sources.

See Positional 3D audio.

Voice management

A SoundStreamInstance will allocate a XAudio2 source voice when played, and will keep that source voice for the life of the object. You can force all SoundStreamInstance that currently have source voices but are not currently playing to release them by calling AudioEngine::TrimVoicePool.

By default the number of XAudio2 source voices that can be allocated is 'unlimited'. You can set a specific limit using AudioEngine::SetMaxVoicePool which will be enforced by generating a C++ exception if there are too many allocated source voices when Play is called.

See AudioEngine for more details.


  • IsLooped: Returns true if the sound was played with looping enable.

  • GetState: Returns STOPPED, PLAYING, or PAUSED.


Be sure to call AudioEngine::Update frequently as this class relies on this to manage the asynchronous disk reads and playback submission.

For Use

  • Universal Windows Platform apps
  • Windows desktop apps
  • Windows 11
  • Windows 10
  • Windows 8.1
  • Xbox One


  • x86
  • x64
  • ARM64

For Development

  • Visual Studio 2022
  • Visual Studio 2019 (16.11)
  • clang/LLVM v12 - v18
  • MinGW 12.2, 13.2
  • CMake 3.20

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DirectX Tool Kit for DirectX 12






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