Engaged is an open source software that lets you create your own Pinterest like applications. With Engaged - You can share your interests (of course) - You can create hierarchical interest categories - You can change app's look & feel using settings - You can add new users thanks to Authake plugin
- A Flexible user interface that you can almost change everything. Background images, Header & Pin colors can be changed using color picker.
- Easy to use control panel
- Hierarchical Categories like a tree
- Multiple language support (For now English & Turkish)
- Authake User Management (
- PHP installed webserver 5.3+
- MySQL database
If you encounered errors like redirection loop, you have to redownload the package to the last version. If your authentication does not work, just run this in your engaged database:
ALTER TABLE `authake_rules` CHANGE `permission` `permission` TINYINT( 1 ) NOT NULL DEFAULT '0'
This will solve allowed rules problem.
Copy the all files to your server. For general xampp or mamp there is a htdocs folder. Create a folder named 'engaged' and copy all files there. If you install to your local webserver, at the end you should access to you Engaged app from Don't try to access it now. Installation is not finished yet :)
You have to first change permissions of App/tmp folder and it's subfolders. If you receive App/tmp/cache/persistent error, just create that folder. Also change the permissions for App/webroot/img folders. (Unix: Chmod 777) (Windows: I don't know). You have to do samething to the App/webroot/img folder. /engaged/app/Plugin/Authake/Config/authake_config.php change permissions to this file too to 777.
On your MySQL database, create a database called engaged. Import engaged.sql file in the db folder.
Change App/Config/database.php like:
public $default = array( 'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql', 'persistent' => false, 'host' => 'YOURHOSTNAME', 'login' => 'YOURUSERNAME', 'password' => 'DATABASEPASSWORD', 'database' => 'engaged', 'prefix' => '', //'encoding' => 'utf8', );
public $authake = array( 'datasource' => 'Database/Mysql', 'persistent' => false, 'host' => 'YOURHOSTNAME', 'login' => 'YOURUSERNAME', 'password' => 'DATABASEPASSWORD', 'database' => 'engaged', 'prefix' => '', //'encoding' => 'utf8', );
After you change the database config, you can access A wild installation form will appear. Simply change that as you want and you are ready!
Default admin username is admin, default admin password is admin too. User authentication settings can be accessed from the if your app name is engaged of course.
For administration, just go to the
Mutlu Tevfik Kocak (a.k.a Midori)
For questions and everything: