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Getting started

Marcos Mayorga edited this page Dec 2, 2016 · 22 revisions


The "Qt Intrumentation Kit" (aka qik) is the core piece of Qtrac. Technically it is an instrumentation patch to the Qt Libraries source package able to collect key information about the dynamics of the running application, this information is delivered in real time (in parallel to the program execution) out to a file or to another process local or remote.


  • check you have quilt installed in your system.
  • have ready your source package of qt (or download it from file qt-everywhere-[opensource|commercial]-src-5.7.0.tar.gz
  • clone qtrac sources (see example below using subversion)
  • execute qtrac/bin/apply
  • compile the patched Qt libraries
  • change in your application build system the location of your new patched version of the Qt Libraries


$ quilt --version       
$ wget
$ svn export qtrac
$ qtrac/bin/apply ./qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.7.0.tar.gz
$ cd qt-everywhere-opensource-src-5.7.0-qtrac-1.0
$ less README
$ ./configure <your Qt options>
$ make

Once compiled you'll have ready a build of the Qt+Qtrac libraries that can be used instead of your regular Qt build. Learn how to switch between Qt+Qtrac and regular Qt in your particular build system used to compile your program; you would need to clean+recompile your program completely after each switch. Run your program and while tailf the log file written by qik.

Important!!. You should not use the Qt+Qtrac instrumented build
for purposes other than development or debug. For release
builds you should use your regular copy of the Qt libraries.

Next: The Basics

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