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Emission factors and extra data

Sulay Shah edited this page Aug 29, 2020 · 2 revisions

Emission factors


The configuration file contains the EF_1 variable structure based on Table 11.1 of the IPCC document. The emission factor has 4 values depending on the weather and type of fertilizer:

  1. Wet Climate
  2. Dry Climate
  3. Wet Climate and Synthetic fertilizer
  4. Default (if climate data is not available)


The configuration file contains the EF_3(only for PRP manure management system) variable structure based on Table 11.1 of the IPCC document. The emission factor has 4 values depending on the weather and type of animals:

  1. Cattle, Poultry, Pigs and Wet Climate (cattle_wet)
  2. Cattle, Poultry, Pigs and Dry Climate (cattle_dry)
  3. Cattle, Poultry, Pigs (if climate data is not available) (cattle_default)
  4. Other animals (other)

For other manure management systems, EF_3 data is included in the Nitrogen_Loss table of FLINTagri.db

SQL data

All the tables are present in FLINTagri.db database.


Has 3 columns: Zone_Id, Climate_Zone, Wet/Dry. It is used to classify whether a zone is classified into wet/dry.


Includes the data needed to calculate the emissions from crop residues after harvesting of a crop.


Includes the weights of different animals depending on the regions and productivity class of where they belong.


Includes the rate of Nitrogen excretion of different animals depending on the regions and productivity class of where they belong.


Includes the fraction of nitrogen excretion for each livestock species/category T that is managed in manure management system PRP depending on the region.


For calculation related to calculating emissions from manure management systems except for PRP.


Includes data of the soil organic C stock for mineral soils in the reference condition.


Includes data to calculate the change in soil organic C stock for mineral soils from the reference condition.

Raster data

Climate Zones

Based on the climate zone classification of IPCC document, a raster file zones_orig.tif is used to extract the climate zone of a land unit.