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New Transforms

Sulay Shah edited this page Aug 27, 2020 · 3 revisions

CompositeTimeSeriesTransform - #22

Combined TimeSeriesTransform and CompositeTransform. If the size of the variables is less than the total steps, then use the last value for time series. The configuration size has been reduced because of this.


 "landtype": [ "F", "C", "C", "G", "G", "G"]
 "landuse": [ "", "Long term cultivated", "Perennial crop", "", "", ""]
 "management": [ "", "Reduced", "Full", "High intensity grazing", "High intensity grazing", "High intensity grazing"]
 "input": [ "", "Medium", "Medium", "High", "High", "High"]
 "change": {
  "transform": {
   "allow_nulls": true,
   "library": "moja.flint.example.agri",
   "type": "CompositeTimeSeriesTransform",
   "data_property": "data_yearly",
   "vars": ["landtype", "landuse", "management", "input"]

This will return a DynamicObject with the variable names as keys.

SpatialTransform - #21

SpatialTransform was implemented to test the spatial examples when test raster data is not available. The SpatialTransform includes a variable data_property based on which it returns the data needed to build events. This data is extracted in the BuildLandUnitModule and events are created for each land-unit.


 "spatialevents": {
  "transform": {
   "library": "moja.flint.example.agri",
   "type": "SpatialTransform",
   "data_property": "harvest"

data_property can have values - "harvest"(returns Plant and Harvest events), "fertilizer"(returns Organic and Synthetic fertlizer), "landuse"(returns landuse change data), "manure_management"(returns ManureManagement events)