What's Changed
- ✨ Update providers 20241126 by @github-actions in #4930
- 🐛 consistent processes executable for unix and linux by @imilchev in #4934
- 🎉 os-11.3.12 by @imilchev in #4935
- Add 2 more pattern matches to spellcheck by @tas50 in #4936
- 🧹 Update deps for cnquery and providers 20241202 by @github-actions in #4939
- typo: Github auth error by @slntopp in #4941
- ⭐🌙 Cloudflare Provider by @slntopp in #4743
- Update the Makefile for Cloudflare by @tas50 in #4943
- 🐛 cloudflare: extract flag value by @slntopp in #4945
- Add disabled scoring system by @jaym in #4944
- ⭐ Improve output of GitHub packages by @tas50 in #4933
- Bump dawidd6/action-download-artifact from 6 to 7 by @dependabot in #4940
- ⭐ Add additional fields to ECR resource by @tas50 in #4938
- ⭐ GitHub: Improve the output of collaborators by @tas50 in #4931
- 🧹 fix cloudflare deps by @imilchev in #4946
- 🧹 Pull in the latest version of GitHub package by @tas50 in #4932
- 🧹 Update deps for cnquery and providers 20241203 by @github-actions in #4948
Full Changelog: v11.32.0...v11.33.0