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📘 Compose Guidebook: Learn Android Jetpack Compose

Learn step by step UI development using Jetpack Compose [beginners to advance]. This comprehensive collection of lessons and features is specifically designed to guide you through the step-by-step process of understanding Jetpack Compose and Android development.

Table of Contents

  • Jetpack Compose Lessons (1-22)
  • Application component
    • Activities
    • Services
    • Broadcast Receivers
    • Content Providers
  • Android architectures
    • MVP (Model-View-Presenter)
    • MVVM (Model-View-ViewModel)
    • Clean Architecture
    • MVI (Model-View-Intent)
  • Jetpack components
    • Navigation
    • ViewModel
    • LiveData
    • Room Database
    • WorkManager
    • Paging 3
  • Third Party Library
    • Stripe: Payement gateway integration
    • Chat GPT: AI api implementation
    • Grapgh QL API Integration
    • Yelp API
    • Barcode Scanner: ML kit library integration
    • MPchart: Charting library
    • Camera V2 API
    • RxJava
  • Demos (Planned in August 2024 release)
    • Instagram Demo UI
    • TikTok Demo UI
    • Youtube Demo UI
    • Facebook Demo UI
    • Shopping App Demo UI
    • Banking App Demo UI
    • Whatsapp Demo UI


Lesson Preview

Lesson 1: Column, Row, Box, Modifiers

This lesson shows various Compose layouts that position the components in a certain direction or alignment.

• Column
• Row
• Box
• Modifier
Lesson 1 Preview

Lesson 2: Material Design - Shapes

This lesson shows various examples of material design components in Compose
Chapter 1: Shape, Surface
Chapter 2: Text examples
• Chapter 3: Button examples
Chapter 4: Image examples
• Chapter 5: Progress Bar examples
• Chapter 6: Floating action buttons
Lesson 2 Preview

Lesson 3: Types of List

This lesson shows common implementations of displaying lists, such as expandable lists and lists with animations
Chapter 1: Simple List
Chapter 2: Custom Vertical List
• Chapter 3: Simple Horizontal List
Chapter 4: Vertical Grid List
• Chapter 5: Horizontal Grid List
• Chapter 6: Expandable List
• Chapter 7: Expandable Animated List
• Chapter 8: Shimmer Animated List
Lesson 3 Preview

Lesson 4: Types of Dialog

This lesson shows various examples of dialogs
Chapter 1: Alert dialog
Chapter 2: BottomSheet Dialog
• Chapter 3: App Rating dialog
Chapter 4: Logout dialog
Lesson 4 Preview

Lesson 5: Maps

This lesson shows various ways to use Google Maps (Note: We aren't paying the service. Please use your own account and provide the API key in See for the format)
Chapter 1: Map Basics
- Simple Map
- Inflate Marker on Map
Chapter 2: Map types
• Chapter 3: Current Location on map
Chapter 4: Search on map
Lesson 5 Preview

Lesson 6: Theme Change

This lesson shows theme change from light mode to dark mode
Lesson 6 Preview

Lesson 7: Constraint Layout

This lesson shows various examples of ConstraintLayout in Compose
Chapter 1: Basics of Constraint Layout
Chapter 2: GuideLine
• Chapter 3: Chain
Chapter 4: Barrier
Lesson 7 Preview

Lesson 8: Animation

This lesson covers various animations in Compose
Chapter 1: Tween Animation
Chapter 2: Animated Visibility
• Chapter 3: Animated Content
Chapter 4: Animation Specs
Chapter 5: Shimmer Animation
Lesson 8 Preview

Lesson 9: UI Testing

This lesson shows how to do UI testing in Compose
Lesson 9 Preview

Lesson 10: (W.I.P.) Theming

This lesson explores custom theming in Compose
Chapter 1: Custom Colors
Chapter 2: Custom Typography
• Chapter 3: Custom Shapes
Chapter 4: Custom Themes
Lesson 10 Preview

Lesson 11: XML Interoperability

This lesson shows how to show the conventional XML layout in Compose
Chapter 1: Compose View into activity xml
Lesson 11 Preview

Lesson 12: Web Views

This lesson demonstrates how to create web views in Compose
Lesson 12 Preview

Lesson 13: (W.I.P.) Localization

This lesson covers localization in Jetpack Compose
Chapter 1: Adding Language Support
Chapter 2: Formatting Dates and Numbers
• Chapter 3: RTL Support
Chapter 4: String Plurals
Lesson 13 Preview

Lesson 14: (W.I.P.) Drop down menu

This lesson covers drop down menu in Compose
Lesson 14 Preview

Lesson 15: Custom Radio button

This lesson covers customizations of radio button in Compose
Lesson 15 Preview

Lesson 16: State and Visibility

This lesson covers the concept of states in Compose
Lesson 16 Preview

Lesson 17: Flow Layouts

This lesson covers Flow Rows and Flow Columns in Compose
Lesson 17 Preview

Lesson 18: (W.I.P.) UI Testing

This lesson shows how to do UI testing in Compose
Lesson 18 Preview

Lesson 19: Caching with Okhttp Interceptors

This lesson shows how to cache Retrofit responses with Okhttp Interceptors
Lesson 19 Preview

Lesson 20: Biometric Authentication

(W.I.P.) This lesson shows how to do authenticate users with Biometrics
Lesson 20 Preview

Lesson 21: DataStore

(W.I.P.) This lesson shows how to use Android DataStore
Lesson 21 Preview

Lesson 22: Media3 ExoPlayer

(W.I.P.) This lesson shows how to use ExoPlayer from Media3
Lesson 22 Preview

Lesson 23: Tabs

This lesson covers creating and customizing tabs in Compose.
Chapter 1: TabRow
Chapter 2: Custom Tab Indicators
• Chapter 3: Tab Selection
Chapter 4: Scaffold Integration
Lesson 23 Preview

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Contributions are welcome! If you have any ideas, suggestions, or improvements, please open an issue or submit a pull request.


This project is licensed under the MIT License.

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