The purpose of this repository is to try and collect all the open source tools related to the Design of Digital ASICs.
- Verilog
- Chisel
- amaranth : A modern hardware definition language and toolchain based on Python
- SpinalHDL
- XLS : implements a High Level Synthesis toolchain that produces synthesizable designs (Verilog and SystemVerilog) from flexible, high-level descriptions of functionality.
- PipelineC : A C-like hardware description language (HDL) adding high level synthesis(HLS)-like automatic pipelining as a language construct/compiler feature.
- Intel QuestaSim
- Icarus Verilog
- Verilator
- GHDL : a simulator for the VHDL language.
- NVC : a VHDL compiler and simulator.
- OpenVAF : Verilog-A compiler that empowers the open source silicon revolution.
- GTKWave
- WaveDrom : draws a Timing Diagram or Waveform from simple textual description.
- Surfer : An Extensible and Snappy Waveform Viewer
- SiliconCompiler : A modular build system for hardware
- edalize : Edalize is a Python Library for interacting with EDA tools. It can create project files for supported tools and run them in batch or GUI mode (where supported).
- SkyWater SKY130nm PDK
- GlobalFoundries 0.18UM PDK
- open_pdks : PDK installer for open-source EDA tools and toolchains. Distributed with setups for the SkyWater 130nm and Global Foundries 180nm open processes.
- NCSU FreePDK45nm
- NCSU FreePDK15nm
- ASAP7nm
- vlsiffra : Create fast and efficient standard cell based adders, multipliers and multiply-adders.
- OpenRAM: an open-source static random access memory (SRAM) compiler.
- Yosys : a framework for Verilog RTL synthesis.
- nextpnr
- [CUGR](An Extensible and Snappy Waveform Viewer) : VLSI Global Routing Tool Developed by CUHK
- LibreEDA : a framework for the physical design of silicon chips and tries to simplify the development of place and route tools.
- gdsfactory : python library to design chips
- Magic VLSI Layout Tool
- KLayout : a GDS and OASIS file viewer.
- Fault : A complete open-source design-for-testing (DFT) Solution.
- XSCHEM : a schematic capture program.
- Xic : is a full-featured physical layout editor, schematic editor, and analysis tool.
- XCircuit : Schematic capture for SPICE netlists and PostScript
- NGSPICE : source spice simulator for electric and electronic circuits.
- WRspice Circuit Simulator : a powerful and flexible circuit simulation and analysis tool.
- ahkab : a SPICE-like electronic circuit simulator written in Python