Releases: nasa/opera-sds-pge
OPERA DISP-S1 PGE Release 3 Engineering Release 5.1
Patch release v3.0.0-er.5.1 for the DISP-S1 PGE only.
This release makes the input ancillary product step conditional based on the setting of the DebugSwitch flag within the PGE runconfig. This was done for compatibility with PCM integration, where one or more ancillary input types will not be available initially. This release also resolves some container build issues regarding integration of the grib_to_netcdf tool, and fixes a bug where input NetCDF format troposphere files would not be passed along into the SAS-only runconfig.
What's Changed
- Fix for CI environment numpy/panads incompatiblity by @collinss-jpl in #388
- 381 grib to netcdf by @JimHofman in #389
- DISP-S1 Release v3.0.0-er.5.1 by @collinss-jpl in #396
Full Changelog: 3.0.0-er.5.0...3.0.0-er.5.1
OPERA PGE Release 3 Engineering Release 5.0
Engineering Release 5.0 for the R3 OPERA PGEs, which includes updated releases of the L3_DISP_S1 and L3_DSWx_S1 PGEs. Both PGEs now target the latest "Beta" releases of the corresponding SAS builds.
What's Changed
- #328 - flake8/pylint for review by @JimHofman in #373
- #374 refactor utilities by @JimHofman in #376
- DSWx-S1 Beta Integration by @collinss-jpl in #380
- DISP-S1 Beta Integration by @collinss-jpl in #382
- Release v3.0.0 ER.5.0 by @collinss-jpl in #384
Full Changelog: 3.0.0-er.4.0...3.0.0-er.5.0
OPERA PGE R2 Release v2.1.0
Official release version 2.1.0 for the R2 PGEs, L2_RTC_S1 and L2_CSLC_S1.
This release targets the RTC-S1 SAS Final delivery v1.0.0, and the CSLC-S1 SAS Final point delivery v0.5.4. Additionally, the use of product generation time has been removed from the file naming conventions for static layer products.
What's Changed
- Release 2.1.0 by @collinss-jpl in #378
Full Changelog: 2.0.1...2.1.0
OPERA RTC-S1 PGE Release v2.0.1
Official release version 2.0.1 for the L2_RTC_S1 PGE.
This release targets the RTC-S1 SAS Final delivery v1.0.1. This version of the SAS makes some fixes and improvements to the metadata stored within GeoTIFF output products.
Full Changelog: 2.0.0...2.0.1
OPERA PGE Release 3 Engineering Release 4.0
Engineering Release 4.0 for the R3 OPERA PGEs, which includes updated releases of the L3_DISP_S1 and L3_DSWx_S1 PGEs. Both PGEs still target the initial interface releases of the corresponding SAS builds. This release primarily updates the DISP-S1 PGE to add support for creation of the ISO metadata file and file name convention application.
What's Changed
- Release 3.0.0 ER 3.0 by @collinss-jpl in #325
- 322 Incorporate DISP-S1 SAS v0.1.2 by @david-inglish in #335
- 326 Re-enable png output product validation for DISP-S1 by @david-inglish in #344
- DSWx-S1 HDF5 package installation fix by @collinss-jpl in #345
- 327 DISP-S1 Metadata Extraction Function by @david-inglish in #346
- 309 Burst ID validation for DISP-S1 inputs by @JimHofman in #341
- DISP-S1 ISO XML Template Addition by @collinss-jpl in #349
- 347 DISP-S1 File Naming Convention Application by @david-inglish in #361
- 348 add disp_s1 iso-metadata by @JimHofman in #367
Full Changelog: 3.0.0-er.3.0...3.0.0-er.4.0
OPERA PGE R2 Release v2.0.0
Official release version 2.0.0 for the R2 PGEs, L2_RTC_S1 and L2_CSLC_S1.
This release targets the RTC-S1 SAS Final delivery v1.0.0, and the CSLC-S1 SAS Final point delivery v0.5.2. Updates have been made to tailor the ISO XML metadata for the baseline vs static layer workflows. This release also adds the capability for the RTC-S1 PGE to inject the static layer data access URL into all output metadata products.
What's Changed
- R2 Integration Test Static Layer Workflow updates by @collinss-jpl in #340
- 342 Ignore list for hdf5 metadata extraction utility by @david-inglish in #350
- CSLC-S1 SAS Final PGE Integration by @collinss-jpl in #366
- RTC-S1 SAS Final PGE Integration by @collinss-jpl in #369
Full Changelog: 2.0.0-rc.2.1...2.0.0
OPERA PGE Release 2 Release Candidate 2.1
Release Candidate 2.1 for the R2 OPERA PGEs. This release includes updated point releases of both the L2_CSLC_S1 and L2_RTC_S1 PGEs, targeting the recent CalVal point releases of the corresponding SAS. This release also updates the following:
- Implements the latest changes to the naming conventions for both the baseline and static layer products
- Updates the ISO XML metadata to be in sync with the currently available product metadata.
- Container build script updates to support Oracle Linux 8 as the base SAS image OS.
What's Changed
- RTC-S1 CalVal v4.1 PGE Integration by @collinss-jpl in #334
- CSLC-S1 CalVal v5.1 PGE Integration by @collinss-jpl in #336
Full Changelog: 2.0.0-rc.2.0...2.0.0-rc.2.1
OPERA PGE Release 3 Engineering Release 3.0
Engineering Release 3.0 for the R3 OPERA PGEs, which includes updated releases of the L3_DISP_S1 and L3_DSWx_S1 PGEs. Both PGEs still target the initial interface releases of the corresponding SAS builds. This release updates the DSWx-S1 PGE to add support for creation of the ISO metadata file and file name convention application. For DISP-S1, output product validation has been implemented.
What's Changed
- 304 dswx s1 mock gdal by @JimHofman in #318
- DSWx-S1 Filename Application by @collinss-jpl in #319
- 298 DISP-S1 Integration Test Pipeline data staging and product comparison by @david-inglish in #308
- 306 DISP-S1 output product validation by @david-inglish in #321
- 315 iso meta data by @JimHofman in #324
Full Changelog: 3.0.0-er.2.0...3.0.0-er.3.0
OPERA PGE Release 3 Engineering Release 2.0
Engineering Release 2.0 for the R3 OPERA PGEs, which includes updated releases of the L3_DISP_S1 and L3_DSWx_S1 PGEs. Both PGEs still target the initial interface releases of the corresponding SAS builds. This release updates the PGE layer to add validation for the algorithm parameters config, input validation for both PGEs, and output validation for DSWx-S1.
What's Changed
- 270 dswx s1 input validation by @JimHofman in #288
- 281 DISP-S1 algorithm parameter schema validation by @david-inglish in #286
- 284 DISP-S1 input/ancillary product validation by @david-inglish in #292
- DSWx_S1: Add output validation #285 by @JimHofman in #290
Full Changelog: 3.0.0-er.1.0...3.0.0-er.2.0
OPERA PGE DSWx-HLS Release 1.0.2
Official release version 1.0.2 for the DSWx-HLS PGE.
This release targets the DSWx-HLS SAS Final point delivery v1.0.1, and adds a bug fix to the derivation of the product bounding box written to the ISO XML metadata. The ISO XML metadata has also been updated to match the metadata provided by the DSWx-HLS product specification v1.0.
What's Changed
- DSWx-HLS Release 1.0.1 by @collinss-jpl in #253
- compare_dswx_hls_products and dependencies gathered into new standalo… by @david-inglish in #213
- 208 Integrate standalone DSWx HLS compare script into test pipeline by @david-inglish in #264
- HLS Bounding Box Anti-meridian fix by @collinss-jpl in #293
Full Changelog: 1.0.1...1.0.2