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Merge pull request #114 from nekStab/newton
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Newton-Krylov solver
  • Loading branch information
loiseaujc authored Oct 21, 2024
2 parents 991721b + 46d4e01 commit 94f0472
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Showing 35 changed files with 4,961 additions and 984 deletions.
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions example/roessler/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1 @@
# Calculation of (unstable) periodic orbits in the Roessler system using a Newton-Krylov fixed point iteration
217 changes: 217 additions & 0 deletions example/roessler/main.f90
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,217 @@
program demo
use stdlib_linalg, only : eye, eigvals
use stdlib_io_npy, only : save_npy
use stdlib_sorting, only : sort
use stdlib_logger, only : information_level, warning_level, debug_level, error_level, none_level
use LightKrylov
use LightKrylov, only: wp => dp
use LightKrylov_Logger
use lightkrylov_IterativeSolvers, only: gmres_rdp
use LightKrylov_Utils
! Roessler
use Roessler
use Roessler_OTD
implicit none

character(len=128), parameter :: this_module = 'Example Roessler'

! Roessler system.
type(roessler_upo), allocatable :: sys
! State vectors
type(state_vector), allocatable :: bf, dx, residual, fp
! Position vectors
type(pos_vector), allocatable :: bfp
! OTD basis
type(pos_vector), allocatable :: OTD_in(:), OTD_out(:)

! Misc
type(newton_dp_opts) :: opts
type(gmres_dp_opts) :: gmres_opts
integer :: i, j, info
real(wp) :: rnorm, tol, Tend, t_FTLE, d
real(wp), dimension(npts, npts) :: M, Id
real(wp), dimension(npts) :: eval, vec
real(wp), dimension(npts, r) :: u, Lu
real(wp), dimension(r, r) :: Lr
! IO
character(len=20) :: fmt

write(fmt,*) '(A22,4(1X,F18.6))'

! Set up logging
call logger_setup()
call logger%configure(level=error_level, time_stamp=.false.)

! Initialize baseflow and perturbation state vectors
allocate(bf, dx, residual)
call bf%zero(); call dx%zero(); call residual%zero()

! Set tolerace
tol = 1e-12_wp

print *, '########################################################################################'
print '(A,E9.2,A)',' # Newton iteration with constant tolerance (tol=', tol, ') #'
print *, '########################################################################################'
print *, ''

call set_position((/ 0.0_wp, 6.1_wp, 1.3_wp /), bf) ! some initial guess
bf%T = 6.0_wp ! period guess
print '(A22,4(16X,A,2X))', ' ', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'T'
print fmt, 'Initial guess PO: ', bf%x, bf%y, bf%z, bf%T
print *,''

! Initialize system and Jacobian
sys = roessler_upo()
! Set Jacobian and baseflow
sys%jacobian = jacobian()
sys%jacobian%X = bf

opts = newton_dp_opts(maxiter=30, ifbisect=.false.)
call newton(sys, bf, info, tolerance=tol, options=opts, linear_solver=gmres_rdp, scheduler=constant_atol_dp)

call sys%eval(bf, residual, tol)
print *, ''
print '(A22,4(16X,A,2X))', ' ', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'T'
print fmt, 'Solution: ', bf%x, bf%y, bf%z, bf%T
print fmt, 'Solution residual: ', residual%x, residual%y, residual%z, residual%T
print *,''

print *, '########################################################################################'
print '(A,E9.2,A)',' # Newton iteration with dynamic tolerances (target=', tol, ') #'
print *, '########################################################################################'
print *, ''

call set_position((/ 0.0_wp, 6.1_wp, 1.3_wp /), bf) ! some initial guess
bf%T = 6.0_wp ! period guess
print '(A22,4(16X,A,2X))', ' ', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'T'
print fmt, 'Initial guess PO: ', bf%x, bf%y, bf%z, bf%T
print *,''
sys%jacobian%X = bf

call newton(sys, bf, info, tolerance=tol, options=opts, linear_solver=gmres_rdp, scheduler=dynamic_tol_dp)

call sys%eval(bf, residual, tol)
print *, ''
print '(A22,4(16X,A,2X))', ' ', 'X', 'Y', 'Z', 'T'
print fmt, 'Solution: ', bf%x, bf%y, bf%z, bf%T
print fmt, 'Solution residual: ', residual%x, residual%y, residual%z, residual%T
print *,''

print *, '########################################################################################'
print *, '# Monodromy matrix and floquet exponents #'
print *, '########################################################################################'
print *, ''

! Compute the stability of the orbit
sys%jacobian = floquet_operator()
sys%jacobian%X = bf ! <- periodic orbit

M = 0.0_wp
Id = eye(npts)
do i = 1, npts
call set_position(Id(:,i), dx)
call sys%jacobian%matvec(dx, residual)
call get_position(residual, M(:,i))
end do
eval = real(eigvals(M))
call sort(eval, reverse=.true.)
print *, 'Real part of the Floquet multipliers exp(T*mu) along the PO:'
print *, ''
do i = 1, npts
print '(4X,I1,": ",F15.12)', i, eval(i)
end do
print *, ''

print *, '########################################################################################'
print *, '# Optimally Time-Dependent (OTD) modes on fixed point #'
print *, '########################################################################################'
print *, ''
allocate(bfp); call bfp%zero()
! Set the baseflow to a fixed point
d = sqrt(c**2 - 4*a*b)
bfp%x = ( c - d)/ 2
bfp%y = (-c + d)/(2*a)
bfp%z = ( c - d)/(2*a)

! Compute OTD modes on the fixed point
allocate(OTD_in(r), OTD_out(r))
call zero_basis(OTD_in); call zero_basis(OTD_out)

! Initialize basis
call rand_basis(OTD_in, ifnorm=.false.)
call orthonormalize_basis(OTD_in)

! We need long enough to converge to the invariant tangent space
Tend = 5.0_wp
t_FTLE = 5.0_wp
call write_header()
call OTD_map(bfp, OTD_in, Tend, OTD_out, t_FTLE)
call rename(file, 'example/roessler/FP_OTD.txt')
! get baseflow
call get_pos(bfp, vec)
! get OTD basis vectors
u = 0.0_wp
Lu = 0.0_wp
do i = 1, r
call get_pos(OTD_out(i), u(:,i))
call linear_roessler(u(:,i), vec, Lu(:,i))
end do
! compute Lr
Lr = 0.0_wp
do i = 1, r
do j = 1, r
Lr(i,j) = dot_product(Lu(:,i), u(:,j))
end do
end do
eval = 0.0_wp
eval(1:r) = eigvals(Lr)
print '(*(A16,1X))', ' ', 'lambda_1', 'lambda_2'
print '(A16,1X,*(F16.9,1X))', 'Reference ', EV_ref
print *, ''
print '(A10,F6.3,1X,*(F16.9,1X))', 'OTD: t=', Tend, eval(1:r)
print *, ''
print *, '########################################################################################'
print *, '# Optimally Time-Dependent (OTD) modes on periodic orbit #'
print *, '########################################################################################'
print *, ''
! Now move to the periodic orbit
call get_position(bf, vec)
call set_pos(vec, bfp)

! Reinitialize basis
call rand_basis(OTD_in, ifnorm=.false.)
call orthonormalize_basis(OTD_in)

! We need long enough to converge to the invariant periodic tangent space
Tend = 30.0_wp*bf%T
t_FTLE = bf%T
call write_header(); call write_header_LE()
print '(*(A16,1X))', ' ', 'LE_1', 'LE_2'
print '(A16,1X,2(F16.9,1X),A16,1X,F16.9)', 'Reference ', LE_ref, 'Period T=', bf%T
call OTD_map(bfp, OTD_in, Tend, OTD_out, t_FTLE, if_rst=.true.)
call rename(file, 'example/roessler/PO_OTD.txt')
call rename(file_LE, 'example/roessler/PO_LE.txt')
print *, ''

print *, ''
print *, '########################################################################################'
print *, '# Optimally Time-Dependent (OTD) modes on Route to Chaos #'
print *, '########################################################################################'
print *, ''

! We use the old converged basis
call orthonormalize_basis(OTD_in)

! We need long enough for the orbit to return to the chaotic attractor
Tend = 60.0_wp*bf%T
t_FTLE = bf%T
call write_header(); call write_header_LE()
print '(*(A16,1X))', ' ', 'FTLE_1', 'FTLE_2'
print '(A16,1X,*(F16.9,1X))', 'Reference ', LE_ref
print *, ''
call OTD_map(bfp, OTD_in, Tend, OTD_out, t_FTLE, if_rst=.false.) ! we do not reset the bf!
call rename(file, 'example/roessler/PO-chaos_OTD.txt')
call rename(file_LE, 'example/roessler/PO-chaos_LE.txt')
print *, ''

end program demo

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