Releases: nfdi4plants/Swate
What's Changed
- Update selectedColumns when SelectedTemplates are available by @Etschbeijer in #607
- SelectedColumns are set correctly, when the tab is switched while a template is selected
- Remove minwidth and adapted button size for better appearance by @Etschbeijer in #608
- Feature swate refactore local storage usage by @Etschbeijer in #602
- Replaced the local storage for do / undo functionality with indexedDB
- Enable import of json tables by @Etschbeijer in #611
- Fixed an error where the selected columns where not correctly set, when one or more tables were imported
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.19...v1.0.0-v1.0.0-beta.20
What's Changed
- Add manifest to swate public folder by @Etschbeijer in #566
- Feature, Excel: Add unit tests for excel addin by @Etschbeijer in #561
- Debug excel restore building block details by @Etschbeijer in #560
- init react component tests 🎉 by @Freymaurer in #579
- Reimplement bulding block details by @Etschbeijer in #580
- Modal rework by @Freymaurer in #582
- implement working updated version of findAllChildTerms by @Etschbeijer in #581
- Enable selection of terms to import into excel by @Etschbeijer in #584
- Feature excel replace table name with template name by @Etschbeijer in #586
- Feature excel enable multiple templates by @Etschbeijer in #592
- Refactor functions and methods of OfficeInterop.fs by @Etschbeijer in #596
- Feature: Enable better understanding of big functions by @Etschbeijer in #597
- Refactoring of join templates workflow by @Etschbeijer in #598
- Fixed datetime definition string by @Etschbeijer in #599
- Bug, Swate: Enable Hiding of Data Property Colums by @Etschbeijer in #600
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.18...v1.0.0-beta.19
What's Changed
- a few more style updates 🎨
- Add parent information for ontology search on click in search field by @Etschbeijer in #574
Checkout release beta.17 for more information
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.17...v1.0.0-beta.18
Hotfix for performance issues in larger ARCs
The performance issues were mostly due to how we handle state storage. The redo/undo functionality as well as the auto save feature for ARCitect were handled using JSON representations of the spreadsheet state. This feature will be temporarily disabled, while we work on a fix. But what does that mean?
No auto save in ARCitect! You MUST click on the save icon on the top right in the navbar.
No auto save in Swate! You MUST click on the save icon on the top right in the navbar.
What's Changed
- Patching multiple smaller issues! by @Freymaurer in #573
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.16...v1.0.0-beta.17
UI rework 🎨
The first big step towards a better UI experience. More unified styling, more stable visual design and quite simply: a more modern look:
Swate Excel RC 🚀
We have restored most of the previous Excel addin functionality! 📈
Check out Swate in Excel once again:
Shoutout to @Etschbeijer for all the hard work! 🎸
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.15...v1.0.0-beta.16
What's Changed
- Feature: Excel, enable export of metadata as json by @Etschbeijer in #540
- Add general form list drag and drop reorder #535 by @Freymaurer in #543
- adjust ontology v3 api by @Freymaurer in #548
- Fixes to multiple smaller issues by @Freymaurer in #549
- Debug excel enable conversion of data and free text columns of input / output by @Etschbeijer in #550
- Start working on Json import + bugfixes by @Freymaurer in #552
- Feature, Excel. Restore full finctionality of the button: "Rectify Ontology Terms" by @Etschbeijer in #551
- Excel json import v2 by @Freymaurer in #554
- Excel: Enable filling of selected building block with terms with fill button by @Etschbeijer in #553
- Excel cleanup by @Etschbeijer in #558
- Excel testing by @Freymaurer in #559
- Fix bug with incorrectly handling onChange event for term search fields 🐛
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.14...v1.0.0-beta.15
What's Changed
- Feature: Add top level metadata in excel by @Etschbeijer in #527
- Improve metadata form @Freymaurer in #541
- Add option to reorder all lists
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.13...v1.0.0-beta.14
This is a minor code refactor release with changes to the Swate-ARCitect communication!
This is done to prepare Swate for upcoming feature releases with the ARCitect.
Should there be any issue with Swate and ARCitect contact us as soon as possible! 🙂
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.12...v1.0.0-beta.13
What's Changed
- More fixes for data annotation indexing 😞 🐛
- Fix .tsv handling for data annotator 🐛
- fix minor file picker bug, when there are more files then cells 🐛
- Restore partial functionality of button Validate / Restore Ontology Term by @Etschbeijer in #517
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.11...v1.0.0-beta.12
Some minor bug fixes with data annotator!
What's Changed
- Allow JsonExport in ARCitect by @HLWeil in #516
- Fix data annotator view not shown in ARCitect 🐛
- Fix wrong indexing for csv row selector paths in data annotation 🐛
Full Changelog: v1.0.0-beta.09...v1.0.0-beta.11