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Mike Holt edited this page Oct 23, 2018 · 2 revisions

Scan is the name of Scale’s system job that scans for pre-existing source data files and ingests them into Scale. A Scan job scans a given workspace for pre-existing files. Scale administrators would commonly use the Scan job to bulk ingest data from a workspace prior to wiring it up for Strike processing.

When a file is identified within the workspace being scanned, its file name is checked against a number of rules using regular expressions configured for that Scan job. When the first rule that matches the new file’s name is reached, that rule’s other fields indicate how Scan should handle the file, such as tagging it with data type tags or moving the file to a new location in a different workspace.

Scanning may be performed in two stages: dry run and ingest. When scanning is performed as a dry run, no ingest jobs will result, but a file count will be stored in the Scan model. This can be valuable if it is desirable to identify the files or count that will be matched prior to launching the actual ingest operations. There is no requirement to perform a dry run first.

Scan Configuration Specification Version 1.0

A valid Scan configuration is a JSON document with the following structure:

    "version": "1.0",
    "workspace": STRING,
    "scanner": {
        "type": STRING
    "recursive": true,
    "files_to_ingest": [
            "filename_regex": STRING,
            "data_types": [
            "new_workspace": STRING,
            "new_file_path": STRING


Type: String
Required: No

Defines the version of the configuration used. This allows updates to be made to the specification while maintaining backwards compatibility by allowing Scale to recognize an older version and convert it to the current version. The default value, if not included, is the latest version (currently 1.0). It is recommended, though not required, that you include the version so that future changes to the specification will still accept your Scan configuration.


Type: String
Required: Yes

Specifies the name of the workspace that is being scanned. The type of the workspace (its broker type) will determine which types of scanner can be used.


Type: JSON Object
Required: Yes

Specifies the type and configuration of the scanner that will scan workspace for files.
  • type

    Type: String
    Required: Yes

    Specifies the type of the scanner to use. The other fields that configure the scanner are based upon the type of the scanner in the type field. Certain scanner types may only be used on workspaces with corresponding broker types. The valid scanner types are:
    • dir - A dir scanner identifies files within a directory. This scanner may only be used with a host workspace.
    • s3 - An s3 scanner identifies objects within an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) bucket. This scanner may only be used with an s3 workspace.

    Additional scanner fields may be required depending on the type of scanner selected. See below for more information on each scanner type.


Type: Boolean
Required: No

Indicates whether a scanner should be limited to the root of a workspace or traverse the entire tree. If omitted, the default is true for full tree recursion.


Type: Array
Required: Yes

List of JSON objects that define the rules for how to handle files that appear in the scanned workspace. The array must contain at least one item. Each JSON object has the following fields:
  • filename_regex

    Type: String
    Required: Yes

    Defines a regular expression to check against the names of new files in the scanned workspace. When a new file appears in the workspace, the file’s name is checked against each expression in order of the files_to_ingest array. If an expression matches the new file name in the workspace, that file is ingested according to the other fields in the JSON object and all subsequent rules in the list are ignored (first rule matched is applied).
  • data_types

    Type: Array
    Required: No

    A list of strings. Any file that matches the corresponding file name regular expression will have these data type strings “tagged” with the file. If not provided, data_types defaults to [].
  • new_workspace

    Type: String
    Required: No

    Specifies the name of a new workspace to which the file should be copied. This allows the ingest process to move files to a different workspace after they appear in the scanned workspace.
  • new_file_path

    Type: String
    Required: No

    Specifies a new relative path for storing new files. If new_workspace is also specified, the file is moved to the new workspace at this new path location (instead of using the current path the new file originally came in on). If new_workspace is not specified, the file is moved to this new path location within the original scanned workspace. In either of these cases, three additional and dynamically named directories, for the current year, month, and day, will be appended to the new_file_path value automatically by the Scale system (i.e. workspace_path/YYYY/MM/DD).

Directory Watching Monitor

The directory scanner uses a workspace that mounts a host directory into the container and scans that directory for files. Therefore this scanner only works with a host workspace. For each file detected in the mounted host directory, its file name is checked for the trailing file name suffix specified in the optional transfer_suffix configuration field. If the file name contains the suffix, the scanner will skip that file.

Example directory watching scanner configuration:

    "version": "2.0",
    "workspace": "my-host-workspace",
    "scanner": {
        "type": "dir-watcher",
        "transfer_suffix": "_tmp"
    "recursive": true,
    "files_to_ingest": [
            "filename_regex": "*.h5",
            "data_types": [
                "data type 1",
                "data type 2"
            "new_workspace": "my-new-workspace",
            "new_file_path": "/new/file/path"

The directory watching scanner requires one additional field in its configuration:


Type: String
Required: Yes

Defines a suffix that is used on the file names to indicate that files are still transferring and have not yet finished being copied into the scanned directory.

S3 Scanner

The S3 scanner identifies objects within an Amazon Web Services (AWS) Simple Storage Service (S3) backed workspace. After the scanner finds a new object in the S3 bucket, it applies the configured Scan rules.

Example S3 scanner configuration:

    "version": "1.0",
    "workspace": "my-s3-workspace",
    "scanner": {
        "type": "s3"
    "recursive": true,
    "files_to_ingest": [
            "filename_regex": "*.h5",
            "data_types": [
                "data type 1",
                "data type 2"
            "new_workspace": "my-new-workspace",
            "new_file_path": "/new/file/path"

The S3 scanner derives all its configuration from the associated workspace and presently does not need any additional configuration.

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