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Testing Elasticsearch for release

Jonathan Meyer edited this page Mar 28, 2019 · 3 revisions
  • Test deploy without ELASTICSEARCH_URL set. Elasticsearch 5 should be deployed.
  • Test deploy with ELASTICSEARCH_URL set to previously created. Use VIP.
  • Update Elasticsearch to enforce auth. Test deploy with ELASTICSEARCH_URL set to a X-Pack Security protected cluster. Use VIP for HTTP, MLB VHOST for HTTPS.

Sample Marathon JSON deployment for testing secured Elasticsearch:

  "env": {
    "ES_JAVA_OPTS": "-Xms512m -Xmx512m",
    "": "true"
  "labels": {
    "HAPROXY_GROUP": "external",
    "HAPROXY_0_VHOST": ""
  "id": "/scale-elasticsearch-secure",
  "backoffFactor": 1.15,
  "backoffSeconds": 1,
  "container": {
    "portMappings": [
        "containerPort": 9200,
        "hostPort": 0,
        "labels": {
          "VIP_0": "//scale-elasticsearch-secure:9200"
        "protocol": "tcp",
        "servicePort": 0
    "type": "DOCKER",
    "volumes": [],
    "docker": {
      "image": "elasticsearch:6.6.2",
      "forcePullImage": false,
      "privileged": false,
      "parameters": []
  "cpus": 1,
  "disk": 0,
  "healthChecks": [
      "gracePeriodSeconds": 300,
      "intervalSeconds": 60,
      "maxConsecutiveFailures": 3,
      "timeoutSeconds": 20,
      "delaySeconds": 15,
      "protocol": "COMMAND",
      "command": {
        "value": "curl -XPOST localhost:9200/_xpack/license/start_trial?acknowledge=true && bin/elasticsearch-setup-passwords auto -b || true"
  "instances": 1,
  "maxLaunchDelaySeconds": 3600,
  "mem": 1024,
  "gpus": 0,
  "networks": [
      "mode": "container/bridge"
  "requirePorts": false,
  "upgradeStrategy": {
    "maximumOverCapacity": 1,
    "minimumHealthCapacity": 1
  "killSelection": "YOUNGEST_FIRST",
  "unreachableStrategy": {
    "inactiveAfterSeconds": 0,
    "expungeAfterSeconds": 0
  "fetch": [],
  "constraints": []

Just look in the stderr output to find the password for the elastic user.

Now you can test without HTTPS using ELASTICSEARCH_URL=http://elastic:<password> Assuming your Marathon LB is configured with DNS to point to the public agents where it runs HTTPS can be tested like so ELASTICSEARCH_URL=https://elastic:<password>

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