Releases: olli991/mib-std2-pq-zr-toolbox
v1.4.2 - Bug fix Release
I screwed up (again) in the last release and forgot to change the line endings to unix... was a configuration error on my side.
Therefor GEM upgrade would result in a bootloop. Sorry! π
- Added VOICE > NAV for EU 480
- Added INFO > APP for PQ SK 359
- Added SETUP > APP for RoA PQ 480
- Extended patching support for US 241
- Fixed Linenendings for startup and several other files
v1.4.1 More Buttons and fixes
Small release to pack the latest additions into a new release.
- Added: TRAFFIC > APP for ZR 480
- Added: TP > APP for EU ZR 480
- Added: SETUP > APP for EU ZR 369
- Added: INFO > APP for US PQ 478
- Added: TRAFFIC > APP for EU PQ 361
- Added: TRAFFIC > APP for EU ZR 468
- Added: MUTE >APP for EU PQ 480
- Added: MUTE > APP for EU 369 & 480
- Added: VOICE > CAR for EU 480
- Added: VOICE > CAR for PQ 480
- Added: TRAFFIC > APP for CN PQ 478
- Added: TRAFFIC > APP for CN ZR 476
- Added: VOICE > CAR for EU PQ 478
- Added: Patching support for RoW ZR 359
- Extended patching support for EU ZR 138
- Increased firmware detection
- Added more debug informations to support dumps
v1.4 Button Remapping
We added a new functionality - Button Remapping!
You can now remap some buttons of your headunit to another function.
Currently the following changes are supported:
- Setup -> App
- Traffic -> App
- Info -> App
- Setup -> Navigation
We're currently supporting the latest firmware of every branch (starting from 03xx firmwares) and it should also be suitable across brands.
On the one hand there is no event ID for "App" so it can't be switched to this function on those firmwares.
On the other hand we don't have some usecases for other changes on those firmwares so far. Feel free to open an issue with suggestions.
We're up to extend the options for what you can change buttons to and also extend support to firmwares we haven't includes so far.
Open up an issue via this template and fill in / attach the necessary files: OPEN ISSUE
Changelog for this release:
- Patching support extended for:
US PQ 447, 468
ZR 133, 138, 366
PQ 135, 351 - Button remapping added for:
Traffic -> App: 369, 478, 480, 516
Setup -> App: 480
Info -> App: 478, 480
Setup -> Navigation: 480
v1.3.3 Bugfix-Release
This release if for fixing the "no closing quote" Error in latest releas version.
Further changes in this release:
- Extended US 241 support
- Extended 240 support
- Extended US 245 support
- Extended 361 support
- Extended 604 support
- Extended 478 support
v1.3.2 Navignore and more
With this release we added the navignore patch to the MST units.
You can now use your build in navigation map in the cluster AND your Carplay/Android Auto Navigation at the same time.
We also extended the support to patching and done some bugfixing.
v1.3.1 Bugfix for USB2HSD compatibility
This is a small bugfix release to the USB2HSD or OTG method because we had an error in the
It's now fixed and should work. Otherwise feel free the report back to us.
v1.3 - Some new stuff
All changes together in one new releaseπ
- CPUSTD support
- USB2HSD installation support
- US PQ 447
- EU ZR 125
- EU PQ 135
Improvements & fixes:
- Readme
- Sysinfo
- Permanent access
- EU ZR 369
- EU PQ/ZR 363
- US PQ 254
- EU ZR 480
v1.2.1 - Disabling CP for 01xx firmware
Because we always getting reports, that the CP patch on FW 01xx isn't working, we decided to disable CP for all 01xx firmwares.
If someone want's to spend some time thinkering around with 01xx to maybe solve this, hit us up in the discussion tab!
You should also be knowing what you're doing and how to restore a unit if you get stuck in emergency!
- US PW 468
- Improved 367
- CP for all 01xx
v1.2 Small Release
We've made a new release with samm small additions and fixes.
- Improved sanity check for CP patch
- Bugfixing to
- Added automatic updating from GEM 4.3 to 4.11
- Some cosmetic and user experience fixes
Firmware related:
- Extended support to 359
- Improved 241, 245, 359, 369, 472
- Added US 247, 357
- Added CN PQ 138
- Added EU PQ 240
- Added EU ZR 462, 468
v1.1.2 Bugfix for 01xx CP
This is a small bugfix release!
- ZR / PQ 131: CP, SWAP, SWDL
- CP for 01xx firmware
Bare in mind that we're not supporting all firmwares from stock. If you get the "unknown filesize" error please do a support dump and attach it as ZIP in the pinned issue :-)