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Enforcement Case Penalty

Matthew Walther edited this page May 16, 2023 · 1 revision

Enforcement Case Penalty


title "Enforcement Case Penalty Workflow"

actor Licensee
actor LAP
actor Enforcement
actor "Payment Gateway" as Gateway


Enforcement -> LAP: Levy Penalty on Case
LAP --> Licensee: Notification of new Penalty on Case

Licensee -> LAP: Request Payment Plan Schedule
LAP --> Enforcement: Notification of New Payment Plan Schedule Request

Enforcement -> LAP: Payment plan response
LAP --> Licensee: Notification of New Payment plan response on Case

Licensee -> LAP: Process payment for Penalty
LAP -> Gateway: Process payment
Gateway -> LAP: Payment status
LAP --> Licensee: Payment processed
LAP --> Licensee: Forward receipt to email
LAP -> LAP: Update payment plan status
LAP -> Enforcement: Notification of Penalty processed
Enforcement -> LAP: Track and Inspect Payment Plan

deactivate LAP
deactivate Enforcement
